Was Mercy's Damage Boost Rework Beneficial?

Honestly I think a great QoL change would be to combine both damage boost versions together.

So you can boost after the shot has been fired AND the boost stays after it has been applied to the projectile.

It would open so many more opportunities to push the blue beam.

Perhaps they could just give Mercy more QoL changes in general, like:

  • The damage boost version I suggested above

  • No beam disconnection upon activating valk

  • A 0.25s leech on res cast time (similar to Sombra’s old hack where it you finish if you went out of range/line of sight and it would still finish the cast if there was only like 0.25s left)

  • hybrid GA prefers beam target

  • let Mercy’s beam disconnect during res after the 1.4s it takes when the target is out of line of sight

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