Well rip Pharah

Pharah was in a position where she wasn’t meta but was insane if you were good at her. Now Blizzard is “looking at her”. When looking at past events this means she’s either going to be buffed to the point where everyone wants to play her or nerfed to irrelevance.

The other option is that they give her some QoL changes, and I hope that’s the case, but with the past “balance” I’m skeptical.


Here’s some ideas how they could improve Pharah:

𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

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Eh… Pharah hasn’t been very good outside of PharMercy for a while now (unless you’re on PSN, but I’m not convinced that’s not just PharMercy). I’m sure folks will gripe and complain even if she gets a tiny buff, but she honestly needs attention so that she’s independently a strong hero


But at the same time not broken when paired with Mercy


I think the necessary changes to ensure that come on Mercy’s end… which I don’t really advocate for continuing to mess with Mercy, but there’s not really any practical way I can conceive of that changes PharMercy on Pharah’s end without adversely affecting her to a much larger degree

But with the decline in Mercy usage, hopefully that means PharMercy won’t be as much of an issue

I honestly think Dmg Boost beam should be changed entirely or even remove from her, one of the main issues about Mercy is that she lacks mechanical skill compared to all the other healers her gameplay is mostly hold one button.

That makes really hard to balance her without saying the thing about ress, i would make Ress an ult and make it an 2 man ress (instead of 5) and make Valk a CD ability (it would probably need to remove multi beam or make it a separate ability)

Actually we could change Dmg beam for a multy healing beam, The single one would heal more while the Multy one heals less but multiple targets

Considering the response was on my thread literally asking “if Pharah will get her claws back”, I’d say more than likely it’ll be some form of positive change, albeit smaller QOL stuff.

That being said, some of the more active and vocal Pharah mains and OT’s here are actually fairly excited to see what’s coming. And until that happens, I wouldn’t worry.


Playing a lot of Mercy and Pharah, I am excited to see the changes. I find pharah doesn’t work that well outside of pharmercy due to pharah being out of healing range for every healer except mercy.

I would like to see pharah not rely on being proped up by a mercy. I would like her to make just as much impact on her own.

I am also glad just because I do tend to get annoyed having to baby sit pharah as she can be fine one second and close to death the next. It’s very awkward to try healing your whole team when there’s a high chance doing so will easily remove pharah from a fight as she hasn’t got help she’s needs.

I feel for the pharah players that get annoyed when a mercy doesn’t stay close as you can be removed just like that which seems pretty bad to me. I hope pharah is able to function on her own better as well as not be so easily countered that she isn’t really worth running to counter a Brigitte as more enemies counter her better and stop her from countering the Brigitte.

Fair. She’s not good right now unless you’re a hardcore specialist (like Valkia, one of my favorite streamers), and without a mercy you have to play extremely carefully to get enough value out of her.

Nothing says “balance” like a sledgehammer to the kit and if that doesn’t work… REWORK!

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Feelsbad for mercy mains that still don’t get to feel rewarded for playing their hero.

[quote=“DarkCat-11621, post:6, topic:211344, full:true”]
her gameplay is mostly hold one button. [/quote]

How to tell someone has no clue how a character works. That’s like saying ‘‘Reinhardt’s gameplay is mostly hold one button’’.

Also I’m good at breaking quotes.


Pharah is powerful enough still, mediocre pharah > mediocre soldier

Pharah’s better than soldier because soldier is worse in the current meta and gets shut down by most of the characters in the standard comps you see run in the sense that they easily outheal his damage and swarm his team.

you know what, you actually have a good point, i wish soldier was good : (

So do I, I miss season 3 lmao. Less cc back then :disappointed_relieved:


pharah was and still is a strong pick

never been a meta where she is considered a bad pick, pharah basically controls the game when she isn’t countered

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When she’s good. Better than her rank right now, since you can mitigate that damage and combined with D.va almost completely ignore her as you dive her team with a Doomfist, which doesn’t counter her directly, but essentially outkills her. Mercy nerfs (not saying the mercy nerfs weren’t absolutely needed to improve the state of the game) were also an indirect nerf to Pharah.

Plus he’s significantly easier to shoot for half the people that play this game.

pharah is a hero you pick for damage not for picking potential like doomfist

she does damage to everyone, especially tanks forcing them to not be aggressive since they need to be healed constantly, it gives your team a edge in fights unless someone deals with the pharah

even if doomfist manages to kill someone behind, his team most likely lost the frontline fight by then