What about Mercy?

None of what you described completely reverts high-skill plays with a single button press.

Not prevents or blocks if used correctly…but reverts. Mass Rez was the most no-skill, cheese-ball ability in the game with ridiculously high-payoff. They just need to go the next level and remove Rez completely.

Yeah, every hero except Sym, Genji, Torb, Dva, Roadhog, Zarya, Orisa, Rein, Hammond, Bastion, Doomfist, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mcree, Mei, Pharah, Soldier, Sombra, Ana, Brig, Lucio, Zen

But I mean if you ignore all of those characters then maybe you’re right

I’m sorry but that’s such a garbage argument. Any healing is reverting/undoing damage, you are just complaining because one is used a few seconds after the other. And even then, plenty of FPS games have revival abilities.

And saying Ress is no-skill and “cheesy” when plenty of ults in this game are get-one-or-more-kills-with-a-button/completelly-negate-someone’s-ult-with-a-button, but if Mass-Ress was such a win-button, I really wonder why people in high-elo didn’t use her at all. You really sound like you don’t know what you are talking about…

I’m sorry you must be playing a different game then(or just really underestimate Mercy-play), because every hero in Overwatch is about

Or you are putting a lot of effort to hold that delusion up, for which I say, congrats cuz that must take a lot of willpower…yikes.

Competitive FPS games? FPS games considered to be valid Esports platforms? No, they do not.

It’s part of the flow of the game. You get caught making a mistake, back to spawn you go. It’s the natural flow. Only OW tries to give people a “do over” button in what’s supposed to be an Esport.

A Hero (or thier tool kit) should NOT feel more useful then mechanical skill. Which is exactly what Rez does.

If Blizzard wants this game to be treated like a legit Esport, then skill needs to trump all.

It’s what’s prompted the Pharah changes. They are moving Heros to be more skill-based then tool-kit based. Hopefully they do the same thing with Mercy and Rez. (Tho I doubt it).

You are right. One of us sounds like they don’t know what they are talking about…

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wonder why people in high-elo didn’t use her at all

We can all leave guys. This person has never played Overwatch before lol


B…but they did… that’s why they were called “boosted” for so long.

Please go troll somewhere else.

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