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Winston will never allow this.

Symmetra’s new Ult says hi

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Reaper just got a buff and may get more. Not to mention that now both snipers have escapes from Winston.

I’m destroying people with Hanzo’s Storm Bow. Like, literally nine ults in a single round kind of destroying.

And I don’t play Hanzo.

Are people more okay with this than the ricochet arrow? At least then, Hanzo had to actually get the angle right, and it usually only killed one person. At this point, I just aim in the general direction of the payload and spam Storm Bow.

I’ve been very boom or bust this season. And this season I’ve been stuck with even more trolls and throwers than usual so it’s been hard to tell how effective he is.

Hmmm maybe ill pick widowmaker

Blizzard : Hey guys we are giving sym a 5k barrier which is infinite


OP has been spending too much time in Quick Play.

I love shielding snipers so they can at least play safe but thEY KEEP GETTING OUT OF MY SHIELD AND DYING