What about Mercy?

And if they do that’s the end of the game for me, and plenty of others I’m sure. Honestly I’m pretty much over it anyways and not just because of Mercy


The support changes were good for Ana, and to a much lesser extent Lucio. Moira didn’t benefit that much. Zen and Brig didn’t either. Lucio would probably have been in the spot he’s now without any change to Mercy at all. He got a nice buff, and saw a nice uptick in his stats. My guess is that Ana/Mercy would have been balanced as well without any changes to Mercy at all (Ana’s buff was huge).

People are so excited about the support roster changes, but it’s not really that much more balanced than before and it’s going to get worse over time. We’ve had similar diversity in the past. For instance, during season 9. Eventually, the meta crystallizes and pick rates become distorted. This is what’s already happening to Ana at higher ranks, and it’s just going to get worse.

There was really no need to dumpster Mercy for this.


What about her? Wait for patch notes, he said there were other character buffs but wont be specified there.

Why do you guys over exaggerate Mercy’s playability and the support balance as poor?

My hope here is that the stats and public pressure are bad enough for them to consider a rework. Up until now they’ve just been chasing sunken costs trying to salvage the old one. Barring that, I hope they just put the healing back at 60, and see if they need to adjust something else (like Valkyrie).

I completely understand your pessimism in this regard. I share it to an extent. But I think it’s best for us to commit ourselves to trying to fix the problem.


I had a feeling that she wasn’t going to be addressed in this Dev update. However, he did say that there were a lot more changes in the patch notes with other heroes. I suppose we will have to wait and see if any of them apply to Mercy.

Either way, it’s business as usual, and I will continue to voice my opinion and offer feedback on her current state until she is addressed properly regardless. :blush:

Keep the fight!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Oh I am sure that there are a few. But for the most part I’ve played enough games to know once someone is banned they just move onto reddit.

It’s been that way for MMORPG and a few other game cultures for ages now. Heck, look to even WoW from blizzard for a perfect example of it.

Mercy is in a terrible spot. The stats show this clear as day. It’s not an exaggeration. In GM, where the average win rate is 54.4 (this is the win rate you need to maintain to stay there) her win rate is 49.9%. That’s throwing level bad. It’s almost 4 times the average distance of a character in gm from 54.4. Her pick rates there have dropped steeply as well. The situation is just as bad in Masters, and is really bad in diamond as well. In plat and gold, she’s still a substandard character.

This is not an exaggeration. It’s a statement of fact. Mercy is currently not viable in most tiers. The higher you go, the worse the problem becomes, until she becomes a throw pick.

Regarding the support balance - it’s doesn’t seem that diverse to me. I don’t see huge improvement for anyone but Ana, and I don’t have much optimism that any latitude in choosing healers will continue onwards. LIke I said, we’ve had similar diversity before and it’s decreased over time.


I mean - they said Symmetra’s rework was fine… :thinking:

I’m saying the rest of the supports are fine. I mean Ana mostly gets the good end of the stick here but whatever. Mercy is an “easy” character who feels really bad/hard to play right now. That’s not okay. The bigger issue is that Mercy doesn’t feel rewarding to play at all, rather than the fact that she is “balanced”. Just look at the win rate stats, Mercy is suffering at every single tier even though she is easy


That’s what they always say, no matter what a disaster they have created. They though Mercy 2.0 was a big success too back when she had like 99.9% pick rate.



They will say it no matter what it seems.

:tea: Then again, if we all had to really publically self-rate our performance. Wouldn’t we all literally say it’s great even if it’s really bad and we know it? :tea:

Them saying it’s a success is as hollow as having a university student give themselves a 4.0 GPA. Most rational university students would give themselves a 4.0 if they could, of course they would.

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Mercy: 48.60% Winrate.
Info: Overbuff

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This as well as Mercy is terrible even in lower ranks, where people says she should be doing well. Mercy is now unfun and underpowered, that is not “successful”. It’s “successful” for Ana/Lucio.


“Statement of fact” lets slow down with that, it’s a superficial analyzation of overbuff statistics. I don’t feel bad for a simple character being played less in higher ranks and a highly popular character, where poor players rose ranks being carried, I don’t find it unlikely they would be dropping to the mr they belong.

I think she would be less successful in lower ranks because they would be bad with positioning. A lot of supports in the bronze category have very different rates from the higher ranks so it’s not maintaining a trend, hell Ana is at 44%. I think Mercy should do well around the middle ranks. Her win rate is 49/50% in plat/diamond while other supports are a little flatter, closer to her rate, which seems to support that a bit.

Well more healers are played so they are reffering to that, however ingoring mercy probably just means it was good to give her up some months ago. I did played her when someone asked, but i will boycott her completely now.

It is your time and you spend the money on this game on your own, however i really hope you will follow my example. Forum posts didn’t helped and maybe a boycott won’t help her as well. If it doesn’t than it’s not worth fighting for her anyway.

Edit: Should mention that I am on the side of “her Kit in her rework was always boring” and not that she is simply too weak now. Never liked it anyway op or not.

first of all we should probably wait to see whats on patch notes first eh?

second…no answer…especially after a YEAR…is an answer…they may not have said anything about her verbally (even though jeff did and it gets ignored for some weird wordplay reason)…but they keep telling you patch after patch after patch with the actual changes…they disagree on state of mercy

i still think her next change will be a buff…but itll be entirely because shes statistically inferior (which even i would argue is the case atm)…it wont be because of any other reason thats been cited on here for months on end

and keep denying it if you want…but they got exactly what they wanted out of the last patch…boosts to all the other healers that have been in her shadow for over a year now

Considering the DPS players are starting to warm up with the demands for nerfs… it’s only a matter of time. No healer is allowed to be fun, viable or even a choice to some people.

“Mah damagez!!!1!!” or “Mah killz!!1!” is pretty much the thought process that got Mercy reworked.

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All right, here is a statement of several incontrovertible facts about Overbuff data for the previous month.

Mercy is dead last in GM in win rates. She’s far below the average win rate (nearly 4 times the distance of the average character). Her pick rate there hovers under 2%. No other support is even close. The nearest, Moira, is almost 2.5% (or 2 average distances) above her. In Masters, she’s also dead last among all characters, and is about 3 average distances from the tier average. No other support comes close. Her pick rate there is currently around 2.8%. No other support comes close. In diamond, dead last again among all characters. Well below the average win rate, no other support, etc. etc. etc.

Even in the platinum data she’s a bad pick (second words character). In gold she’s bad as well, edging out only Ana (who needs aim to function) and then only by a bit. She’s merely underwhelming and mediocre in silver and bronze.

Now, you can do a few things with this data. The first is, you can doubt the accuracy of Overbuff statistics. You would be wrong to do this though.

The second thing you can do, is you can imagine that this is all some sort of coincidence. That the steeply dropping pick rates, and the singularly bad win rates are not really indicative of any issue with the character’s viability. You can claim that whether or not people pick a hero, or whether or not people win with a hero are not good ways of telling whether or not a hero is viable. In this case, I’d be interested in hearing what is a good way of telling.

The third thing you can do is that you can claim that Mercy players are bad and should be dropping ranks. This can be shown to be false. For instance in February Mercy players largely switched to Moira (you can see it from the pick rates), and then switched back March-April. Throughout that time, Mercy and Moira’s win rates were about equal. These players that were supposedly being carried by Mercy were finding the same success with Moira. You can’t claim that one is OP without claiming that the other was.

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