What an interesting hypothesis: Creator Experimental Card and Creator Cup

I’m actually disappointed, thought they would make a serious Exc.


damage boost is the main reason why people absolutely hate pocketing. of course there should be compensation buffs for mercy, but if you wanna nerf pocketing then nerf her damage boost instead of her healing.

That’s not what that is. At all. If you knew what Mercy was like in high elo play you’d probably get that. This won’t effect most good Mercy players, this affects pocketing.

Need to heal a Tank as Mercy? Not your job, 55hps won’t save them anyway. If you’re out of combat, you can spare the extra time.
Need to heal multiple squishies? Not impacted in any way.
Need to heal 1 person and only 1 person forever? HEAVILY nerfed.

EDIT: So uh, I misinterpreted the patch notes. “While connected” might just mean in general. That’s dogwater.

Something Mercy players of the lower elos have asked for, for a long time.

Here is the problem, Mercy does 3 things: heal, damage boost, and resurrect. As established if you nerf damage boost, buffing healing will not compensate unless you buff it to game breaking levels in which case no one else is having fun. Buffing resurrect has its own set of problems (as we saw with Moth meta) which basically leaves you out of options.

Based on the patch notes, you have to stop healing entirely for 2 seconds to return to 55, not just stop healing the same target.

ofc it affects pocketing, but her healing isn’t the PROBLEM. pocketing is because of damage boost. nerf damage boost, buff her somewhere else.

what if you have mercy zen? mercy lucio? those comps become trashed.

if 37.5 hps affected her healing output to the point people called her trash, what makes you think 40 hps wont do the same?

but we don’t balance around lower ranks, we balance around higher ranks.

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then buff valkyrie. 25-50% guardian angel speed during it? sign me up sounds fun. reduce cast time to .1 seconds? PLEASE! increase hps during valk to 65-70? sure. increase damage boost to 30% in valkyrie? defiantly a good compensation for when it would get nerfed, but don’t leave that as the only buff.

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Good Mercy’s pocket the target they want to damage boost (well loosely as they are still flying around healing the team) but the low ELO support mindset that is affected here is the mindset of “must heal tank; tanks needs more healing; tanks health is full let me find other tank and heal that”.

My favorite part of learning Ball on my alt has been getting to be the center of Supports universe in Plat because it’s a treatment that I am just not used to.

Yeah I… I misread that. Edited my statement.

Yesn’t. Mercy is only picked, period, for Damage Boost and Resurrect.
If you remove Damage Boost entirely, pocketers will still glue themselves to someone because their goal is to keep 1 person (typically a smurf) alive for as long as possible despite the enemy using resources on them.

I’ve played as both the Zenyatta and the Lucio in those compositions, also in Zen Lucio, also in Zen Brig, etc., Those comps are only trashed if your Tanks are dumb and can’t adjust their playstyle or pick the right heroes to work with you. This goes both ways. Don’t pick Zen/Lucio with a Reinhardt who’s feeding.

We actually balance around both, according to Jeff Kaplan. That’s why Reaper was reworked twice, instead of just once. Because his initial rework made him more viable in the high ranks, but unstoppable in the low ranks.

It said it was going live today… yet nothings happened. Is this actually going to be in the game?

fixed! 20 characters right here

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To provide some additional insight…

  • Without being overly pedantic, this ExCard was a result of feedback from both content creators and core players that they’d like to see the ExCard more active, interesting, and fun
  • Content creators did a large portion of the work here. Geoff, Josh, and Co. (Hero Balance and Design) gave some guidance, and provided feedback on the proposed changes, however the bulk of the effort came from Flats, Somjuu, and Violet. This means it had a minimal impact on our development and testing schedule. The majority of this work was able to be handled by non-development team.
  • On a personal level, I’d love it if we were able to do more of these on a more regular schedule. By keeping them fun, thematic, and over-the-top, we avoid content creators who propose changes getting an undue amount of salt
  • If there are content creators you think could bring some pretty cool and creative design ideas to the table, please let us know! We’re measuring how players engage with the ExCard and the effect it has on content creation and consumption, and based on those results we’d like to schedule these events to be consistent and something to look forward to for the broader community.

Greeting everyone,

Just as a quick FYI, I will not be working on my usual Experimental vs Live comparison video that I post on my YouTube channel. The reason being is that I didn’t expect this coming, and with virtually every hero being tweaked it would take days to prepare.

Thanks for your understanding.


I want to shake somjuu and flats’s hand

Is there an ETA on when this Exc will come out?

Lmao better than the real devs

Samito’s card would be interesting.

It officially released @ 11 AM PST today, however we had a bug that necessitated us pulling it down temporarily. I’ll update ASAP when we have more news.


Imagine being a mercy main though and having this complete character gutting be considered “fun” by certain content creators and balance devs.

So fun in fact that if this actually made it live, I would personally uninstall the game. :joy:

That’s my feedback.

But at least I don’t need to login to play this experimental for funsies. I can continue playing new pokemon.


If it’s because of Mercy Valk infinite duration like what happened with Genji in the OWL card, then disabling Mercy until it is fixed would not be a bad idea.