We should try removing Sigma's shield cooldown

I think this gives shatter an effective answer that isn’t a mirror.


Then we’re back to double barrier comp unless either Sigma or Orisa gets banned every season


This tbh,
I’d trade shield durability for flexibility

600 hp, 150 hp regen after 1.5 seconds of not being up and no shield delay.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc

Yeah no.

I dont wanna go back to nothing dies/game lasts longer-games cause of shields being all-time thing, like it was back then.


Same, I really could care less about how much HP his shield has. I just want my old shield back.


It has a delay for the same reason matrix does.
Spamming it everywhere is not the intended design.


…or we could just ask for nerfs to Reinhardt instead?

Sigma needs a rework/mini-rework no doubt so he’s not a “broken or useless” kind of hero


I’d rather they make it weak and highly flexible than be another Orisa or Rein barrier,
Hell I’d take 400hp w/ 100 hp regen after 1.5 for no delay,

I’d rather his barrier be flexible than durable, needing smart players and good timing rather than throwing it out willy-nilly.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc

Double shield wouldnt work that well anymore, the HP of Barriers got nerfed, and double barrier is weak to the likes of Wiston and Doomfist who can ignore them

So yeah, remove that 1 sec CD or reduce it


Yeah. He was overnerfed, and that nerf needs to go.


Back in my day the shield was awkward but it was fine, it had somewhere around 0.25 sec delay on deploy but no cooldown otherwise.

I’d rather have that or hell give me brig’s shield than one that takes 1 sec after recall. Or do the thing that Sombra’s translocator does now, so it has 1 sec of not being able to recall otherwise u can recall it after the 1 second passes at any time.

I like there being a real threat of being Shattered the moment I drop barrier, actually. It forces ult fights to play differently than the neutral.

They could give him his 1200HP barrier back. It would just need a 6s+ cooldown on placement. No more strong double barrier comps.

Its enough of a threat with how fast the Barrier gets melted…

Thats a nerf not a buff…


That defeats the point of having a free floating barrier, it’s supposed to be highly flexible, it goes where you need it to be when you need it to be, it’s not supposed to be a presence like a rein or Orisa shield.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc

Or you know, I just never use my barrier so now my team has no cover until that german man finally decides to use it on the off chance that I block it with Sig’s shield but it’s like diminishing returns in some ways.

So true. Me when my barrier is gone and Hog has free real estate, guess my team just dies.

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I don’t follow how removing a one second CD would do that.

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Yeahhh given the degree to which Orisa and Sigma have been nerfed, I very much doubt that it’d cause Double Barrier to return

And honestly, the cooldown promotes Double Barrier usage since, if you don’t have that second barrier, you’re exposed


I think a full removal would be too much but id really like it lowered, to 0.5s or something.

Not sure I wanna go back to it having a cast time instead of a CD. The instant deployment is nice and rewards anticipating something blockable incoming.