What are Mercy mains thinking?

I realize it is probably pointless, but I’m not ready to give up yet.

Perhaps I did misread the situation. From my point it looked like you were going to ask if fun should dictate balance just to state that’s why she was reverted. I apologize for an incorrect assumption.

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The part where you simplify things and take them out of context for starters.

Depends what we are talking about - if we are talking about cancer, it’s certainly better to have less than what you originally had. Same with any other disease.

Again depends on what we are talking about.

That’s not how it works. You can break down and simplify anything to the bare bones minimum.

Again, what are we talking about? And if we are talking about Mercy why are we not taking into account her full state? You are going through mental loops and walking in circles.

And I pointed that out that this is not the case when we talk about Mercy which I clearly illustrated.

Why? I’m clearly explaining everything to you and refuting your points one by one systematically.

How do we measure this “not having fun” metric? And when do we deem it necessary and when do we deem it obsolete? What is the criteria?

So let’s buff and make Mercy OP again because some people are not having fun playing a not OP character? I fail to see that as a credible position.

Again, how do we measure this? What is the criteria? And what is the solution - to make a character OP again because a certain group no longer finds their hero fun since it’s no longer OP?

By all means, I respect your opinion and you are entitled to it. That doesn’t make it right however. Balance should not come at the expense of fun. I’m not saying fun is not a factor, it is. But it’s not a factor when balance is concerned since fun is not a reliable metric, it’s abstract and subjective.

Based on my own analysis and how the character feels I think that is the case. Based on the data I see, I think that is the case. It is my opinion of course and solely my opinion alone. I don’t claim to speak for anyone else other than myself.

I’m not saying that. But a character shouldn’t be made OP because a certain group demands it - all of the suggestions so far on the forums that I’ve seen make Mercy OP plus mass rez is a bad and unhealthy mechanic.

I don’t think that’s possible. In life, one side always wins. That’s just the reality of it. The current Mercy is the best possible synthesis so far in my opinion.

Everything really, she is not OP, she is not a must-pick. It’s no longer required one of the supports to be Mercy 100% of the time in every situation. She is impactful and she takes more skill to play then pre-valkyrie Mercy. She requires team work and I love the mobility and Valkyrie is just an amazing ultimate. The supports currently feel awesome.

Jeff has to use politically correct language and sugar-coat things. It’s the same reason why he spent 4 minutes talking about how we should not expect a new map. Things have become so politically correct that a dev has to spend 4 minutes making sure that people clearly understand that a new map is not going to be announced, so there’s not a PR nightmare of people talking about where’s the new map and how they are entitled to a new map etc.

Mercy was never F-tier, this a myth. And mass rez had no counter whatsoever, pressing a button wasn’t counter-able. Don’t propagate false myths please.

Sorry but Valkyrie is rocket science compared to pressing a button for instant rewards.

That’s not how resurrect works and I don’t have any issues using it whatsoever.

Ah Titanium’s thread again - stop posting this like some sort of gospel. Mercy requires more skill now than before. Rezzing now requires skill. Pressing a button didn’t. Mercy is fine.

Money has the connotations of being a good thing. That’s why I used it in my example. Can you stop, this is actually frustrating me how you continue to make it about something it’s not.

See I’ve not seen that, but I’m not of the opinion that any suggestion that involves mass resurrect is automatically OP. If that is your view point I can see how you got there though.

Ok… was looking for something a bit more specific, and some of this I don’t agree with, but I think I can work with this.

Ok so… you love the mobility and teamwork. Cool, I like Mercy’s mobility and teamplay too. So… GA stays, flight stays. What’s your opinion on the chain beams though? Like… would you be opposed to them being 50 HPS on the chains and 70-80 HPS on the main beam?

Honestly I will be fine with anything as long as mass rez doesn’t come back. It was the most unhealthy mechanic in the game bar none. The whole game was basically who can find the enemy hiding Mercy first and kill her and then kill the enemy team before she returns from spawn so that she doesn’t rez and literally invalidate the whole team’s efforts with the press of a button.

And this brings me to another myth - people say Mercy was an economy checker but so many of the maps are so small enough to the point that even if you killed Mercy first she had time to come back and rez invalidating everything.

Current Mercy is fine, with the buff incoming she would be even better.

Then why is she getting buffed? This is illogical thinking based off your personal opinion that she is fine.

I don’t think current Mercy is trash and F-tier like some people here clearly think. I can make her work no problem. What’s illogical about that? If the devs want to buff her I will support their decision because their decision is actually based on data and analysis.

