Welcome to Paris

The DPS maybe but for shure not theee tanks ir supports though.

They ain’t, it happens in EU all the time. Rarely start a game as defence on Paris without at least 3-4 leavers before it stabilises

Oh, yeah, maybe it IS a region of platform thing. Psn players are usually more casual, so maybe they just ain’t care. Lul.

It’s weird I used to hate point A and not mind point B. Now I don’t mind point A but I hate point B.


Why do so many pc players rage quit Paris?

We Xbox master race players embrace the challenge of one of the better maps in this game!

I don’t know 100% that this is true, but supposedly one of the reasons they removed it from comp was because people were even leaving it in comp and taking the SR hit. That just ruined so many games that I guess they had to do it, but with QP they don’t care as much I guess since it can be backfilled.

Here: People Leaving Paris XD

Yeah, I actually DID see that back in the day, especially with HLC. People would even do it on behalf of others. Someone would say they are out of leaves and ask if someone else would take the hit, and they would be like, “say no more, fam.”

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Nah, I still leave. Ill wait for another map.

Paris is fine.
They finally need to start to punish leavers…

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so that means its not true, right?

Trust me, its true

They wont care, they will do whatever it takes to leave that map

I dont think 11 ppl have left in my games but definetely 4-5 at the start of every Paris game

I doubt that people leave Paris if it means to get suspended for an hour.

you would be surprised

Once I loaded into the map:
Leaver, Backfill, left, Backfill, left, Backfill, left, Backfill

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Hol up there buddy…

Skip to 0:53

It’s not like you couldn’t improve Paris. No map is perfect and I would definitely not be against adding a Mega Health Pack, a high ground for attackers or a new flank route to Point A (even though I don’t think that it would be needed if people stopped fooling around in the choke, because they are scared of committing to the fight).

But the complaints about Point B are a bunch of bogus imo.
All you need is 1 hero who can scout (Hanzo, Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Soldier, Echo, Winston, D.Va, Ball, Moira and Lucio work fine) and you won’t have any problem at all to know where the enemy is attacking.

i haven’t had the whole lobby leave, but there has been times where there’s 2-4 people left after the lobby being full. so the whole lobby leaving doesn’t surprise me.

Due to the low Au population I’ve seen paris cancel games in mystery heroes a few times because people just leave and there aren’t enough people to replace them.

Paris should not be anywhere but custom games.

I sympathize with the devs, hard work was poured into that, and the community - myself included - wants more content constantly and Paris embodies the downside of “more”, proving it’s not always better.

However here we are, the thing is removed from comp, just blow it to hell and let us be done with it, we can make fun of it in the next Dev Update, say Null Sector took it and OW has naught the strength to fight back for it, you know? No need to take yourself too seriously.

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On arcade it’s even worse Sometimes 12-16 leave.

I always stay :neutral_face:.

If I ever visit France I’ll get PTSD because of this map