Well my friend just quit overwatch today .comp is a coinflip at best

You can tell someone is trolling when they say:


Good Riddance.
And if you’re not trolling I wouldn’t want to have your ego in my games anyway.

Edit: Wait its ORISAGOD. f***


It’s OrisaGOD. They threaten to uninstall every other week and must have at least half a dozen accounts.


yeah i realized just a second too late lol

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Have you considered that you playing Orisa nearly all the time is why your DPS “suck”? There’s a reason why Orisa isn’t favored on attack, having an Orisa as your main tank on attack objectively makes it harder for damage player to do their job.


Same here mate. Game’s GREAT when it’s good, and just ‘ugh’ when it’s bad. I find myself coming back constantly because it’s just…pure unadulterated stupid fun.
It’s not for everyone- and definitely not a game to grind on, so alleviate yourselves with breaks and other games. :stuck_out_tongue:

you just pick orisa and not what the team needs. your orisa is good but if you put the same time and effort in to other main tanks as you do orisa you wouldn’t be hardstuck plat.

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calm down…

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With winrate close to 50% its indeed a coinflip lol
You either win or not

You and your friend gotta diversify if you ever want to get out of diamond. Being good at one character doesn’t cut it until you actually get to a place where everyone has to carry their weight.

Sometimes the positive is everyone else found something better to play.

Not all pain is gain.

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What is that even supposed to mean?

Took me longer than usual to find the “I’m only diamond but high end players tell me I should be top500” for an orisagod post.


The matchmaking system is designed to make each game as close as possible, so sure, winning teams will have more than a little luck.

Is your Orisa pick always optimal? Or do you just one-trick Orisa?
That may explain why even a good Orisa will lose in plat and especially in diamond+.
In my experience Orisa is spectacularly bad on offense, as you can’t help DPS or follow up on many opportunities compared to Reinhardt. Orisa is just so slow.

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So many people who don’t know of the ego filled tale of OrisaGod over the last year on the forums.

In fact… I do wonder why he no longer posts on his main :thinking:
If I had to guess it would be that he got forum banned which honestly wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. He had it coming.

And if that is the reason then I do believe he’s currently breaking forum rules


I agree. it’s a coinflip except if you are really below your rank (smurfing) or playing with more than three friends, which is hard to coordinate for some people. Most of the time you feel helpless even when doing well, I hope you have better luck elsewhere but if you ever decide to come back try getting a bigger group or using LFG. The longer wait is worth the usually better quality game imo.

Good, you should all go. Sooner or later I will be among the top 500 players!


ORISAGOD Isn’t one of the people who will stop you from getting it :wink:

comp is not a coin flip. if you are unable to climb then you are trash at the game. FunnyAstro literally has vods of him solo queuing a brand new account to top 500 in one sitting (while one tricking Lucio). you have no excuse at all.

Imagine actually believing this.

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