What a "warm" welcome back

Nothing but verbal abuse even when you tell them you’ve been out for a while. Serves me right for attempting to come back.


Play the game to play it, not socialize. Turn off all chat - voice and text and this won’t happen. Unless you have a group to play with this will be the norm.


I’m really looking forward to Season 9 next month.
Since hopefully a lot of the more upsetting parts of the game will be resolved.

And less ambient frustration, should lead to less overall player toxicity.

What a great community this game has. My experience though is that all of the nice people do this, they keep out of vc and don’t type, which really makes me sad because I want to ask to ult combo, but they can’t hear/see me.
Edit: first line was sarcasm but sometimes this community is cool, I’ve met a lot of awesome people in qp and arcade.


Ignore them.

Not sure about you, but I seem to get better after taking breaks like that. Like once I shake the rust off I always seem to awaken new skills once my mind is clear.

Keep in mind OW has been the only game to where I can take a year long break, return completelty, with game 2 just giving me an anxiety attack and mass rage issues. It was bad. I was hyperventilating, something I haven’t experienced since I was a kid in elementary school.

Since then I’ve laid off comp almost completely. I now tell stories of my medical issues with this game while still seeking the basic OW experience that isn’t surrounded by the very mode that caused so much issues in my mental fortitude and health.

Not saying its going to kill ya, but that’s the only way to climb. Through obcession and constant frustration to where it bevomes highly unhealthy and unsatisfying that it defeats the purpose of a video game in the first place.


What happened during that game, by the way? You allude to it quite a bit, but I never really heard the full story. Or anything about it other than your frustration, I suppose. Was it just typical Overwatch toxicity, or did something absurd happen?

I asked what a “good tank” was these days. Got told “they are all good play whatever” then got harassed for being a “poor tank” for the rest of the game.

It’s seriously not worth it. I doubt anyone left in this game are worth the time it would take to shake off the rust for.


So. It was back in OW1.

Right around the drought period when everything came to a standstill.

I had heard about Echo and came running back to reexperience the game as a whole. I believe I stopped right around halfway through Bunker meta, or more commonly known as Double Shields. Right before they added Role Queue to the main modes.

So I redownloaded the game after getting the gameplay bug from watching the Echo Launch trailer which had been out for about a month or so? Either way I took it as a sign since role que was now a thing and I get to experiement with a new hero. So I assumed good times were ahead.

I was maining Winston at the time and jumped in. First match, can’t remember much, but it wasn’t easy. Still had to break out my Winston and sweat hard. I said nothing but had a meh experience. 2nd match came around right after and man…did it suck. I had to carry myself as a literal clean sweeper. Move over Mr. Clean because my Winston came in and swept house by himself.

Maybe I’m exaggerating, but all I remember is we were getting stomp on Lijang badly. I got toxic at my teammates for one reason or another because even after two seperate tank swap changes and playstyles they still couldn’t figure it out. I played brawl, I played shield, and then my main Winston, in dive,…who I knew just wasn’t going to cut it with their comp and high aggressive in a deathball type comp. It was a long shot and once I was already yelling into my mic (FYI I tend to get stronger for some reason when getting angered. Its a weird trait I have in this game. And it reached tipping point.), I got a pick. Then another. Then another.

And it spiraled into Overtime. I was the team ace and I did so ignoring my own healers, leaving my own dps to die. All I saw was rage red and the exact things I wanted to kill. So like an apex spider I leap and hunted each one down tearing apart any in my way.

Once the match ended with victory literally with me holding myself up by just my fingertips. More toxic chat. More insults flung. But the stats and performance shown what had happened.

I tossed myself over a cliff for victory and I was barely hanging on as is. Some enjoy the endless loop of failure again and again and again and again. I found it perplexing and confusing.

I then realized, this is not the same game I fell in love with on its release. I wasn’t playing my Torbjorn for fun nesting on the high ground hammering away at my turret hoping to God I get my Ultimate for a Tier 4 turret turn around.

I had changed. The game had changed. When I snapped back to reality my chest was heaving and I was having issues breathing. I took a literal plastic bag and held it up to my face just to breath.

After 15 minutes, and of couse an AFK leave penalty in the game. I finally came to my senses with such a blood induced headache.

