Welp, Guess that means Hero 37 Enters OW2 on April 7

(that’s one month away.)

Updating the list of known info:

  1. (highlight the twitch event on March 22. aka Likely introduction)
  2. It’s a Support
  3. It’s a “Mercy Style Hero” (whatever that means)
  4. And they recently did testing with D. Va about her picking up heroes. (guessing this hero has more D. Va Flight style.) (or maybe the reverse) (Destiny 2 Grapple is currently fun.) :man_shrugging:
  5. Said the hero will be unique…(whatever that means)
  6. Will be released in Season 4. (April 7.)

Now to wait two more weeks for new info, unless a leak happens.

Edit Note: Stealth update: first 2 polar skins - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

Keeping an eye on this

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  1. It’s a “Mercy Style Hero” (whatever that means)

Ok, I’m a bit excited to here that!

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Still up in the air on the direction with that one.

Could be rez, attack boost, flying, tethering, or just a nurse outfit.


for me the best candidate remains a scientist hero, and the only one we know of is… Hamid Faisal, the archaeologist of Petra and mentioned in Ana’s short story.

But I don’t see how it could be related to Antartica. :thinking: I think instead that they will simply be the release of a first PVE + hero mission for another lore that will be explored later (ie, archaeological research).

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Was about to just make a second topic about this.

But yeah:

Just starting to see things line up.

Stealth update: first 2 polar skins (blizzard.com)

And with the map release, we learned that there was another OW group besides Mei’s Team. (Maybe even Black Watch/Talon related.)

This is oozing story.

Ironically real weather wise, we might also see a Blizzard in April…(according to sims) (80 degrees right now, so not so sure.)