Welcome to Transformers! The new GreedyWatch Event!

Would you like a tissue to wipe your brown nose, sir?


There’s an entire gray area between “everything is fine” and “trash game, trash devs, wahh monetization”, but most of our community lives fully on the whiny end of the spectrum. Those aren’t reviews. That’s just whining. That’s why nobody takes them seriously, devs included.

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all the effrot went to optimus skin which i have to admit is awsome, is optimus not a stupid “duh skins are characters doing cosplay duh” but still nothing in overwatch is worth to pay $25

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then blizzard won, you paid $50 for virtual trash that have no value, everything that isnt the skin should be free and the skin should be $5 maximum


Players with the Agenda of wanting OW 1 back?

The agenda of wanting to be treated with reapect as customers and not just be seen as walking wallets by blizzard?


I paid 50 dollars for something I enjoy very much for heroes I play very often.

You can hate me all you want.

I can’t hear you over the sound of Megatron Ramattra.


you enjoy virtual clothes that do nothing and you cant even see the 95% of the time? and you proudly spend $50 on it? you are literally the reason why overwatch 2 is bad


I enjoy the skin I see when I am looking at my hero screen, my victory screen, and my highlight intro screen. I enjoy the weapon design, which I do see. I enjoy knowing what I look like to other heroes. I enjoy seeing myself on killcams, in POTGs, and in replays.

I love my name card, it’s pretty slick. I love that one of my favorite games and one of my favorite franchises are now linked. I love that Bastion makes the OG 80’s Transformers ‘transformation’ sound when he goes into turret mode. I love the detail paid to the Optimus Rein skin, the fact that they even added wear in appropriate areas and included his windshield wipers, fuel tank, and myriad other tiny details that show how much love for Optimus Prime went into making that skin. Whoever made that skin is a real Transformers fan and I support their efforts.

Optimus Rein is probably the best skin they’ve ever even released for Reinhardt.

The only thing that disappoints me is that we didn’t get Starscream in one form or another.

I love Ramattra. I love Megatron. I love Megatron Ramattra even more. My highlight intro is SWEET. I love getting in the face of Optimus Rein and knowing that everyone else is seeing Megatron and Optimus duke it out in the middle of Nepal.

It’s my money and I’ll spend it how I want to.

Okay buddy. Keep telling yourself that, whatever you need to do in order to feel better.


your constant shill for this game and yout boot licker attitude will not make you win points with anyone kid


Yes, that’s what I do. I do nothing but talk about how amazing Overwatch is and how much I love it and how Blizzard can do no wrong. I do this every day, all day. There’s no possible way that I bought this bundle not for Blizzard, but because I’m a Transformers fan. That would be just beyond imagination.

I’m 46, bucko.

OG Transformers fan~

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120 games for a title in a 13 day event is insane, wtf are the devs smoking if the patch notes wernt enough to tell you


Wait I didn’t even see this, now I am logging back in screw taking a break. Time to go punch more people.

Is not “review bombing” if these reviews are true. PVE cancelled, OW2 poor quality in events & content; Workshop abandoned; Always failing to fix tanks problem (they still don’t accept that 5v5 must be reverted to 6v6); Main objective is ALWAYS :money_mouth_face:

Current OW2 team don’t even played first game… Like they called hanzo scatter arrow “NEW” abilities in community made arcade mode announcement Video, or like Aaron called the orisa Halt! ability too as NEW ABILITY NEVER SEEN BEFORE…


overwatch was amazing, now is death, overwatch 2 isnt amazing

then go buy transformers toys, this money goes to blizzard, if you keep giving money game will still be bad

better go save money for your retirement instead of founding blizzard yatches


You’re the very definition of what I was talking about. They must taste rotten by now like this games score.


It’s still fun for me more often than not. When that stops being the case, I’ll stop playing it. Like with most games, your mileage may vary.

I have some.

I support the art team that put that much work and love into these skins.

I’m all set there.


Megatron is awful, not having Orisa or Bastion be Galvatron is a Cybertronic War Crime, not having the cartoon laser fire sound effects also a shameful omission.

Fools want to overpay for this stuff let em.

For me their high price never matches my industry standard expectations or old school blizzard expectations.

As an online commenter said to show this wasn’t done by fans but big corp: no “,One shall stand, ons shall fall” voice line.

Like if ya gonna pay for the transformers license why not do that as a Battle Pass theme that fits. The omnic theme would have been way better having transformers attached to that.

My opinion is the crossover stuff is kinda forgettable because repetitive to the point it doesn’t stand out.

Overall better than the Bebop crossover, but still feels random cash grab instead of delivering cool memorable creative content.


No, the agenda of taking any change to their favorite toy as a personal attack on them. See literally any video game, movie, etc for examples. In our case, though, our “fans” understand their toy less than they think they do.

Remember, someone riding the train of things that are cool to hate makes them cool, too, but only if they post about it so everyone knows how cool they are.

Thankfully, smart people know to ignore review bombing nonsense, so Steam reviews mean nothing in this case. I’m glad the rage babies are leaving anyway. They’re not who I want on my team.

Very well said, sir! I agree on each point that you stated.

All the earnable stuff is throwaway garbage… the “challenges” are just “play the game a lot”.

And heaven help me it looks like Illari was thrown through a bunch of pink air conditioners and then had her face spraypainted.

Optimus looks great though. Not spending 25 bucks to get it AND a bunch of other garbage but he looks great.