wait, I keep hearing Overbuff isn’t reliable anymore because of private profiles, or did something change I’m missing something? I’d like to be able to check stats again but I’ve been a bit wary with everything I keep seeing.
The Overbuff sample is large enough so their data is pretty reliable. See this thread for a more detailed explanation - On Mercy and data
Mercy has the biggest playerbase. Of course will Mercy be a hot topic on the forums.
Just because she is talked about much doesn’t mean that she should automatically get changes.
It somewhat is.
Other healers are more viable now and Mercy’s average healing is still on par with the average healing of the other main healers.
This was their goal (according to the dev notes in the patch notes) and they somewhat succeeded.
I guess this is fair.
Mercy has a below average winrate and is starting to be looked down again.
I too would like to know if Mercy is being looked at.
True, but I fear a similar situation that has suffered Ana, wait almost a year would be crazy.
Nope. Nothings confirmed.
She’s not a must pick now, Jeff won, us mercy mains lost because way before this nerf went live, everyone kept playing Mercy. The high pick rate was high, so Jeff nerfed Again.
Wait, how do we tell Mercy players largely switched to Moira because of the shift in pick rate when it simply could have been a coincidence to other factors rather than a causation? And Moira players have been recently complaining about nerfs yet usage rate rose and win rate largely remained the same. How do we account for that?
I didn’t realise a hero with a 48% win rate (PC, this week, competitive, all ranks) and a barely existent ‘on fire’ stat is considered ‘a good spot’. Oh wait, no… I assume you mean ‘good spot’ as in other healers are now far more viable to pick despite Mercy’s messy and near throw pick state .
I agree here. I hope they’ve learned from their mistakes.
This particular clause is certainly more of a speculation. Mercy’s pick rate and Moira’s pick rate rose and fell in a complimentary fashion during that time, while Ana’s remained the same. People played less Mercy. People played more Moira. The sum of the two numbers didn’t change much. It’s possible that Mercy healers took a month long break from healing, Moira healers started healing for a couple of month with the same success, and then the Moira’s stopped when the Mercy’s came back. It just seems very unlikely.
Moira’s usage only really rose in low ranks, where it’s once again replacing Mercy.
Mercy isn’t a must-pick anymore so deal with it( try learning the new must pick)
The sad thing is starting in gold ana is picked over mercy, she’s only really used in bronze and silver now
And even there she can’t break into the top 10 even though her simple nature alone should be able to make her a top 5 pick in those ranks in theory.
Ooo that’s good to know. Thank you!
Was Mercy was fun at some point?
When she had an ult that actually had impact and her healing could keep people alive through damage, yes she was.
pressing q holding left click and pressing left shift when an enemy looks at you is fun for some people I suppose
You just described almost every hero in this game, do you need some help carrying all that negative bias?
Here’s a suggestion. Rez should not even exist in a competitive FPS. It should be removed from the game but the Mercy mains would lose their minds.
I’m sorry, the FPS with jetpacks, mechs, aimbots,invisibility, wall-hacks, instakills, and various forms of low and high healing doesn’t have a place for reviving?