what are some good co op custom workshop codes to have fun with friends vs AI, they are new to overwatch and i want to ease them into the game plus have fun shooting at things.
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Some listed here, and a few more if you scroll down.
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thanks thats a good list .
Thomas is a laugh fest with friends, for a little while anyway. XD
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Co-op PvE
W2HEX - Elite Protocol
06JT2 - Storm Rising
X3565 - Junkertown Raid
GM6CY - Hero Rescue
PvP (some don’t involve shooting)
1C56A - Colour Dance
48AFF - Base Wars
Z3P7N - Shine Thief
EQZT5 - Giri-Giri Ball
XGOMA - Geodude Brawl (3 players)
EVJY7 - Hot Potato
0DPZQ - Baptiste Jump Rope
I haven’t played some of these in a while, so the codes might not work. I’ve had tons of fun with friends over the past year playing some of these.
You can find more codes at this website: workshop.codes
oooh nice checking out