Welcome to Season 16 of Competitive Play

We all want a competitive re work :frowning: it would be so much better if it was a individual performance SR instead of just winning or loosing … but blizzard doesn’t listen to their players .


Why do I get a 10 minute suspension when I got disconnected from the game mid match through no fault of my own? Happened literally 1 time and I get a 10 minute suspension and there appears no way to dispute the idiocy.


No mmr/sr reset, people placed within 100± where they left off last season, the grind begins, the smurfing begins, the de-ranking begins.
Good luck people. Better get good as they say.


I start my road to grandmaster today.


My goal is to play way more tracer and widowmaker and see where i end up. I love playing those characters but never played them because of toxic teammates… no more! if i drop i drop, but i will get better!


Hoping to get to Plat this season! Keep improving at Pharah, Moira and Orisa and learn a new hero on the side. Winston, Ashe or Genji!

Check out my latest video: TOP 5 HEROES to play in SEASON 16! And let me know if you agree with the stats :wink:

Nice! Wish you the best of luck!

I’ve started mine in January from Bronze and it’s going pretty well :slight_smile: I’m mid Gold now.

Check out my Youtube Channel if you want some support!

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hahaha 3 placements already and have had 8 new accounts playing, season has started great.

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So the only thing new affects an extremely small minority.

And everything else is the same comp mode?

Hard pass.


You realize the 1% of players are still players though, right? Players who have to deal with problems that need fixing, and also make up part of the playerbase like anyone else. Why don’t we forget bronze players at the same time? Who cares about smurfs? They’re only really affecting the extremely small minority of trashcans that play this game, why should I care?


Aye man, I saw your vid, and while i dont agree with everything you say, i just wanted to say the vid was really good. I notice you play Pharah and wanna learn Ashe, i think i can help you with those. If you’re interested in improving, i can coach you (Nickdarick#7021 is my discord). Got to 4500 on Console using Pharah, and on PC my main is now GM. Also one tricked Ashe to 3700.

If not, it’s fine man. Keep up the good videos

Trying to get a DPS ONLY account to GM, peaked at 3850 last season, i think i could get GM this season.

Also wanna get my main to T500, i think this season it SHOULD be easier due to the lack of 3-6 stacks in GM games now (very happy w that change). I think with my improved flexibility, i could get T500 if i play enough games

What truly determines what get you placed in? It can’t be skill because I do good in every single placement match I do. I get gold for damage and eliminations as DPS. As healer I get gold healing. It’s not wins because I’ve lost 8 matches and got placed in the same tier. I honestly think it is based on complete and utter luck. I want to know what it is truly based on. Until then it will be based in luck for me. Anyone know what it’s based on?

The change for 4000> is massive.

Changes to the competitive system rarely happen.

And when they do happen, they tend to be focused on improving the experience of GM and top 500 players.

I could literally write a thesis on how completely terrible the SR system is. It’s a poor test of skill, and is not enjoyable from a gameplay perspective to huge portion of the player population.

There’s a reason comp numbers are low compared to other modes. There’s a reason comp numbers continue to drop.

Comp needs sweeping changes, but it seems all we get are tweaks that won’t even impact the vast majority of players.

It’s funny you bring up bronze players. Please, tell me one comp change that’s even attempted to help them and their gameplay experience.

I, like many other players, will continue to boycott OW comp. OW quite simply has one of the worst competitive experiences I’ve ever played.

And I say this as a competitive minded player who has played multiple other games at a tournament level.


Season 15 i improved a lot and climbed from 1600 to 2070 :smiley: For season 16, i hope to reach 2400 maybe platinum! :slight_smile: Still need to work a lot on my aim with ashe and my positionning, maybe i’ll try more hero in competitive.

Good luck to everyone :muscle:

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I want to start off by saying I appreciate all the work you do for this community, and I’m sorry to hear you had so many losses.

My advice to you (as a 3150 Diamond player) is that you will have more success in ranks with Personal Performance (which is Plat and below) if you stick to a solid role.

If you lose while flexing onto a hero you don’t have good stats with (because you’re flexing), you actually gain less SR and lose more.

If your stats are good on certain heroes, you will lose less SR and gain more (per win and loss).

I’m sure you already knew that, judging by you’re attitude on the forums- I figure you just like helping others so you’ve Flex, but it IS bad for your climb.

I climbed from 2100 to 3150 by focusing on my own play, and how I can use it to enable others (I play Main Tank).

You can make it, grinding is slow but it pays off.

I plan to get myself from Diamond to Masters, I would prefer GM- but I’ll focus on that over the 2 months of summer I have.

Gotta climb before I can beat the Titans.

Thanks for the kind comments. I primarily stick to playing the damage role, often to the jargon on my teammates. I only flex if two other players beat me to the damage role at the intitial hero selection screen which does not happen often (psst Blizzard please launch role queue!).

Overall reflecting on the night. It was just a really unlucky night, and I don’t feel too bad about it.


Another season of high rank players deranking and overwatch supporting them.
Last season I played vs a top 52 player that had dropped down to 1300 rating just to stomp kids. I was told by support that this is fine and it is not toxic. It’s a guarantee loss going against a player like this but this is what overwatch stands behind. They don’t care if you have a good time as long as you don’t flame your own team they won’t ban anyone.

