Week 11 Hero Pool Draw for both OWL and Competitive - Reinhardt, McCree, Widowmaker, & Brigitte



The Overwatch League Week 10 Watchpoint Post Game Show is now live and the Watchpoint crew will be announcing Overwatch League’s week 10 Hero Pool Draw. Everyone will want to watch this, as the hero pool draw will now apply to both Overwatch Esports including Overwatch league and Competitive Play!

Rules of the Hero Pool Draw:

  • NEW RULE! - To determine a week’s Hero Pool, the Overwatch Development team will compile hero play rates from high-level Competitive Play matches from the preceding two weeks. Heroes with play rates above a certain threshold will be eligible to be removed; the higher their play rate, the more likely they are to be removed.
  • The number of tickets each hero will have will be based on their average play time. The higher the playtime, the more tickets they will have.
  • The heroes removed from week 10 of Overwatch League will return to play in the next week and will be immune from being removed in the next week’s draw. (It is not known if Competitive Play’s hero pool that started last Thursday will be counted or not.)
    • Week 10’s banned heroes were D.Va, Reaper, Sombra, and Ana
  • 1 tank, 2 damage, and 1 support hero will be banned from play in Week 10 of Overwatch League, Overwatch Contenders, and the Competitive Play game mode in the live game.
  • The new hero pool will go live for Overwatch Competitive Play at Monday at 11 AM PDT/2 PM EDT
  • Assuming the new hero rules remain the same, Echo will not be eligible for Competitive Play for 2 weeks from her release. Echo will be released for the live game on April 14th. UPDATE: Rules have changed and Echo is playable at launch.
  • Map pools will be discontinued starting on April 14th, however, Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris will remain outside of Competitive Play until they receive reworks.

Heroes banned from Week 11





Click here for the Overwatch League Week 11 schedule

Make your predictions on which heroes will be banned.

UPDATE (4/14/2020)

As we can see, Echo does appear to be available in Competitive despite the earlier statements on my part about new heroes not being selectable for two weeks. I sincerely apologize for the incorrect information posted in this thread and applicable posts have been edited to reflect the current information.


about jeffin time…

I expect the bans to be heroes that I play.

( I play every hero :slightly_smiling_face: )

Can’t be Lucio…

So anyway, it will be Bap, Mei, Rein, Hanzo

for tanks: rein, ball, orisa
for support: zen, bap, moira, brig
for dps: tracer, mccree, mei, hanzo, widow, torb, symm

And for those asking, I did get the precise starting time confirmed with Community Manager Molly Fender.

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Youtube chat is weird.

‘Sinatraa retired to play pro Overwatch’

It’s best just to not pay attention to the chat… that is why I run the match discussion threads here on the forums.

Finally some good news. Now if only they would do the same with this garbage they call hero pools, and nerf CC into the dirt then this game would become playable again.


Tanks: Reinhardt
DPS: McCree, Tracer/Mei
Supp: Ana

my prediction if they are really going from high competitive play

In Nori we trust. Help us Nori :cold_face:

Sorry they fired the cat

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Well they clarified the current Competitive hero pool will return on Monday.

oh cool symmetra is safe lol

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Brigitte is banned!


Brigitte for sure ban.

Brigitte banned by default :sweat_smile:


Reinhardt is banned!


Time to hit up comp then.

I demand you to add the exclamation point to Brigitte as well.