What are some changes YOU want to see?

One of the worst things you can do is isolate yourself into an echo chamber and only listen to people that share your already existing opinion. That’s why I ask you guys to share some stuff you want to change and the reason for it, so that we can experience different opinions. Also don’t disregard someone else just because they present a different opinion, but feel free to disagree.

For me the biggest change I would like to see now would be a change to some of the visuals in the game, for example change it so shields instead of having the hexagon patter would be more see-through like Baptistes ult. I feel like it would make the cracks stand out more and in general improve game experience. As for the reason why, I just feel like how shields are now makes things look cluttered.


I can’t say until the experimental goes live & I see how it feels

Moira given back 50 DPS and doesn’t do same amount as a sym turret that can slow people down to help confirm the kill :clown_face:


As someone who don’t play a lot of Moira but play a lot against Moiras I never felt like her right click dmg was the problem, for me the thing I found annoying was low Fades cooldown is. Also I find Orb fine after the resent change to it.

Also as someone who know the character better do you know if the recent experimental nerf also lower how fast she recharges her healing? Is it tied to just hitting m2 or how much dmg she does?

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Revert like the past 10 months of balance (basically go to the release of RoleQ, or shortly thereafter), use hero bans to alternate Sigma/Orisa bans until a solution to Double Barrier can be found, split Ladder and OWL balance, and basically work from there.

Also yeah, reducing visual clutter would be nice.

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I’d like to see not the changes in experimental

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When will they learn moira is a support

Interesting point, would you like to elaborate further? I mainly ask because i feel like many of the changes lately have been good, while just a few felt quite bad.

I think thats what they are doing for ow2

Well, I look at it like this

For Diamond and below, Double Shield was actually one of the most diverse periods in terms of hero picks. If you go back and look at that period, pretty much every tank was viable in these ranks except DVa and Winston (and Winston has never been very viable in mid and low ranks, so nothing new), and every support was viable except Zen and Brigitte (Brigitte as a result of an at-the-time UP rework, and Zen is in the same situation as Winston). DPS diversity was more-or-less the same as it’s always been. It was probably the most balanced period in these ranks since pre-Dive, and that was with fewer heroes.

The issue was that high ranks had another oppressive meta, like they have since Triple Tank w/ Ana and likely would’ve always had were it not for hero bans. It seems to be a great shame that the enjoyment of 95%+ of the playerbase was butchered on account of this playgroup, which largely stemmed from the combination of Sigma + Orisa. So… my thought is, why not just use hero bans (restricted to high ranks as they are now) to address the meta issue without massacring the experience for the vast majority of the playerbase? Especially with queue times being an issue, taking steps to maximize tank/support retention by not making bad changes to their options and pigeon-holing them into a handful of heroes seems like a smart move, but it’s not what we got.

I’m not saying every change over the past 10 months has been bad, but a lot of the “good” changes were ones that could’ve and should’ve happened without all the bad changes… and unfortunately, for me at least but many others, too, the bad changes greatly out-weight the good.

Also splitting OWL balance is, to me, common-sense. Even if you’re a diehard top-down balance advocate, balancing around an environment in which players basically train in and play the game as a full time job, which prioritizes entertainment value over actual balance, and in which team coordination is an at absolute maximum doesn’t make sense. It’s not reflective of ladder play at all, which is why you see things in OWL & other pro leagues that rarely appear even in GM, like when Sombra was actually good during GOATS (she was barely scraping the bottom of the barrel in GM) or like GOATS running Zen (ladder GOATS mostly ran Ana, because… well, unless you have the team coordination to capitalize on Zen, the greater healing and anti-nade were just leagues better). That doesn’t even acknowledge that somewhere around 85% of players rarely, if ever, actually play the meta, so balancing around the epitome of the meta and directly impacting the countless people who don’t play it seems a little ludicrous.

I think an alternative solution would be just splitting Competitive balance from the rest of the game, too. Create an “Unranked” (basically RQQP now) as the sweaty-but-not-hardcore sweaty mode and let the QPC fans have Quickplay, and balance those more for the casual crowds while balancing Comp for top-end :man_shrugging: There are a few ways to handle it, but Blizzard is also highly insistent on a “unified” gaming experience (which is… bullhonkey for a few reasons), which limits them needlessly.


Thanks for the great reply, since I play in masters I might have been biased in my approach of how the lower ranks pickrates differed. And you are totally right about how GM and OWL is very split. I experienced double shield as one of the less diverse periods of the game but the Rein D.va meta of just before hero pools as one of the most diverse.

Still I believe that the game is in a better state now than it was before hero pools, while there are some characters that feel more unbalanced than they did then (Ashe). I feel like game balance as a whole is better now, but your post have certainly given me some things to think about.

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  • Reduce visual clutter
  • Rework Sigma into an off-tank
  • Rework Orisa into a more dynamic main tank. Give her a mix of Sigma’s shield and hers now.
  • Make double off tank more viable through map changes. Fewer choke points and more open space with natural cover.
  • Increase diversity in supports. Deemphisize healing. Move Symm and Sombra to support with reworks to make their value less team dependent.
  • Move Bastion and Mei to tank. Rework them for the role, and make Bastion more fun to play against.
  • Give Moira a more dynamic playstyle. Raise her skill floor and ceiling by letting her get more value, not just more medals.
  • Lower the value of armor packs for Brig and give her more active value. More whip shot, less armor pack. Improve her shield.
  • Crack down on sandbaggers. This has no place in a competitive environment.
  • Priority queue for DPS for people who play all roles.
  • A better DM. Promote things like Widow HS and flankers vs snipers.
  • A better overall game loop. Guilds, social features, leagues, and teams should all be easy to make without ever leaving the game.

That’s all I’ve got.


Yeah, a lot of people just want to say “screw low ranks” or “screw OWL,” but I honestly think that if Blizzard was willing, they could make it work for both :man_shrugging: because balancing for one end of the spectrum invariably screws over the other, and I don’t think anybody should be content with that.


Another big problem is also how unwilling pros are to see the strength in some characters, everyone in lower ranks said Reaper became way to strong with 50% lifesteal but pros said he’d still be “garbage”. Lo and behold he became meta as soon as goats could not be ran. Even very recently hero pools showed how good Torb can be, I feel like people would have never even gave him a chance without having other picks be locked out.


Reintroduce sym 2.0s kit with a nerf to shield gens duration. It’s dumb that a unique option players had was taken away because the devs are incompetent.

Yeah sym 2.0 was good but she wasn’t over centralizing to the game. She shouldn’t have been gutted


We stan. A lot of recent changes seem to have just been big steps backwards

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I want to see them stop buffing dps

buffing dps constantly just mean double shield becomes more and more mandatory


it’ll also push more and more healing creep, so zen will be less and less meta as time goes on.
imo, nerf everything, except for the non-meta heroes.

Unpopular opinion, but I would actually like to slow the game down a bit. Kind of like a MOBA, actually! With bigger maps and more spread-out teams, I feel like there would be more room for strategy, and the nuances in each heroes’ kits could play a greater role.

I don’t know, watching fast-paced matches is cool, but when it gets down to it, it just seems like another Rooty Tooty Wartime Shooty, but with extra colors.


Oh, yes! More diverse supports; all the supports actually are based on healing their teammates. There should be supports that give more shields, armor, damage boost (and damage nerf to enemies)

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