Big SURPRISE in the Top 5 Heroes for SEASON 16!

Hey guys,

I’ve looked up Overbuff stats in details and there’s a few surprises in the top 5 heroes… and I think we could say there’s also an unexpected guest in the Best Heroes for this Season!!!

Top 5 Heroes for Season 16 in ranks:
#1: Orisa
#2: Zenyatta
#3: Ashe
#4: Wrecking Ball
#5: Reinhardt

Will you play or learn any of these heroes this year? Which heroes will shine this season? What do you guys think?


Hasen’t it been, like, a day? Should we perhaps give it a tad more time?


i can already play orisa zen and ashe, won’t play rein again, just tank my sr every time i do

and maybe i learn hammond, he’s fun

my top5 are probably zen hanzo winston ashe and soldier or widow, in that order

No need for such analysis when a season starts now, since there’s no downtime between different seasons the most appropriate heroes still are gonna the same from 2-3 weeks ago when the reap and junk buffs came live.

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I agree with your point. This guide is mainly for players that don’t play that much and always come back at the beginning of a season to do their placement matches and see where they at, etc. People might not follow patches news in details and it was a good opportunity to have a look at the meta right now. Knowing that it’s actually also not a bad time since it’s been almost a month since the last changes! So we can see the results in the stats more accurately.

Season 5, 6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Zenyatta has been meta, it is a joke.

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yeah I’ve no idea why that’s been allowed to be a thing

why not just rename him ZenMETA at this point

Isn’t kind of the same thing with Rein,, Zarya too? I started playing season 12 so I’m not sure…

Rein and Zarya were not meta during dive, or anyway not in the strongest meta team. I’m sure they were used in anti-dive comps.