Well... Scott Mercer just quit

That sucks…a lot. He was quite literally one of the most important people in the dev team in terms of getting stuff done.



Leadership at ABK is driving people out. They need to be removed, starting with that piece of garbage Bobby Kotick.


how sad, i wish the man the absolute best in life, and i hope he enjoys what he does next after this stage of life.


So long Space Cowboy!

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Scott Mercer retired.

That’s a click bait thread title if we ever saw one.


Something like 10 senior devs have quit since they announced the Return-to-Office mandate a few months back.

And Bobby Kotick is also probably the reason Jeff and Geoff quit.

If Scott is leaving only because he’s just wanting to retire, then that’s fine. But the way I see it, this is a trend at this point.



Retiring entails you quit, and usually if people enjoyed their company, they would say nice things about the company itself.

IMO if someone says “i’m retiring, it was great working with people on games but now I’m focusing on something else”, it kind of leaves the impression that they decided to retire because it came to a point where they thought, “yeah I don’t need to put up with this anymore, bye”.

Oh he’s the reason a lot of people have quit. I’m never forgetting that Variety article where he tried to act like he was a victim. That moronic snake can see the fruition of all of his failures and think people are just being cruel to me and he’s in the right. He’s a very disturbing level of deluded.

He needs to go. He’s an irredeemable failure of a leader.


Well I’m waiting for more certainty on how strong the evidence in the court documents are. But we can probably add Sony’s CIO, Jim Ryan, to that list.

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Hell the part

Now I’m moving on to the new phase of my life where I devote my time and energy to improving my health, both physical and mental.

Doesn’t require a lot of translation.

Working for Blizzard started to be bad for his physical and mental health, and he bailed.

I’ve given similar “I’m out of here” comments for places.


It can, it might not.

Usually I see “I’m retiring” posts for good companies, and people will praise those companies.

I think the absence of any form of praise to the company, mixed with all the sudden resignations (minus this one, since it’s a retirement) to be telling.


Totally. That combined with that comment is pretty telling.


LinkedIn ruined me. I know what “I was happy here but I also need to stop working, I’m tired” posts look like and this one isn’t it :sob:


But how else are we going to know about Barbarian achievements and Horse Armor?

:notes:Another one bites the dust :notes:

But fr when does Aaron leaves?

Ok jokes aside its pretty obvious experienced people dont want to be related with this whole mess of a “sequel” so yeah might be better to abandon ship

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It would be interesting to see a list of OW devs at the start of the game and now…


i don’t think it’s only leadership. big part, but i’m absolutely certain that people are simply allowed to work at blizzard these days.

Dude never spoke up about Tracer not having a barefoot skin. GOOD RIDDANCE!


the end of his post is quite interesting

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I am pretty sure that I am so high on copium that no one can convice me from something else but:

After the complete joke that OW1 management was and all the random things and what I have seen from OW2 management, I am 100% sure that its a good thing to bring new people into the team. I hope he enjoys his retirement and hope that the next one does also a great job.

While others cry, I have no problem with the way OW2 PvP is currently handled. I enjoy it.

He was the only guy who, when he talked in a dev stream, didn’t make it sound like corpospeak and wasn’t talking about a whole different game than I am playing.

That sucks.