What’s the dumbest thing this community has gotten upset about?

complaining to remove echo’s buttcrack

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im so mad at those k-pop mercy stans spamming the twitter page

they’re so cringe too…

Dumbest ever are the “I’m leaving FoReVrrrR¡¡!!¡!¡!” Rage face threads that… less than a week later have the OP commenting on balance issues.

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I dunno. This community freaks the hell out over literally everything.

One honorable mention is when Blizzard said they would take video evidence to support bans. A game of telephone led the community to complain about how “Blizzard would watch your every online interaction and if you said a naughty word on Facebook or Twitter you’d be instantly banned in Overwatch”.


Ah yes, I had forgotten about that one. “1984 Overwatch” was a pretty silly episode on the forum.


When some people literally harassed Brigitte’s VA because they didn’t like how the character she voices changed the meta


See that’s probably the stupidest widespread choice of action when upset about something, and you gotta take things WAYY too seriously to do that, but Brig complaints like when mercy mains complained I thought were at least actually based in something that is worth getting upset about. The people getting upset about the sombra demon hunter skin, I think, were just mad that other people could have a thing.

Oh jeez, lets see…

Sigmas asylum skin being “offensive” is pretty high up there.

Tracers “butt” pose from 2016.

Moiras “auto aim”.

The whole harassing Brigs VA was just idiotic

And, the complaints about the Dragoon skin is getting old really fast.

Theres a lot more, but those are pretty high up there

Mercy rework, ye know that 2 dual Rez one. People said she was unplayable, yet after it hit live she became must pick for while.

Apparently some of the devs do post on the forums. They just don’t do it on their official accounts to avoid unnecessary annoying attention.

Brig, but even then it was DPS hypocrites complaining.

I remember i saw someone made a “i quit” thread and less then four hours later they made another thread complaining about moira. Like at least TRY to keep it going for longer then a day.

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Tracer was facing away from the camera looking over her shoulder in an early victory pose but people thought her butt was sexualized (because it was facing towards the camera) so it was changed. I think in that one she’s sort of facing to the side now.

Every time people get upset that a seasonal event doesn’t include more than skins or arcade modes as if that isn’t how every event ever has been. They’re looking for game-changing content instead of enjoying fun skins and stuff. It’s just silly.

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The Dragoon mercy skin :joy_cat:


Wasn’t there also a thing where they had slipped dirty magazine images of the characters or something? I don’t care about tracer’s butt pose either way, but if someone didccare and thought it was as well intentioned as you’re making it sound, I wouldn’t really fight them on it. Mostly cuz it’s just a pose

The color of Dragoon Mercy.


i still think the dumbest thing was the #deletebrig mainly because they began to harass the VA due to it.

i’m sorry but threating people over a video game character is going way too far

Spamming voice lines.
It was fun, but it really isn’t the end of the world either.

During the DeleteBrig arc some harassed Brig’s VA when she had nothing to do with Brig’s balance.