Weekly challenges reset... AGAIN!

this is the second time that the weekly challenges have been reset, COMPLETELY erasing my progression in all of them.

the first time it happened 24 hours after the season started, and i thought it would happen only for that case because there were other bugs in the BP. but now it happened again.

fortunately (and ONLY because I had a lot of free time) I completed them, but I absolutely do not accept that the ones in progress are completely erased. especially the hero progression, which is increasingly difficult to obtain. :triumph: please fix this bug immediately, itā€™s annoying and I donā€™t want to have to complete them all every day every time or completely waste the challenge on hero progression.


Yeah, I had the exact same problem. All but one of mine were marked completed and I hadnā€™t played in like 2 weeks.


I imagine itā€™s because of the new changes they made to Weekly Challenges, they said this in the patch notesā€¦


  • When the Weekly Reset occurs on Tuesdays, incomplete Weekly Challenges gain an additional copy of that challenge. When a Weekly Challenge is completed, if that challenge has copies remaining, the Challenge will refresh and can be completed again.


no, it has nothing to do with it: they already restored my weekly challenges 24 hours after the start of the season without me having completed even one. and I remember perfectly that when I completed my challenges the count continued to advanceā€¦ but now it has suddenly returned to ā€œ0ā€ on everything.

itā€™s clearly a bug.

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Iā€™m having an issue where my weekly challenges reset to 0 after the daily refreshes.


I completed several of the challenges after the weekly reset but before the season reset and now I canā€™t get the 20k exp from the weekly challenges because they changed the system. My friend, who had the same issue that I did, had his reset but did not lose the exp progress on his battlepass. It allowed him to finish the new weekly challenges.


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It really does need to be fixed and the wins (and more importantly, the hero levels earned) which have been lost should be credited back to our weeklies. I know some people are profiting by finishing weeklies more than once, but I donā€™t have the time to complete a whole weekā€™s worth of progression in a day. Iā€™ve reached 27 completed games on the Celebrating all Heroes event, and have 0 of 30 on the weekly. It feels like a waste of time.


Just logged in to do my dailies, surprised to see my weeklies hadnā€™t reset and I still had the 2 from my earlier win.
Finished a game and knocked off two dailies. Logged out to do some work. Came back 10 minutes later. New set of dailies, no completions. Back to 0/30 wins.
It hasnā€™t been midnight USA time. Thereā€™s been no patches downloaded that I can see. I can find no sensible reason why my progress was reset.
I am glad I delayed my decision to buy the season pass this time, thereā€™s no point in giving you any money if you arenā€™t going to honour the games I play.

UPDATE: had another idea and tried an uninstall/reinstall to see if that triggered the reset but no, that wasnā€™t the cause either.

Thereā€™s probably a system error that isnā€™t related to how gamers log inā€¦ but I suspect it happens when developers quietly introduce a hotfix.

I noticed for example that my first reset occurred when they temporarily disabled moira in creators mode (bugs on its operation) and the voice lines in the battle pass. the second time it happened to me they had already fixed further previous bugs.

My hypothesis is that the bug-fix update system affects the weekly challenge counting tool, which probably has a problem caused by the new weekly challenge retention system. Itā€™s not implausible, but it should have priority in the fix list.

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I canā€™t even get half way through completing them before they reset.

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Someone noticed the weekly reset bug to occur during maintenance/hot-fixes.

Very annoying to have made some progress (several times) and then seeing all it reset back to zero randomly. I hope they fix this bug soon. lol

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That is a very good observation and would align with the seeming unpredictability from our perspective. If they are tweaking other, more significant errors and accidentally resetting progress they probably wouldnā€™t care because the bugs were the prime motivator and needed to be fixed.

Me too have same problem :disappointed_relieved:

Yep, same hereā€¦ Like right now it says there are 5 hours left in the week and that I have 0 of 20 Flex games and Iā€™ve played probably about 25 this week, including some this morning.

Now that the actual week has rolled over and the weekly tasks have reset properly, none of the progress has been retained. If the intent of this change was to make it more likely that people would finish the weeklies then I donā€™t think it has been implemented properly. If every hotfix resets the counter then it makes it less likely that I will finish them.

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Additional problem. You have added a reset to the daily challenge timer to coincide with the weekly at ~18:30 GMT on Tuesdays.
I accept that I still get one set of dailies per day, but being issued the challenges at night means I waste most of the time period asleep which, again, makes it harder to complete. Iā€™m seeing a pattern in the engineering decisions you are making and that pattern appears to be ā€œbuy level skips, tehepero.ā€

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Yea my weekly challenge progress just got reset entirely even though I havenā€™t even finished any of the week 1ā€™s weekly challenges.

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All progress reset again. Barely managed to get 4 games in today. There just isnā€™t any point to playing this season.

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My challenges keep resetting
Last night I finished all dailies and they reset this morning giving me 7 hours to redo them all???

And than the weeklies also despite not being finished I had a lot of progress but they reset