“Were keeping a close eye on her to make sure she lands in a good place.”

to be fair Sombra is kind of in the dumpster due to adding Brigitte.
Sombra offers a risky hack vs Brigitte mindless stun. Why do a bunch of risky stuff to knock Rein’s shield down when you can just insta-bash it down with no effort every few seconds?

She can hack health packs people no longer need being meta is three supports and even with two support Moira/mercy can pump out healing and Brig is throwing armor everywhere.
Armor that makes Sombra pea shooter gun even weaker. If she gets in too close she will just be stunned and insta-killed before one can teleport away.

She offer an EMP based ULt that is now near worthless being you are already dropping Grab/shatters all over the place like candy anyways, many times with both teams drifting Hanzo utl past the same grav.

she’s kind of old news right now. Meta will have to swing back around for her to be useful… I’m sure it will happen sooner or later. Did anyone really think, say 4 months ago, that winston would not be played, Rein would be back along with Zarya? Nah.


They need to change the way they address Sombra tbh. If they keep making hack stronger of course she’s going to be a monster in pro play while remaining in pretty much the same place in the ladder (unless they make it as ridiculous as it was pre-fix/nerf).

Sombra has a lot more on her kit than can be buffed and maybe it’s time to move some of Hack’s strength over there.

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Sombra will never be as good as other dps heroes sorry but it’s because of her kit, she relies on her team and calls to be the most effective.

She can be a big threat when her team follows everything she does.


Yes, it did. You clearly do not know what you’re on about.

OWL comes first, Player-base second.

Briggte hurt Sombra, but Sombra’s stats were dropping since the start of season 9. Briggte just added salt to the wound.

I would like to know what they think about sombra as well. Unlike mercy her pick rate is tanking.

The problem with her imo is individually you don’t feel like you are impactful yourself you just allow others to be impactful. Well her ability to allow others to be impactful was nerfed so maybe she needs a buff to let her be more impactful herself. Maybe buff her gun damage? It’s still not an advantage in 90% of gun fights.

A perfect example of her feeling useless because if her kit is when grav goes off. Sombra literally has nothing to offer here. What other dps dump massive damage into grav while sombra just tickles people is a perfect illustration. She doesn’t really confirm kills. She can’t make a game changing play by herself in most instances. She needs her team to be competent or she is useless basically.

Now I get designing a hero to be an enabler but as a dps hero she should be able of making more plays on her own. I’m not sure exactly what should be done but maybe a buff to gun damage would be enough. That way her gun is not a liability that has to be masked with hack or you won’t kill anything.


This is more due to Brigitte destroying any flanker than sombra herself though.

Honestly Brigette shouldn’t be an issue for sombra. Sombra doesn’t have to engage her at all unless it’s on her terms.

Sombra is fine. Brigitte is not. They need to hurry up with the Brigitte nerfs as she’s quite overpowered right now.

I don’t believe a Damage Buff is the way to go.

I’m pretty sure they stated way, way back when she was released that they don’t want her to be a backline assassin. That she’s rather suppose to get value out of hacking key targets and providing openings for her team, and that she isn’t the one doing the killing herself per say.

Look, I’m not a Sombra main, or any where close to one. But I think that they are trying to get people more focused on hacking the right people at the right time. They also said that they don’t like buffing character’s weaknesses unless they make the character unplayable, and that they focus on buffing their strengths. So it makes since that they would rather have hack be more powerful, but balanced out by her lack of damage. Because Hack is insanely strong when done right, especially on ability reliant heroes like Doomfist, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Lucio etc. etc.

Now I have no idea on where I would begin buffing Sombra, but I truly think that her damage needs to stay on the lower side to balance out how good her hack is. I’m not well-versed in all of Sombra’s bugs, but I think that would be a better place to start.

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Sombra is fine?!

She’s almost the same pickrate as Bastion, but has the lowest winrate in the game under Ana.

That means that even as a niche character; she cannot do that Niche to any viable sense.

It’s why Torb/ Sym have higher winrates. Even if they’re some of the lowest, they’re picked at what they’re good at doing, so they either win, or are swapped.

Sombra has no moment’s currently where she can fit her niche and succeed at doing that.

Like I’m not a huge fan of a buffed Sombra, but to say she’s fine is totally wrong


Thing is, right now she needs a full rework. The prior buff made it obvious that simple value changes aren’t going to land her in a good place, she’s either overbearing or underpowered. Clearly they really need to make her gameplay more fluid and less annoying to experience in return. i.e small AoE hack with shorter duration and range coupled with higher mobility to create smaller but more meaningful openings.

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I mean just because we don’t hear about when someone coughs at Blizz when they are looking at Sombra stats doesn’t mean they aren’t looking at her.

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They really just need to find some in-between again…

Hack went from being fine, to being too easy to get off, to being too hard to get off

People really ought to stop brining Mercy into the Sombra situation.

Mercy is still balanced. (Balanced =/= fun, let’s not start that now)
Sombra on the other hand is heavily under powered.

I am a firm believer in the idea that fun will come from proper balance.
(And guess who could shut Brig down if she were playable?)

We are in an anti-flanker META and she was always the riskiest flanker. Her ult is now amazing since Brigitte and Rein will lose everything they have but she can’t charge it up because she can’t damage with all the shields. Her whole deal is to damage, teleport out, damage, teleport out and her worst enemy is stun, that’s why many teams try to stop her with Mccree and so Brigitte being in every game will really make her suffer. But before Brigitte, she was in a good place. You couldn’t hold right click for an eventual hack but if you picked an opportune moment, her hack was still deadly. Another thing is she is extremely good if she has follow up from her team which is hard in solo que matchmaking.

but mercy has a great pick ratio . also win ratio .

Mercy mains acting like the victims again lul

Why was she nerfed to begin with? Shes basically WORSE then she was when she launched. I think people over reacted and cried OP far before figuring out counters.