I disagree with your points here. He never said mercy was his property, it’s just a metaphor for the situation. Fun is subjective, but it doesn’t mean it has to be taken out of the equation. Sure, it can’t necessarily be balanced, but fun factor is a actual thing. I can agree with the OP that the ultimate on paper has a lot going on, but in reality, it reality doesn’t seem to. You pop the ultimate, fly around healing multiple people (or damage boosting), and rez isn’t buffed by the ultimate anymore but you can maybe get a rez off. Not having a lot of things going on isn’t a bad thing, but the ultimate on paper seems so much better than it does in game. Then again, these things are more opinion based than anything anyways.

Your basis for she is fine is because you say so. It’s illogical cause it lacks clear sense and reasoning.

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I can totally understand that point of view.

Fun fact, not all of us who aren’t happy with Mercy are demanding Mass Resurrect back. Like that mini suggestion I posed to you? That would make her much more palatable for me to play and apparently not make her any worse for you.

That’s the sort of changes I want Blizzard to look into… because it seems like a win win to me.

One could argue that that’s an issue with the 2cp map design, but I get it. It’s a bit easier to change the one healer who really abused that than fix… how many 2cp maps are there?

Mercy was a good hero for exactly 6 seasons: seasons 6-11.

Zenyatta has been a consistently good hero since Season 1, with the exceptions of Season 3 and 4. Lucio was a consistently good hero until Season 7. Moira didn’t exist until Season 7. Brigitte didn’t exist in competitive until Season 10.

The only long-term hero whose time in the sun was actually pretty limited is Ana. But both times Ana has had her time in the sun (Seasons 3 & 4 and now) resulted in her completely outclassing almost every other support. At least in online ladder.

Mercy was trash tier until Season 6. So this is objectively false.

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I’d be grateful to even get some of my money back

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And you are perfectly fine to do so.

It’s a false analogy nonetheless, it doesn’t make it a correct metaphor. You cannot lose something that was never given to you in the first place. And if we go by that analogy and claim it to be true why are we only looking at it from this time-frame? Why are we ignoring the time when she was brokenly OP or when she was rewarding people ridiculous amounts of SR?

So you are okay with having OP characters because of fun. Glad you are not in charge of the balancing then I suppose.

Valkyrie is an incredibly powerful ultimate and is very impactful. I can make Mercy work without any problem.

What’s the basis of your argument then? What exactly lacks clear sense and reasoning? Feel free to point it out.

That makes you a rarity among Mercy mains to be honest.

Oh I know that, after all I myself play Mercy (as much as my opponents will seek to claim that that’s not the case even though my profile is public and they can easily see it).

I’m definitely willing to make a comprise there indeed. I don’t see a reason why not. Unfortunately me and you both know that it’s unlikely that it is to happen. But we’ll see. Me personally - as long as mass rez doesn’t come back I’m game, buff her single healing more or reach some consensus. I will be fine with that.

Valid point absolutely. But like you mention, it’s easier to change the hero than re-design every map.

Mercy was a good hero for 12 seasons out of 12 for the large amount of the OW population, 3 of which she was an absolute must pick and OP the likes of which no other hero has been, before that she had the SR abuse thing as well. She was less popular only in 3 seasons and among the highest competitive tier (1% of 40 mil population), below that she was absolutely a strong pick.

That’s a myth, stop propagating false narratives. Mercy was never trash tier or a troll pick. 1% of the OW population for 3 seasons does not equate a trash pick.

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So basically the taker can just keep getting $10 for no reason and be thanked for giving back the other ten?

No thanks.

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Mercy was considered too weak a support for five straight seasons to the point that even the developers tried continuously to buff her Ultimate so that it wouldn’t be straight up suicide.

On online ladder, Mercy was practically unseen at any tier above Diamond (except for her sudden boost after Ana was nerfed into the ground).

Claiming that a character is “strong” or “good” when they aren’t viable except at tiers of bad players is the false narrative here.


You say shes fine so she must be right? No evidence to your claim. You’d be justified in saying “she feels fine”. You can’t go around asserting things as facts without evidence to back your claims.

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That’s a straight up made up thing mate. I play OW since beta and never had any issues playing Mercy. Hide&Rez and is clearly an observable phenomenon which was happening from day 1.

1% of the playerbase from 40 million people does not make a hero trash or F tier like I said.

So basically anyone below GM is a bad player. :rofl: Man - you just accused 39.999 million people of being bad players.

There’s no evidence to back up anything you say either, it’s just an opinion. Plus your whole analogy is clearly wrong which I’ve already demonstrated.

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It’s rather silly to assume that’s what he meant to say.

“I never had trouble” is not an argument.

You can literally read various patch notes and meta reports that state Mercy was in an unhealthy state because her Rez was suicide.

And no, I won’t do the research for you.

Yes it does. A hero is not good if they are only played with mediocre or bad players.

Yes, by definition we are.

Anyone who can’t deal with that needs to suck it up.

Also “above Diamond” includes both Master and GM.