⬲ Welcome Your Sniper Overlords! ⟴

The sniper meta is likely upon us. Snipers are weak to dive. Dive has been nerfed, (see: D.Va, Tracer, and Genji changes). Possible counters for dive are being introduced and buffed, (see: Brigitte, Reaper, and Mei). Widowmaker has already been dominant in OWL. Now thanks to Hanzo’s rework and more specifically his lunge, he is much more able to survive. With that lunge and his medium range prowess, he can have point presence. Storm Arrows also significantly raise his skill cap and damage / elimination potential. As for the sniper combo, just think of the synergistic effect of Widow getting the benefit of Sonic Arrow and Hanzo getting the benifit of Infra-sight.

If you think main tank shields will keep this from happening, just think of what happens to heroes clustered behind a shield when they get hit with a Graviton Surge and Dragon Strike. Or think about the ability to get picks with an Orisa halting someone from behind a shield followed by a sniper headshot, or both snipers body shotting for that matter. And just as a bonus, Ana is getting a buff.

So I say to you ladies and gentlemen: Bow down, and welcome your sniper overlords! Bwahahahaha!

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Ohhh, maybe they will take Mei’s falloff off her.

Sniper Mei is BEST Mei (she would get a pick rate after that, that is for sure).


Good. More teammates to fly to and boost for ult charge. Exceute order 66 my snipers! Muahahaha!

Just stay near a ledge and we’ll have fun :smiling_imp:


Time to play with my widow main friends then >u>
seriously i have like 3 widow main friends why do i attract snipers

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only because you have to counter the builder overlords in 2 months :smiley: our day will come!


Im seeing a lot of double sniper teams working

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just sneak up behind the sniper and kill them, most snipers in Overwatch have Scope fever, and seemingly never descope to get a better world view.

For some reason I imagine you like that when you get assists:


I always enjoy a Mei on the team to slow down/freeze enemies. It makes HSing them with Widowmaker or Hanzo easier.

The only Mei I hate are troll Mei that keep walling your teammates in.

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oh I know lol or i can do what i usually do and shoot them in the head with my primary fire while they focused on my turret

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Maaaaybe. I wont get kills on my own. But you… have so much potential my snipers. You give me the one thing I’ll never get. Revenge!

Have…have I gone too far?

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I normally play Bastion ans if I can sneak up on a sniper and kill them then Scope fever is at pandemic levels amongst the snipers. :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Everytime a Mercy boosts me instead of Soldier, a tear falls… I feel like someone still have faith that I’m not a troll!


Yeah I never understood that logic. Even a sniper getting body shots while boosted is scary. And boosting a sniper means my stupid butt doesn’t have to be in the front lines. Mercys thrive with spread out team comps, you’d think they would be happy seeing a widow.

Well unless you bury yourself on the high ground so I can’t get to you. That’s maddening.

The mask, but less horrifying.

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h*ck I hate snipers :frowning:

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I shudder thinking about attacking hanamura. ehhh

I counter your snipers with Reinhardt and Orisa.

Come and stop us. I dare you.

Uhh no thannks, I think I’m good. After all, a wise man once said:


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Not gonna happen we’re going to get a ridiculous nerf where Hanzo and widow have damage drop off