"we'll talk about 6v6" does not mean it's coming back

You were always capable of shooting things around the tank. Double shields and Goats wasn’t nearly as wide spread as you guys want us to believe; it took a huge amount of coordination to pull off, so you only encountered it in high ranked games.

The rest of the game was fine, and it was ruined and contorted to appease the minority of players, and that didn’t even work. I don’t see how anyone can feel satisfied with that.

“we’ll talk about it, and we will tell you no” - blizzard

Is bringing 6v6 back even worth it anymore though? Is it that big of a change that it’s gonna bring back the thousands of players who have quit over the past 2 years?

I have slowly gone from playing multiple games a day to 1 game a day and some days I open OW and close it straight away. 6v6 isn’t gonna change that for me. I think it’s too late for this game to be saved.

Eh under hyper specific circumstances like a zarya ult holding a team in place for rien aoe damage, snipers finding heads in open spaces, after an ult opening up the team to basic attacks by killing the tanks or being under EMP, or with use of flankers.

The fact that d.va/zarya had both a frontline tank in winston/rien, meant they could spend time and resources on heroes in the back line pretty frequently. Doubly so in a comp like double barrier that could peel with two different CC tools, fortify, Grasp, one really flexible sigma barrier and a lamp they could thrown into the mix as an out to like a tracer pulse bomb.

Like these days with the right comp you might have to deal with both a bubble and a suzu. But like after that the enemy team has virtually no tools to hold or manage the front or back line. if those tools were not burnt managing the front line by it’s self.

That and their nothing letting you cycle those as frequently as any of the 2-2-2 comps could.

DB yes it was, it was really simple play as a tank duo. And sigma was the primarily ult win condition in a mirror match. And worked effectively in any game mode. Ladder is ladder and people picked whatever in a lot cases. But like DM was the comp that was not only going to give you the best win condition, it was also the comp that would just guaranty you had the tools to shut down basic rien rien/zarya setups, keep snipers off your team, and manage the super buffed goats era heroes like soldier/mei/doom/cassidy.

On the topic of goats, it had two major issues when it came to balance. As it was such a dominant comp in organized teams that were communicating with each other. That it needed coutner balancing around to keep that part of the game from being nothing but that.

At the same time it was really hit or miss on ladder, but because of the balancing around such. We had super buffed doom/soldier/cassidy/mei that just reeked habit in 2-2-2 comps. While tank armor got nerfed, and a lot specific tanks were nerfed into the ground.

So like it wasn’t a great time for either end of the player base. As seemingly it could be managed on either end. Thus the move to Role que.

Nope. if they left the chances of them jumping back from whatever game they pulled their attention is slim to none.

And the casual scene won’t even here the “hype” around it. As news normally doesn’t leave the community outside of word of mouth. Or it being directly advertised in big public spaces.