We're back to "avoid sym, trash sym"

Why are you obsessed with my rank now?

Nice of you to embrace your salt. You’re really cute.


You’re the one throwing your rank at the thread. I only just responded saying rank is useless here when it comes to understanding a hero especially the capacity level of Symmetra.

Yes, but who do I main?

I only felt the need to state it because it -is- a competitive rank and right now she has no place in it. You know, I thought it would help you understand my point but it just made you salty for some reason.

Probably some LOL character since you’ve been mentioning that game obsessively. Again, you can just offer constructive criticism in a thread like this but you choose to do nothing at all. Just wasting your own time. Not mine, because I’m having fun with you.

She never had a place in rank on a full scale. She has always been a below average hero, but things just got worst for her in later years. I understand your point fully, but you’re ignoring my experience with her and everything that crushes the hero at the same time. I would not be responding like this if I didn’t understand Symmetra’s kit.

Double barrier hype gave her the shine and took it away instantly similar to Brigitte, but sooner.

Because I can do comparisons between those two games and the community. I can offer any constructive criticism, but in the end you’d rather choose yours than understanding the message. You think you’re having fun with me, but in reality you’re literally have no idea how to respond to me so you resort to the usual antics confused posters says. :man_shrugging:

I actually don’t know how to respond to you because you’re not offering me a valid argument. All you’re saying is “Sym shone and now it’s gone” Ok, we get it. We want her to be playable though, that’s what this whole thread is about. Do you understand it now?

Assuming Blizzard isn’t going to revert the nerfs: what changes would you ask for, OP?

You’re acting like people let alone bothered breaking Mei’s 400 HP wall pillars or Brig’s 500 HP shield.

and ask yourself how many threads including this one were made saying the same exact words? The only ones they listen to were complaints. Anything constructive feedback that were to make the hero good has been thrown in the garbage. This trend continued since 2016 and also in beta. 3.0 was the only rework that got something, but hardly effective and more of mocking those who play her thinking she was “viable”

I can give some thoughts, but you know after dealing with the same treatment for so long. It comes to an understanding that they do as they please regardless if the hero viable or not. They’re only interested in who is playing this game, brought skins and OWL support.

These things add up.

400 hp wall pillars, 900 hp barriers, 1500 redeploying barrier and a 2000 hp barrier are breakable. But when stacked together and over top of each other it becomes problematic to do any damage against it.

So throwing a 5000 hp barrier into the mix which a lot more comps could break with no role restriction, does become an issue when you are restricted to a 222 formula.

Now that’s reduced to 4000 it is possible for the less damage focused comps to break it (if they so choose), walk around it or to out wait it. Which 15 seconds is a long time in Overwatch so I feel they adjusted it to 12 so out waiting the barrier is an option, so you aren’t trying to play around a barrier for too long.

Those two changes I agree with, but I disagree with her turret nerfs.

You’re forgetting the fact that it’s an ultimate that won’t be up most of the match, comparing it to barriers with high uptime.


I’m not forgetting the fact it’s an ultimate.

Ultimates can still be charged quickly even with the global nerf.

So two things
if you think sym is trash and lost because of that why are you playing in comp then?
this is a team based game she is ok rn I work always with my sym to get the most value out of her.
does that mean i ever liked sym no not in a thousand years. i hated even when she “started” to shine because she was op with that beam (thank god that got fixed) so yeah. if the team works with you, you will win unless the enemy team works together actively to counter you.

how was the tp change good? it basically enforces playing sym like as if she wasn’t reworked at all just so people have an easier time tracking tp despite all the ui elemwnts for it and then needing to baby sit sym like the old days too.

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My mans. I don’t think you realize he’s on YOUR side. He agrees that Symmetra nerfs are ridiculous and that she’s NOT in a good place. Somehow yall got into this scuffle.

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Now you know how us Junkrat players feel. Nerfed into the ground, then forgotten.

Yet it’s completely ok for Hanzo to be a better Junkrat and get to be meta.

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I don’t really understand the turret nerf, but I think the ult nerf was to lower all the extra visuals and also it lasted a really long time. Now it lasts for a team fight and that’s fair enough. I dont really know why people would think she’s trashed though, nerfs or not. Like someone’s gotta be dumb to think that. I love having a Sym on my team as long as she does her job and isn’t being super countered, like well any hero.

Because people didn’t care to shoot her turrets so they made Blizzard do it for them.

I feel you man, but this honestly wouldn’t stop me from playing Sym. I do wish for a small buff though.

Sadly Doom is kind of in a bad spot too.
Some even say Sombra is a more viable pick than Sym currently.

If I play sym die 10 times and refuse to switch you’d call that throwing?

If I play sym switch and still die 10 times would you call that throwing?

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Depends on how you die. Do you just run in not using your attacks to and die? Do you just stand there and let them kill you? Do you try to kill people and maybe get one? What if you killed 1 or 2? What if you got one of them to use an ult?

Many in this community have a very broad definition of throwing most of which is “If you’re not playing meta you’re throwing” or “If you’re not doing what I say then you’re throwing”.

People still openly admit on these forums for reporting for hero picks when it clearly states you can not do that. People even say they know that and don’t care.

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Getting ready for that annual rework :heart_eyes::pensive::call_me_hand::sparkles: