We won't get new content till ow2 releases?

Wow, so they are officially killing off OW1 for a wholr year to put every thing on the new engine, I am so done with this game the Dev decision making is such unbelievable garbage.

we’re getting simoltanius multi queue on the ptr next week

I can wait for ow2, but I was hoping they would give us every, I don’t know, month or even week news about the game, like showing a new map, a new hero, new missions or anything really, Saying that they are going dark until next year? That really sucks

He gets that a lot.



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i’m taking up Noah Webster’s banner

Overwatch hasn’t got any new content past 3 years so you will survive those 1-2 year(s) aswell

LFG, avoid slots and role queue are “content”

I call “features” not content.

In the past for Blizzard games you just apply when they announce. And I think they may have a weighted preference for people who already own one of their products. So it may be easier to get in as a current OW player.

well overwatch 1 is about how much HP tracer has, not what she looks like

I mean yeah, exactly . I was about to make a thread about that . It makes no sense to use that as a bonus when in reality is not a bonus at all…

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They want hype for OW2 so they’ll wait until then for money and reasons.

It’s been 8 months now, the answer to your question is : YES

We got little to nothing since OW2 was announced

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Please stop spamming about this and necroing months old threads

He is the hero we need but we don’t deserve.

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SOMEONE has to do it, i am sorry but this might be the only way to get the devs attention.

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And by devs you mean mods, right? Because you’re just gonna get banned and the devs are gonna keep doing what they’re doing :man_shrugging:

You really think they don’t know we’re waiting for OW2? It’s not like they’re gonna see you spamming and go “oh shoot we better speed up fellas”

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Sadness ;((

Well, i guess sometimes i wanna shed a little light on OW2 ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Well maybe you should look back and remember what you got in the last 2 years. A couple of ugly maps and hero releases which made the game definitely worst.
Maybe it is for the best no new content . FOR REAL !

Oh, and besides, i didn’t even spam that much, i only reignited 3 old posts about OW2, what’s so wrong about that? and i have no intention of continuing to do so =)