⬲ Welcome Your Sniper Overlords! ⟴

Good. More teammates to fly to and boost for ult charge. Exceute order 66 my snipers! Muahahaha!

Just stay near a ledge and we’ll have fun :smiling_imp:


Time to play with my widow main friends then >u>
seriously i have like 3 widow main friends why do i attract snipers

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only because you have to counter the builder overlords in 2 months :smiley: our day will come!


Im seeing a lot of double sniper teams working

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just sneak up behind the sniper and kill them, most snipers in Overwatch have Scope fever, and seemingly never descope to get a better world view.

For some reason I imagine you like that when you get assists:


I always enjoy a Mei on the team to slow down/freeze enemies. It makes HSing them with Widowmaker or Hanzo easier.

The only Mei I hate are troll Mei that keep walling your teammates in.

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oh I know lol or i can do what i usually do and shoot them in the head with my primary fire while they focused on my turret

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Maaaaybe. I wont get kills on my own. But you… have so much potential my snipers. You give me the one thing I’ll never get. Revenge!

Have…have I gone too far?

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I normally play Bastion ans if I can sneak up on a sniper and kill them then Scope fever is at pandemic levels amongst the snipers. :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Everytime a Mercy boosts me instead of Soldier, a tear falls… I feel like someone still have faith that I’m not a troll!


Yeah I never understood that logic. Even a sniper getting body shots while boosted is scary. And boosting a sniper means my stupid butt doesn’t have to be in the front lines. Mercys thrive with spread out team comps, you’d think they would be happy seeing a widow.

Well unless you bury yourself on the high ground so I can’t get to you. That’s maddening.

The mask, but less horrifying.

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h*ck I hate snipers :frowning:

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I shudder thinking about attacking hanamura. ehhh

I counter your snipers with Reinhardt and Orisa.

Come and stop us. I dare you.

Uhh no thannks, I think I’m good. After all, a wise man once said:


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Not gonna happen we’re going to get a ridiculous nerf where Hanzo and widow have damage drop off

Winston will never allow this.

Symmetra’s new Ult says hi

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