Went 8-2 in placements, ranked down 5 divisions!

I’ve just played one game on Kiri and won. It’s predicted I’m Bronze 5. It’s rank decay masquerading as a reset. I wish it’d consider my stats or at least how hard we stomped the other team.

That’s not true. I was definitely at the bottom of B5. I kept killing this dumb Echo on Kiri who was feeding all game. I’ve never seen such bad players before.

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was masters 3, but got ranked at diamond 5. it’s alright. just climb back.

Nothing was reset. It was an SR decay same as before.

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I was like 1 rank update away from GM5, while being M1 for like 2 weeks and the season ends, now I am stuck in M5 and ive seen that most top 500 are still low gm. (Today necros and ysnza were GM5 for example). I guess its gonna take some time for it to go back to normal

And every season after that. And they should reset us all to bronze, not gold 3.

If putting us all at bronze will make games hard for bronze players for awhile so will putting us all at gold 3. Just do it correctly. Place us all at bronze and allow us to rank up quickly and then smooth out.

it’s the same crap system from OW2’s launch but rebranded, cause stupid people will fall for it.

they needed to delete their ‘data’ so it could redevelop and change the way it interacts with matchmaking.

but these devs arn’t exactly known for their abilities for a reason.

I was a bronze 5 hard stuck DPS main. Thank to the latest Blizzard reset I got 9-1 in placements and it was easy way from there. I play in GM3 now!