What are QoL changes you would like to be added?

What are some of your QoL changes ideas you would like to be added?

I have a couple of them but one that I think is one of the better ideas I had is an ability to make your own balance changes in custom games.
Now as we all know you can change the damage or the health of heroes in custom games but my idea is more than that
I want the ability to change damage to specific abilities and etc
For example: you want to make genji’s shurikens deal 30 dmg per shuriken without his whole kit getting a dmg buff
(Ofc making it also work for hps like making mercy heal 55 hps for example)

Another thing I would like is the ability to change every aspect of an ability (cast time, recovery time, duration, making it cancelable, etc.)
Examples of this can be
Making mccree’s firerate faster, making dash be faster, making rez cast time lower, tightening zarya’s beam, making brig’s stun duration lower, and basically anything you want

And ofc we can add a lot of other things that are hero specific
Like making a hero faster, tweak thier self regeneration amount, reduce reloads time etc

(Also add the ability to let people play with older versions of an hero just for fun even if it doesn’t come back)

Some of those things can be done in the workshop but some are buggy and making them takes a lot of time and effort for a little change like reducing the dmg of an ability by 5 dmg

So another thing that should be down is making it user friendly like the one we have in the Normal custom games menu
Also it would be nice that instead of percentages it would be the dmg number, the time in second, the range in meters, velocity in m/s and etc
Because adding 2 dmg can be 105.637…% and that’s not ideal

This change will let you test balance changes you thing about with ease
It would let you rebalance heroes like you’d like them to and check if it is too good or a good change
This can make players be more helpful with balance changes for the dev team
Because so many people can give changes that sound good on paper but don’t work in game
Now they will have the ability to test them
And the community will be able to check others balance changes and give their opinion and who know maybe some will be so good that it would save the devs time in testing and coming up with ideas
Not to mention it would be a lot of fun

What do you think about it and what are some of yours QoL changes you’d like to be added to the game?


I would like to get a toggle in the options for Hanzo (off by default) to draw his bow (charge the shot) by holding down right mouse button, and then shoot by clicking left button, similar to how scoping-in works for Widowmaker.


Sounds like a nice change

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Chat config is saved on load. Chat text doesn’t linger on after you leave a game. White general chat is disable-able. Hero portraits display the skin selected to everyone. In group markers in all game modes. Change to color coding. Blindness color changes function as real color choices. Not odd color fades in other sections of the UI. Emotes have no limit, or are tied to voice line limits. Mercy can see respawn timer. Player can see Mercy Res timer.

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  • Animated shorts and comics in-game (I know space is issue on console so maybe just PC)

  • “My Resurrect is on cooldown! X seconds remaining” button

  • Brigitte shield deployment and walking while shielding speeds both increased to match Reins

  • Visual indicator of Inspire’s radius constantly, plus it dims when inspire is no longer active

  • At least 1 “avoid as enemy” slot

  • Rockets persist and keep going after a Pharah dies, instead of disappearing

  • Deserter/leaver timeout penalty for leaving your FIRST quickplay game, you know, like all other modern games. All OW does is slap your wrist with exp% reduction after you leave like 10 games in a row

Fair matchmaking is a good QOL change.


Deflect hitbox no longer has projectiles accidentally bypass it [hitbox is thickened to partially envelope genji from the front]

Wall climb for both shimadas now bypasses odd wall geometry

Genjis hitbox during swift strike travels with him instead of stretching the length of the dash

No more no reg arrows and blade swipes

I kinda wanna see damage numbers. I know how much damage most attacks do, but with characters with fall off and stuff it’d be nice.


Let us cancel out of emotes with movement or literally any weapon/ability press.


UI indicators that show team status similar to spectator mode but minimized so you can see if you are trickling.

The ability to decline a resurrect, the ability to manually cancel resurrect, and the ability to cancel Valkyrie and really all transformation ultimate early so u can continue earning ult charge.

Actual, real slurs being censored in match and team chat.

Is this a thing that happens? Happens with all projectiles? If so I’m getting noticed right now

The ability to use different weapons with different skins. I love certain skins but do NOT love the gun, and would love if you could mix and match.

Could also take it one step further and let us mix and match character “heads” too. So you could make a skin that has, say, Pink Mercy body/outfit with Winged Victory Head and Combat Medic staff.

And then let us save these custom skin combos as presets we can pick in the in-game skin selector :smiley:

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They can filter ‘gg ez’ but not genuine hate speech. Bravo overwatch.


I’d hope they just make messages containing these words not seen entirely. I don’t want them to censor it the way they did with GG EZ where it loads a pre-written message instead, as then people will still know what people were intending to say, y’know.

Some games like Town of Salem just convert curse words into specific “nonsense” words but it’s kind of pointless since everyone knows which word meant what.

I don’t think it’s an issue for ALL projectiles, but it has been an issue since launch for Pharah.

Ive personally had it happen to me thousands of times (not exaggerating) over the past 500 hours Ive put into her. Kills from the grave are nearly impossible, at least with 70ms-75ms ping

The only other thing that it happens to a lot is Mei’s snowball when she’s ulting, if she dies right after its thrown, sometimes, it will just disappear into a void and every one in match is like ???

This would be nice to have.

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I would love to see where our Mei is going to put our wall
I would love to damage indicators. (have an option is setting for on/off).
I would love to see team icons on above the screen. So i know stuff without tabbing.

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All I need is that pls