Well... Scott Mercer just quit

Happy for him, glad the game gets a chance to see new blood, worried about the loss of old knowledge though

You never fully recover from losing the old heads who designed the codebase unless you rewrite it or wait a really long time, I feel

Blizzard has lost a lot lmao I hope it’s for the better


^^^^^^ Yeah I think a lot of us feel the same way


Best wishes for him. Special thanks to him and all of his hard work.

If all those ppl are so good and left, can they gather up and make “better overwatch” somehow? Just a dream, nvm…

Well the fate of the Microsoft/Blizzard merger should be mostly decided in the next 11 days with the US FTC trial.

With that, Overwatch will probably have a much larger budget to work with.


I can only picture a low rank player making this comment

I wish the man well wishes and thanks for all he has done. But I am not sad and a little excited to see what new ideas can happen with this game.

When I come back to it….

After Diablo….

Which maybe awhile….

If you played StarCraft, WarCraft 3, World of WorldCraft, Diablo 2, or Overwatch. You’ve played his work.

He’s responsible for the core system designs for the games. If you ever did Onyxia, Blackwing Lair, Naxxramas raids, or Karazhan, he’s responsible for that too.


I’d like to thank Scott for creating such an amazing game. Wish him the best.


This garbage company needs it’s entire dumpster burnt to the ground. The Blizzard you knew before the merge is gone. Spit on it’s grave.

How dare those unions fight back against wages so low that even first year game dev grads avoid applying to your company, sexual harassment, and union busters!


It’s always funny when I see people post about employees, as if they are at the office and see what people are doing on a day to day basis. I mean I’m sure he contributed a lot to blizzard, and their games, but the way you word stuff is funny.

And he didn’t “quit,” he retired. Why did you not title this…“well…Scott Mercer just retired.” Two very different things.

I don’t really have proof. I just know that he is very insightful whenever he makes videos. For example:

This is where the problem really is. He thinks everything he does is perfectly fine to do. He thinks he doesn’t deserve any consequences for his actions. He probably even RESENTS employees for quitting! His attitude is seriously disgusting and supremely egotistical. There exists no proper quality of words to describe how far up his own behind his head is. This is why people should never be overpaid; they let it get to their heads and everyone else suffers.

Good analogy there Kisseys :+1:

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The dude retired - after 26 years of working in the same company no less - he didn’t “quit”. And of course that sets the tone for the type of people that don’t read anything. Not sure why you wouldn’t post it as he said it, a Tweet isn’t that much text to lose the context of.

I will continue to never understand why the people like you post the trash you post, yet still be here - is there nothing else going on with your lives that you can’t do/play something else? Or are you attracted to “garbage” as you so eloquently put it?


Pretty much every OW1 seniors have left the game both before the luanch of OW2 and right after which says a lot about how disappointed they are too at the direction OW2 were heading. I think it’s about 15 seniors that has left which is quite a lot. The people in the OW2 live streams back when Jeff were still on the team has all left, Geoff Goodman, Michael Chu and now Scott Mercer and probably many more.

Diablo 4 is one of the best games they’ve ever made and Overwatch 2 is in a much better state than it was for the last 2 years of OW1.

You’re a real funny damage controlling shill if you think everything that has happened with this game is somehow acceptable.

Which sinks faster, Blizzard or the Billionaires riding a sub with a PS2 controller? Find out on the next Dragon Ball Z!