Hello GGDREAMCPTN and welcome to the forums.
First please understand that you should try to avoid necrobumping old posts, try to pay attention to when the starting posting is made and when the last made reply was given. If it is over 2 weeks old, please avoid making a new reply. However, I do see the logic in you doing it here because you wanted to address that you were new.
I am having a bit of trouble of trying to understand what problems you are having. Based on your description it sounds like you have either severe latency issues or a program outside of Overwatch interfering with the game. First there is no “low-priority queue” in Overwatch. Once you serve any competitive suspensions, you are paired normally like in any other game. Please take time to describe this “page” or dialog that you encountered. If you are having internet latency issues, please take the time to review this support article:
I know you specified that other internet services was working but it is still important to work through those troubleshooting steps. If it is a different problem you are encountering, please start a new post in the technical support forum and clearly describe the problem in detail.
As a friendly reminder, all crashes and disconnections does count as leaving the game and will be penalized appropriately. Please avoid Competitive game modes until you can thoroughly troubleshoot and resolve any problems, and test by playing several matches of quick play or an arcade game mode to see if the problem has been resolved. Again if you need detailed help with technical issues, support is available in the technical support forum.
Thanks, and enjoy your time here on the forums.