"we'll talk about 6v6" does not mean it's coming back

or rather, not as many people in the community think about it. it’s very likely that they’ll simply want to communicate how much they believe that returning to 6v6 can only annoy the work already done in OW: new heroes to reconvert, old problems that will continue to be unsolved, etc.

and I’m sorry to say it… but the point is not that 5v5 is “worse or better than 6v6”… but that between the two there are different problems to be addressed with different approaches.

in my opinion they’ll just bring back 6v6 in arcades, which frankly they should have done since day one of OW2 just as in 2016, by removing the double pick, they still made it possible in arcades. We wouldn’t have arrived at this obsessive nostalgia today in which there are users who even deny that 6v6 had ITS unsolved problems.

( if they had all these resources… why not use them for a story mode of some kind? :neutral_face:)

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I remain hopeful that 6v6 is coming back…but because MS terminated so very many dev resources, I just dont see it happening any time soon


of course not, but aaron keller is the master of saying a lot of words yet say nothing important so he will not give a definitve answer about the topic either, neither yes or no, will say “our metric is bla bla, queue times are blabla, game is on best state, people is happy” and so on

Even with the resources, it’s all the same issues. Stacking tanks lets you create a super comp without counterplay. Large chunk of the casts won’t be playable. Smash gets Byleth 2. Theirs not enough tanks to fill in for the dps/support players, the tanks that are qued are alot of dps players on zarya, hog, sigma, d.va and not on the “main” tanks they combo off of.

So on and so forth. it’s just a mess.

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One super tank isn’t any less annoying than two weaker tanks who can help each other out.

Shooting shields is no less annoying than having to mag dump into the super winston or ball rampaging in the backline

Like none of these problems that people say having 2 tanks back causes are any worse thanleaving it as it is either.





Oh it is, I can actually shoot around the one tank. And still play basically any hero I like.

And god forbid as the tank be able to duel heroes and eliminate heroes with my one kit. And the only forced team synergy is stuff that happens natually like healing the dps taking 1v1 other their, which turn takes focus fire pressure of the tank.

I know you all have OW1 brain rot, but like you are actually now capable of shooting the things around the tank. They will die really fast especially under focus fire. And killing of the DPS and Supports will keep the basic synergies I mentioned above from working.

also like your not shooting barriers, your shooting into layers of barriers DM, CC, and some of the most powerful ults in the game. You weren’t killing squat most the time without an ult combo forcefully breaking up that synergy.

If 5v5 was floundering, there would be a good chance of 6v6 coming back. But since it’s not, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

yeah I don’t think it’s coming back either, even in arcade they’d need to nerf tank skills significantly for it to work

it’s an interesting debate though, 1 very resistant tank or 2 tanky-ish tanks?

Well, I think the issue during 6v6 was that tank skills were too strong, double shield was the epitome of this, shields needed to have less HP but the characters themselves needed to be tankier, more HP, more ways to dodge or mitigate damage as opposed to just overloaded kits

5v5 isn’t terrible by any means but honestly some tank players just go on their own and sadly sometimes they succeed, Overwatch should be a game about cooperation, what’s the point of having a Roadhog flanking all game, giving free ult charge but oop! he kills both supports too and makes it out alive… sure winning conditions are met but like… ew?

I miss the team synergy that 2 tanks brought to the game and it’s not impossible for it to work

I love how everyone talks about it in terms of game design when the move to 5v5 is literally just because of queue times.

The devs have said this so many times. Idk why people still pretend it’s anything other than “We literally don’t have enough tank players to keep queue times low.”


well it is hard for people to understand. Cause of science. Math. Linear algebra, nonlinear algebra, diffQ, algorithms, layers of code in different languages.

The core gaming engine, and the truly complexity of coding for all the diff video cards, and cpus, as a plug and play. it is nuts, but the core reality, is just a mod. just simple setting for what is already in the engine.

All said, the devs have let this game down.

Math is simple. 2 tanks, 2 dps, and 2 supports is balanced.

5v5 is not balanced, nor can it never be. As it stands now, all the heroes are buffed more than ever, with abilities buffed, and everything buffed. DPS has a hard time killing tanks. Supports are now primary DPS. The tank suffers, as they are a sponge for fire.

Math is hard for some. But all can master it if they try. It is simple. Don’t be afraid. try to understand math and coding, as the Devs do not. It is easy. Try.

2+2+2 = 2+2+2
1+2+2=0(some times)+2 +2
that equals 5=4 and a game loss.

In 6v6 that was leveled. Two tanks leveled the game pl;ay, and the games were faster.

The double shield thing was because the Devs left the game with no upkeep. And left the meta broken because of bad game settings… Brig and a few other supports.

If it’s not “we’re replacing 5v5 open queue ( :face_vomiting: btw ) with 6v6” then they’ve missed the mark.

it’s a bit reductive but… yes, that’s a strong point of 5v5.

but do you believe that today I even hear people who DENY that there were problems with queue times? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: anyway, seriously: a 6v6 in the arcade would definitely dampen this extremely non-objective nostalgia in the false memories that are created.

It’s not something that can be decided tomorrow or in a few months. That’s why I think we shouldn’t have any illusions about 6v6.

probably or some other half baked solution. That won’t change anything though. 6v6 needs to be the main mode with the game being blanced around it otherwise it will be just another “no limits” situation where ppl use the mode to stack what is broken.

my man this has been the dominant opinion ever since A-Aron tweeted xeeted that

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Yeah and they’ve been proven to have lied to our faces at least 2 times since OW2 dropped.

Blizzard, as a company even, has lied to players a lot. So no, you’ll have to forgive me if them saying ‘trust me bro, queue times makes this worth it by our data’ isn’t gospel to me and a lot of others.

Meanwhile their magic bullet 5v5 format that’s been a godforsaken nightmare in so many other ways that didn’t exist before has seen queue times creeping right back up. But hey, I’m glad 5v5 saved the game.

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the problem is we’re 2 years into 5v5 and literally nothing they’ve done has improved the game in the slightest since the start of 5v5, it only got worse and worse. It went from support feeling trash to dps feeling trash to tanks feeling trash to now every role kinda feeling trash to play in a lot scenarios. 5v5 is more of a rabbit hole than 6v6 ever was.

and guess what. give everyone the ability to hit their shots more consitently by increasing proj hitboxes and watch your game losing many discouraged, skilled players, while the game gets run over by cheaters that crave for an advantage.

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I take that sentence as “We’ll address exactly why 6v6 is not coming back so we can stop people speculating”.

Reasons for format change are still valid and become even more relevant the more you project the game into the future due to how Tank power/balance/design works.

6v6 coming back in 23rd july beta test Marvels. I will switch to Marvels. 6v6 is much funnier than ugly boring 5v5

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Your post has nothing to do with mine.