What’s the dumbest thing this community has gotten upset about?

I was discussing with a friend, because having switched from console to pc, I wanted to see if the demon hunter Sombra skin was available. It was not, but this lead us to the topic of “people were really, really upset about that skin not staying exclusive to blizcon goers.” Which, to me, is the dumbest outrage I’ve seen on these forums. Like, people were mad that a skin that blizzard said would be available to non blizcon goers didn’t stay exclusive. Because other people not having it was real important for some reason.

Anyway what’s your pick?




Mercy rework and the following nerfs. I remember Mercy mains goin off about the endless nerfs as if one nerf means a hero is balanced. Considering they had to make a mega-thread which ended with 100k+ replies I think that was the dumbest/largest thing people have gotten mad about. That and the very recent Ana nerf.


A few more details would be nice. Her being too strong too weak? Her not wearing a giant silly hat? What about Moira?

When they started that dumb #deleteBrigitte


Any time a tank or support gets nerfed and the community seems to think that Blizzard vehemently hates those roles and wants to solely appeal to DPS players.


Well that’s a stupid response. I more mean the thing setting people off was dumb

The mass rez saga was insane.
The community has never been crazier leading up to the Aria Rose forum raid.

It left a mark and damaged the perception of mercy players even still.


SlayerAdam saying Doomfist has a longer range than a Sniper, and other forum Doomfist things


Wait was there a forum raid? I just remember her being a talking point

She made a video talking about spamming the forums with mercy mass rez topics and people did it for I think a day.

Every other couple topics on the forums was already about mercy back then on a normal day.

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certain aspects about #deletebrig, namely the time when a bunch of people harassed her voice actor

“let’s go bully someone who has no involvement with the game’s balance. that’ll show blizzard”

ariarose was a hot mess too


Its what Blizz do tho, and it works too. Power creep complaints are almost completely gone since double shield meta, even though hitscan is buffed af.

@ Handsome: slight Ana nerfs are a peetty lame thing the community complains about.

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#deleteBrigitte and how severe it got i.e. even harassing the voice actress who has nothing to do with balancing the game. I understand hating the character but this…? Complete idiocy.


Ah I didn’t see the video, but I do remember there being a mass amount of mercy posts(also, in fairness, a massive amount of posts about mercy posts)

D.Va and Brig’s cop skins


Oh wow.

Umm my pick is the general outrage at mei as soon as she became meta. Nobody wanted to bother to try and learn her counters and instead threw hissy fits and suggested that Mei was an ultra-powerful demon who could headshot any airborn target and kill any foe without effort.

I even made a thread detailing multiple ways to fight Mei successfully and ways she can be shut down, but the advice was largely ignored, I was flamed for not building (and spoon-feeding?) a team comp to specifically counter Mei, assertions were made that heroes X, Y, and Z were not viable picks because widow or because the opposition could counter-pick (wow imagine counter-picking in Overwatch), and many people objected to my including roadhog on the list of effective heroes and chose to focus on that instead of the spirit of the thread. Players also insisted that Pharah is not effective against Mei because Mei can apparently snipe Pharah with ease.

Edit: Here is the thread in question.


I don’t think people having victim-complexes is helpful, though. Like, even as a support player, people saying Blizzard hates supports is such a joke to me. They really don’t.


Dunno what it is yet but it’ll be someone complaining in this thread in about 6 hours

I feel thinking cops are inherently evil is so small minded and that’s exactly where the controversy stemmed from :roll_eyes: