đź‘ş WEEKLY reminder to fix disappearing projectiles

2 years in and I still have to beg for this fix. It has happened thousands of times to me as Pharah, I watch it every time in death cam. Just now in a match I was diving a widow, and she was down to like 30 hp it looked like and I shot a rocket to end her but I got sniped and watched the rocket disappear literally mid-flight into another dimension, like I stared at the smoke trail go halfway to her then suddenly cut off.

THIS IS SO INFURIATING. Kills from the grave are impossible


Never had this happen to me
You have a video to prove it or something?

A lot of the time its due to latency. Even if you have .16 ms latency that is still a discrepancy between what is happening client side versus server side. Blizzard can’t make the game predict information that it never received.

Latency also isn’t static for most people. You’ll have spikes that are so short that you won’t even notice most of the time. I’ll randomly have a spike while playing Tracer and blink out of the way of a Rein charge. On my side I successfully blinked. But the game will yoink me back place being pinned by Rein.

Projectile heroes will always have issues like that because your home-network isn’t perfect and the company you get your Internet from isn’t perfect. There will always be moments of packet loss.

I don’t buy it, it was a distinctive thing in the old Halo multiplayer games like 3 and Reach to get kill from the grave medal, like you shoot a rocket then get sniped but it kills them 3 sec later as you’re watching from the grave

I think Blizz is too stubborn to rewrite the code for favor the shooter bs

You can do that in Overwatch, too, as long as you fired the projectile before you died on the server.

If the server has to resolve your shot in a way that makes it look like your corpse puked out a rocket on everyone else’s screen, it’s not going to happen.

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That’s actually intentional, as stupid as that sounds.

Your projectile will disappear if you die before it collides with another object or person.

It’s really obvious and bad on Pharah because you could’ve shot the missile half a second before you died and it will still disappear. Really dumb mechanics if you ask me.

The reason this seems to not happen to Junkrat is because his grenades bounce, so if it bounced once already itll continue to exist.

First of all, post death kills happen all the time. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to trade with a Hanzo as Lucio. Two projectile heroes shooting at each other at range and both die. Just one a moment after the other.

However, the information demand of console Halo games and PC Overwatch is different by quite a bit. Meanwhile your local ISP hasn’t really upgraded their hardware all that much. Also due to an oligopoly they don’t have real competitors forcing them to upgrade to the constant increasing demand of the internet.

If you’re experiencing packet loss often (which vanishing projectiles would be a packet loss issue) then it is likely one of the following issues:

  • Something wrong on your ISP side.
  • Something wrong with your Modem/Router
  • Something wrong with your network card
  • Too many other applications/users on your network
  • Faulty cables
  • Something wrong with Blizzard’s Servers

Since tons of players are not experiencing your issue then it is safe to assume it probably isn’t something on Blizzard’s servers unless you have proof that absolutely nothing could be wrong with anything on your side or your Internet Service Providers side (Including them providing service to too many people in one area destabilizing connections during high traffic times of day).

Just going to stop there because I think you get the point. It’s been complained about since literally launch. It’s the first multiplayer game I’ve come across that has this issue, it’s baffling they haven’t addressed it yet

Congrats, you now understand what anecdotal evidence is.

But because people are also NOT having the issue, that means those experiencing it are likely experiencing an issue with something unrelated to Overwatch. If everyone was having the issue, then you’d have a case.

But because it is only happening to some people and not everyone equally then the issue is very likely out of the Blizzard’s hands and is a local issue (Hardware, ISP, etc.).

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For a person like me who primarily plays projectiles, this issue is a huge pain in the neck.

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Thank you!

As someone who offered technical support for a decade I was so tired of hearing “But I have friends having the same issue!”

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Try playing as Junkrat and watching your frags pass right through ehemeies and disappear even when you don’t get eliminated.

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Not to dredge up an old topic but this GDC explains to the how and why this is happening: Overwatch Gameplay Architecture and Netcode - YouTube

Basically your client mispredicted and due to packet loss or latency or whatever when the server (source of truth) sent back the global state then something happened to prevent that action from happening. Very interesting talk.

I thought Taiga was back… :palm_tree::crying_cat_face:


Me too bro me too.
Remember taiga



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