I shut the game off, uninstalled, and went to bed hoping this was all a nightmare. I took another year off, but was disapppinted that even with a year long break I had, this was thee worst reaction I’ve ever had in OW for some reason. All of this was in ranked mode, in just two matches. Since then I rarely touch rank at all. I stopped caring about my rank and just settled for the rank I obtained that died that same day.

Then there went my hopes for coaching, getting top500, and my hope that OW would become a fun game again.


I think people should chill out a bit next patch.

Since they are going to rework AntiNade, Tone Down AntiTank burst damage,

and every class gets a regen passive, so people are going to be less heated about “good tanks” dealing with the other players dying to chip damage.

They might even make Snipers a lot less frustrating.

Outside of high ELO,
There’s going to be a lot less player frustration based on picking “The wrong Tank” or “The wrong Support”.

Oh, wow. That’s actually more relatable than I thought it would be. I have been struggling with something similar myself. I am always just so frustrated when my teammates, from my perspective, refuse to play the game. Passive tanks hiding in our spawn after I get two or three opening picks. Supports not healing me when I ping for it two or three times because our Hog took a stray revolver bullet to the body. DPS who ignore that Mercy who was hovering over my pick for 5 seconds… You know how it goes.

It just seems that in those lobbies, you can never actually play the game. You are just waiting for the loss before you can move on and even the wins are unsatisfying because you just play against those same people anyways. There is no engaging back and forth most of the time. I am not sure if that is why I started becoming such a toxic individual or not. It’s difficult to keep track of, but I have had to make quite the conscious effort in self improvement.

The progress is going moderately well, but I am a bit ashamed that it is taking so much effort to control myself. I should not be raging at a video game like a freaking toddler. :joy:


Good for you.

Whatever people say, you and me. We’re hardcore fans and players. This is our game. We got the skills to show it and prove it.

If someome wants to say something else? Then let’s take it to a map and settle it there.

Since nothing is going to get balanced or changed in a healthy manner. Might as well just duke it out and fight it out. We ain’t got much of a choice.


Seriously why did you come back to OW2…? Go play Fortnite like the rest of us

Theres not a lot of choices for PVP experience these days. Battle royales are just a memefest full of kids, my neices play Fortnite. It’s always the same dumb shooters every year, with Battlefield literally on its deathbed. Then the fighting games I’m into, Tekken and Super Smash Bros, get pricey because console prices have inflated like crazy.

Even then the scene isn’t too big for online fighting. So with the drop from consoles I gave up most other PVP experiences. Got myself PC that can last for like 7 to 10 years max.

I mean all I did on BRs was camp in a spot hoping for some cheeky kills and thats enough to climb decently. It was just boring and so time consuming for the gameplay time it required in my work schedule.

Right now Warhammer40k has caught my eye so much more than any other video games because I don’t have to deal with toxic punks and I can actuallt punch the dude across the table (No I don’t do that but face to face gaming actually instills more sportsmanship than anonymous online gaming period.)

So there’s that. I am a gamer an old one with 29 years in gaming and man. It’s just not the same anymore. It just isn’t.


I’d rather not install or make an account with EGS.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

We shall continue your memory but not coming back ourselves.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, the game is designed to frustrate you intentionally. That’s part of the psychological manipulation that comes with EOMM mechanics.

Just do your best to resist being gaslit into blaming yourself or your teammates. You were all stuffed into that uncomfortable situation by the matchmaker.

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Sorry to read about your negative experience. Sadly, there hasn’t been any fun FPS games in a while that I’ve tried. Last FPS I actually enjoyed playing must have been one of the older COD or BF games prior to Overwatch. Warzone distracted me for a bit but the game design over there is crazy.

Treat the game like it’s single player and your teams are NPCs.

I’ve literally told my team that they’re all NPCs in my world and that they don’t exist outside this game.

It’s a darn shame. It’s impossible to name one big multiplayer game these days that isn’t ruined by a predatory monetization scheme and a rigging system designed around engagement. Games used to be about fun. Now they’re just about money.

Only for people that are toxic due to being frustrated.
It will do absolutely nothing to quell the massive amount of players that are just toxic to be toxic, which is the vast majority of toxic players.

So basically, almost zero effect.

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