Weekly challenges reset... AGAIN!

I have the same issue.


Hello? When itā€™s gonna be fixed?


Right, but the issue is that the challenges in progress are being reset before the end of the week, thus making it impossible to finish itā€¦

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Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure that this will be a priority becuase I know of at least one player (PS5) who is not suffering any resets and is progressing their battle pass normally. I suspect that for most people this is not a problem. If this thread were getting hundreds of posts a day we might see some action, but thus far weā€™re only just about a dozen people.

EDIT: I was wrong. Weā€™re on the known issues list:

Interesting that it is a ā€œfor some playersā€ issue. It is peculiar that something so centralised can be affected by our behaviour.

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Then Iā€™ll report this problem too

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Stupid thought, but can anyone who reports also confirm region, in case that is a commonality. Iā€™m posting here from EU because the euro forums are mostly dead.

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it happened again why blizz :disappointed_relieved:

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Yep, reset again for me. I donā€™t understand why they need to keep changing the weekly challenges, seemed perfect a few seasons ago.

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Glad to know im not going insane and this game is just gaslighting me as usual. So frustrating to lose my progress like that when I donā€™t have much time to play to begin with :confused:

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Agh, this just makes it more weird. My progress has remained this time, even though I can see three reports of resets happening above since I finished my dailies. So it doesnā€™t even affect the same accounts each time there is a reset event.

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Is this seriously happening to everyone? I logged on today only to find that all the weeklies that I was making progress on were completely wiped to 0. I donā€™t have the time to grind weeklies, having any progress that I made just going poof is beyond frustratingā€¦

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Is this not happening to everyone? Itā€™s happening to me every couple days. I thought they fixed it, but today I logged on and my weeklies are gone again. Itā€™s happened 4-5 times since the season started.

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This happened to me too, I hope this is just a bug and they award us with some compensationā€¦

Same here every day at the same time my weeklys get reset simultaneously with the dailys.

Donā€™t know if this will be useful feedback for the devs in case they did something, but I just went three days without a weekly reset and was able to finish last weekā€™s trifecta for the bonus. I donā€™t believe I did anything different from how I was playing previously.