What are some good co op custom workshop codes to have fun with friends

what are some good co op custom workshop codes to have fun with friends vs AI, they are new to overwatch and i want to ease them into the game plus have fun shooting at things.

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Some listed here, and a few more if you scroll down.

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thanks thats a good list :grinning:.

Thomas is a laugh fest with friends, for a little while anyway. XD

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Co-op PvE
W2HEX - Elite Protocol
06JT2 - Storm Rising
X3565 - Junkertown Raid
GM6CY - Hero Rescue

PvP (some don’t involve shooting)
1C56A - Colour Dance
48AFF - Base Wars
Z3P7N - Shine Thief
EQZT5 - Giri-Giri Ball
XGOMA - Geodude Brawl (3 players)
EVJY7 - Hot Potato
0DPZQ - Baptiste Jump Rope

I haven’t played some of these in a while, so the codes might not work. I’ve had tons of fun with friends over the past year playing some of these.

You can find more codes at this website: workshop.codes


oooh nice checking out