Well.. Sombra’s dead again 💀

Sombra was very fun to play for a while. She was never OP, just frustrating.

Went from having a decent pickrate to .7% (Overbuff)… and her winrate now is almost 46%, too which is just great. This is what they do:

Buff Hack
Buff Translocator and again
Nerf EMP

Nerf Hack.


Now its incredibly hard to do things like 1v1 a Tracer, since all she needs to do is TICKLE YOU to send your Hack to a 2s CD… the LoS nerfs are so stupid. Hack was the least skillful part of her hard kit (it was still best used strategically) and how it’s nerfed. Is been a while since her nerfs, but SERIOUSLY?

Just buff hack again (too bad for genji mains, they finally have a real counter besides Brigitte) so maybe it has a damage threshold or doesn’t have a 2s CD?

Edit: Winrate is now below 45%, pickrate is EXTREMELY LOW, Blizzard’s very bad Hack LoS idea has plenty of bugs, ranging from sombra being able to hack through shields to hack relocating to someone randomly to not being able to hack for a stupid reason. She’s basically useless in team fights unless she has EMP now, since it takes 3+ attempts to hack someone usually. Come on blizzard…



Her pickrate is even worse than it was before the buff, too. That’s the kicker.

It just bums me out. The people who are glad that seem to think she’s fine are the ones who never play her, and that’s just because they’re happy her hack is clunky.

They need to re-examine her. She could be great if they fixed her hack’s LoS issues and her bugs.


It’s just that they make her focused around hack versus fast EMP, and then THEY NERF HACK? It almost always takes 2-3 times to finally get it off…


I wish they’d let her have ult charge with healthpacks again, just giving her less ult charge from them.


Yeah. It’s not an optimal choice. I would be perfectly happy if they removed the .1 second grace period. Instead, they butcher it by giving it the same mechanics as Roadhog’s hook…which are also very buggy.

But they add this to a channeled ability. That wasn’t supposed to break because of poles, but does anyways. :frowning: It’s super super frustrating.

But the people who hate CC, and the many people who disliked hack are unfortunately the majority on the forums, it seems. So they will happily tell you hack is fine.


DVA is dead, blizz buff her, and winston, their pick rate is too low in comp


i think she’s perfectly fine and better than before, i also think this meta doesn’t favor her at all because of how her gun works, much like tracer and soldier are. She still has utility though. I definitely do think she’s better rn than she was before the buffs/nerfs.

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But even before this current meta, her pickrates and winrates consistently dropped. :confused: Her hack literally breaks for no reason. Her utility lies in one ability that is so bugged, it’s unreliable…


i agree it’s unreliable but it’s also not impossible to get value out of. Also EMP is still extremely powerful, i just think sombra works better in higher elo because of how her utility and ULT work. It requires good game sense and that’s unfortunately not something people in our elo posses (including me). But it is what it is :I

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Well, yeah. You’re not wrong. It’s just that having her main source of utility be buggy is inherently going to make a hero turn trash-tier. I don’t feel like she’s good because of that. If they fixed that, and her bugs, then even with the nerf to hack she would be good still. :confused: It’s just that hack is buggy and that is why it’s frustrating and underwhelming.


Optimal utility from the EMP requires good game sense from your team, most especially. Without follow-up it’s little more than a temporary nuisance.


Well, Sombra was initially released to counter barrierwatch. Given that we’re in barrierwatch right now and she’s not working there, much like she wasn’t working against it in season 3, I guess she needs a rework to her hack?

EMP was never popular with the community for that purpose, so maybe hack could drain barriers like a battery or something from the front.

Also maybe hack should cancel all active abilities.


exactly that’s what i said. And that’s something you don’t really come across in platinum games. It’s usually you emp and your team uses every single ult they have. Or you emp and watch your whole team going to the high ground to take better position while emp’s slowly running out. Also let’s not forget that 50% of my emps are utter crap and i mess up quite often. Which is why i’m in platinum.

it’s almost like brigitte’s insane armor and ultimate negate a majority of the dps cast’s ability to do anything and is overpowered or something


I love Sombra.
She’s my third favourite hero behind Ana and Zarya respectively.
But i just can NOT make Sombra work. If i could change anything in her kit i’d trade some of the effectiveness of EMP and/or Hack and buff her weapon.
Because that’s the one thing i think she still needs in my opinion; a better weapon.
It’s more consistent and all now… But it still has spread, massive damage fall off and a slow reload.

Since they’re not going to increase her DPS, i suggest they at least toy around with her reload speed or damage fall off a little.

What would you like for buffs/shifts in strenght?
You’re one of the few Sombra mains on the forums. I’d love to hear some of your ideas.

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Blizzard balance at its finest. They make something decent then blow it.

Cough doomfistmercyanasombra cough


I like her weapon, since IMO (at close range) it’s consistent. However, anything can change.

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Yeah, her weapon is definitely lackluster and, bleh.

If I could change anything in her kit, I would either focus on a faster reload, or giving her a couple of adjustments such as letting hack cancel reload, letting EMP reload her gun, etc. Little tiny adjustments are fine, IMO. I’d also like her stealth to be looked at, because at the moment it’s bizarre. Having it stopped by 1 bullet when you were mostly using it for mobility sucks lol.

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just make it so EMP can interrupt transformation ults like genji’s and soldier


Oh, i’d love that.
I cancel reload animations as Ana with Bio nades all the time.
Overall, yeah her gun feels unrewarding.

YES… Getting hit by Dva from across the map, and then unstealthing because of it feels so stupid. Same goes for hack. A minor damage treshold would be an awesome QoL buff.

Or at least let her keep the mobility while being visible.
There’s no way she should lose the ability to sprint because someone tickled her from across the map.

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