Call me crazy, but I want slight/hard reworks for everyone except zenyatta. His design is a masterpiece.
Make Moira’s beam deal low damage (Or none) if you’re not aiming accurately.
Buff her damage if you’re accurate.
Keep the resource regen / leech life if you’re aiming on the sides (Same hitbox as right now), it allows her to still do her job as a support and only changes her damage wise.
People complain about her aimbot, problem solved.
People want a higher skill ceiling for her, problem solved.
Also make Bap’s direct hits useful, would be fun to get more healing if you hit them.
There’s no incentive to hit your target instead of hitting the ground for splash damage.
One big fat tank patch
When will they learn she has some of the lowest Dps in the game
But I get competitively gold damage, if not 5 golds on Moira in many games
What rank are you playing in?
Any good dps will take your golds, so will tank. If you keep getting golds its the enemy team not punishing you.
Remove LoS checks from hack
I haven’t played competitive in a while, I peaked 3800 but I average around 32~34k, so I think on support I’m low-mid diamond. I feel in a lot of games I thought I did well on her when it came to damage. But I think that the difference between her and other support is she seems to be more about damage and healing management and maintaining output up as much as possible. I generally play Moira for survivability and attrition. That is, aiding our team to outlast the enemy team in team fights, so I tend to play safe on her, using her escapes and heal orb mostly. I think because I maintain my life and die as little as possible, I’m able to keep my medal rates up with my team mates.
So you just explained why?
Plus trust me she doesn’t do that much damage unless she prioritizes damage orb. The high damage also comes from the fact she has to do it to get more heals so :l
I’d like Baps gun buffed and IF nerfed further
Nerf Armor damage mitigation back to 3 again.
Up the amount of ult charge Mercy gets from damage boost
Make Moira do 50dps on grasp but tighten up the hitbox on her grasp by like 80% (it’d still be the largest hitbox in the game)
Nerf Shields further
Revert Zarya’s damage nerfs
Buff Dva’s DM
Revert almost all hitscan buffs
Decrease Sombras translocator CD
Decrease the amount of ult charge gained across the board again.
Clean up all of Doomfists hitboxes on his abilities. Make punch no longer a stun/interrupt.
Also put QPC in the QP tab, so that its side by side with RQ QP. Much like how OQ is being put in the Competitive tab next month.
I want to see lots of Tank-changes (preferably buffs to everyone except Reinhardt and Zarya) I dont want to see Reinhardt and Zarya nerfed but i want to see the others buffed.
-small buffs:
- Sigma
- Winston
- Dva
- Wrecking Ball
-bigger buffs:
- Roadhog
- Orisa
I also would like to see changes to some DPS.
-small nerfs:
- Mei
- Widowmaker
- Hanzo
- Ashe
-small buffs:
- Soldier 76
- Bastion (just do it already)
I cant really say anything about Supports since i only play that role rarely.
-Other stuff
- Less visual clutter (some fights can become extremely annoying to watch and play with the amount of particle-effects in-game)
- New content (literally anything to fill in the gap between now and Overwatch 2 -> a map, a mini-event)
Oh I’ve made list several times…my most recent one Top 10 Things Game Needs (10k posts!)
Well, it’s a loaded question for me because I’d like to see a lot of things. But the main things for me right now would probably be these.
- Have Winston and Orisa’s shield on a Resource rather than a Cooldown, like Rein and Sigma. When they take 300 damage to their shields, that 300 damage stays, until they put the barrier away and let it recharge. I think the same should happen with Winston and Orisa’s shields as well. Give them both the ability to recall/pickup their shields as well.
- But, I am not done, make Sigma’s shield only block damage AFTER it is placed. This way while he moves the barrier he’s more vulnerable to damage. Right now even with low shield health he’s still scary good, that is the main reason why. You can’t really get around his shield at all.
- Rework Moira starting with her grasp, reduce the size of it by 50% or more, and up her damage to compensate so she’s more of a tracking hero like Symmetra or Zarya. Then give her some utility like a proper Support.
- Rework Mei and Torb into Tanks, rework Symmetra into a Support.
- Make Damage heroes more like Ashe in that they need to be high risk, high reward. Entirely skill based and not cheesy. Nobody likes dealing with Reaper, or dying to random arrows from Hanzo, or being Flashed the FtH to death by McCree. They can make the game more interesting as a spectator by really thinking out how a hero can take skill and be demanding, but also be very rewarding. They did it right with Tracer and Ashe imo, they can do it for the rest.
Experimental reverted
- now actually dies while dying during Ult
- 100 extra armor
- increased to 35%
- removed from tank and sentry config
- only active during transformation frames
- critbox reduced by 10%
- now on a 12 second cooldown (starts when already using the ability)
- 4 second duration
- can be canceled early
- 150 hp replaced with 150 shield health
Primary fire
- Spread increased by 10%
Hack UI
- purple timer skulls no displayed on hacked enemies
- team gets wall hacks on hacked enemies
- cooldown removed
- infinite duration removed
- now added recourse meter with 8 seconds worth of stealth
- replenish ratio 1:1 second
- replenish rate doubled while doing damage to enemies increasing t to 2:1 second
- cloak and decloak delay reduced from 0.7 secondsto 0.5 seconds
- speed boost reverted to 75%
- dynamite cooldown increased by 2 seconds
- now invulnerable to enemy dmg
- max. duration 8 seconds
- deployment duration reduced by 20%
A full rework of symmetra to my specifications that I’ve expressed multiple times.
Also, buffs to recon bastion and a bloom reduction to soldier.
Ashe nerfs, and for the Moira changes to not go live.
Moira damage buffed from 40DPS to 50DPS