Went 8-2 in placements, ranked down 5 divisions!

Wow! What utter crap this matchmaking and fake “reset” was. Don’t believe the lies that this is your chance to start fresh in competitive and earn a better rank.

Last season I finished diamond 3 as DPS.

DPS is the first role I placed this season. I won 8 of my 10 placement matches. And I’m rewarded with… platinum 3! Five whole divisions lower than I finished last season. I played quite well, even managing to pull out a win when we had an inting tank that died 17 times in a match on Rio. Additionally, one of my losses was due to a leaver.

So we can conclude that this S9 “reset” was BS, there’s no way an 80% winrate in placements gets you only plat 3 if this was a true reset.

It’s more of Blizzard spitting in player’s faces, artificially decaying ranks probably to manipulate players to play the ladder more to “earn” back the rank they previously had.


Had the same thing happen. Didn’t play for a few months. Whoops my skill goes out the window and I almost forgot how to hold a mouse.


I last played Monday, apparently I forgot how to play in 3 days.


Well ive been testing something. I haven’t been ranking down but… I decided to rank support. My best most reliably highest ranking role. I play high plat diamond. Now if this was a real reset. @8 wins 1 loss and a grand total of 3 deaths. Im projected silver 2 from s4 starting projection. So yeah no reset? I have yet to place on my high ranking account but im gonna assume it wont be S4 projections.

From what I gather its just a decay. Play some games youll be right back where you were.

If it makes you feel any better I went from a GM Support to a Diamond support I’m doing better than every other support in the lobby and I’m about to be plat bc my teammates are awful :slight_smile: so


You guys know ranks reset right? It’s gonna take time to get back to ranks. Seeing lots of M/GM players in diamond atm

It was explained thoroughly.

Your rank decayed to around mid gold and depending on your performance it would climb from there.

You played well enough to jump from mid gold to mid Plat.

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This! The teams have been AWFUL there is no one I can play and nothing I can do in these games that is going to change the outcome. Which is why I hate when people say “well what could you have done better?” “Ur the only consistent factor” Like literally nothing I do will change the fact the team is a dud playing against a team that is sweating their butts off to win. Last 4 games ive lost and they’ve all been horrible 1 sided stomp where the enemy dps and tank have like 20+ kills and mine have 4+ kills like im failing to see where the balance or fairness in these matches is. Last game enemy had a dps kiriko and widow just chillin in backlines picking ppl off, team complained the entire time but did anyone switch to dive them or contest them? Nope just let them sit there untouched and just pick ppl off. I was plat but now im gold and am clearly on my way out of gold very soon if i keep getting horrible games like this

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It’s a lie. My first game I went 42 and 5 and my “predicted rank” was Gold 2.

If there was truly a performance based component to placements I should have then been tested with a MUCH more highly-ranked match after winning with over an 8:1 KD.


Having an 8:1 KD is meaningless considering the fact that you could have been playing previously bronze players in a match that you were blatantly favored to win.

You could have been spamming main al game with a pocket and got some good kill participation without actually getting too many final blows while simultaneously having terrible accuracy stats.

Just repeating what your K/D ratio was doesn’t tell us much other than you were on the winning team.

You can play like a potato and still have a really good K/D ratio.

Incredibly unlikely given the number of people doing placement matches at the start of the season, I’m sure it found a decently even match.

Even if your wild speculation is true, I won so I should have been given a more challenging placement match, even if that one was “only” against gold players I won that one too, etc.

And you could not just come in here with wild speculation for the sake of arguing with me. You have to be a Redditor. But I’m sure you’re some boosted player who “placed” at the same rank you had before and think you’re good.

This isn’t true, I’ve had a high K:D in games that I lost, like I said I carried a tank who died 17 times pretty sure he was 12 and 17 by the end of it.

And frequently in evenly matched games the DPS on both teams will have around a 2:1 KD ratio.

Finally, the K:D ratios I was putting out in context with my 80% win rate in placement matches indicates that there was no rank reset.

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That is assuming all of the players you were playing against even have a rank.

Lol, I’m simply pointing out that any info you are provided is totally anecdotal and lacking any real information.

It happens all the time where players think they are carrying and overperforming just because they have some stats on a scoreboard. Your K/D is a meaningless stat if you are underperform in ever other metric and your team just steam rolled because the matchup was bad.

Seeing as I am doing my placements predominantly solo, there will be no “boosting”. Lol.

All anecdotal “I’m better than everyone else in my lobbies” speak. If you are better than everyone else in your lobbies, you will climb back up really quickly.

The fact that you got placed lower indicates that their was indeed a reset. The result just isn’t what you wanted.

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Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

Its intended. But if you’re that good, you’ll climb back soon.

Everyone has an MMR in competitive. They HAVE to from playing QP in order to qualify to play comp.

Not bothering reading the rest of your reply, you’re clearly an intellectually dishonest Redditor here to argue and waste my time.

Playing comp is akin to masochism.

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Seems like a gimmicky way to increase “engagement”.

I also don’t believe that higher ranks decayed more, possibly their MMR did but the resulting visible rank was the same if everyone in those higher ranks decayed a similar amount.

Basically this “reset” was a nothingburger, most players seem to have lost rank which they will regain by playing, if they care enough to grind out the ladder.

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MMR and rank are not the same thing and your QP MMR and your ranked MMR are not the same genius.

Btw your “redditor” insult isn’t accomplishing anything. It’s just a cop out because you don’t want to have to respond in a way that makes sense.

Oh and yes, I did very easily place back to where I was last season, solo.

Went 8 and 2 and got platinum 4. Doesn’t seem like a reset to me

They should have reset it at ow2 start

Does not feel like a reset either.
I’m in no way a good player, but last season I ended silver 2 on every role.
Did my placements for S9, :

  • 6/4 in Tank : popped Gold 5
  • 5/5 in DPS : popped Silver 2
  • 7/3 in Support (with 7 wins in a row, and games becoming harder and harder) : Silver 1

Edit : forgot to add that after first healer game, they predicted Silver 3. Stayed like this after the 7 wins in a row.