We NEED to force more people to play support/tank

I wish they would give him more true tank like ability. Like, a passive aoe that is justified that his healing gas leaks and causes team mates around him to take less damage to their health.

Which means the idea of him tanking via aggro becomes more valid because people will want to target him for making everyone else harder to kill.

Rewarding players for doing something > Punishing players for doing something else > Forcing players to do something

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The two big problems with tank/support

Not enough tank/support heroes, DPS heroes out number them by a margin even when combined.

This problem is more of a personal one but it doesn’t help that these roles get obliterated by the nerf hammer if the community thinks any hero is ‘overpowered’

Well, you could either A. Use LFG or get some friends so you don’t have to deal with solo queuing, or B. Beg the devs to make the support and tank heroes actually fun to play as well as adding more of them instead of forcing people to play heroes who aren’t fun to play. Just a thought.

or maybe C - roleQ, which solves the problem.

Because A doesn’t work in a lot of regions, and people have asked for B for a LONG time now, and even the forums don’t take it seriously let alone the dev team.

Unfortunately bud, your “C” option would only harm the game for everyone. Longer wait times for DPS won’t end the way you think it will, it’s not going to make DPS players want to play support or tank, because support and tank characters are still going to be boring to play. No, longer wait times for DPS players will result in a lot of them quitting the game because they’re not getting to play it anyway. Apart from that, it’s also going to cause the game to stagnate for everyone else, since roleQ will completely kill flex playing. This will lead to everyone else becoming extremely bored with the game. Now, Overwatch will still have a player base, the loyalists, but in the end Overwatch will lose more than it’ll gain if roleQ was added.

So, just limit DPS to a maximum of 3 per team.
Then have an optional RoleQueue that only lasts for the first 20 seconds, so people can get dibs on a Role they want.

Maybe, but that doesn’t eliminate the main issue; Tanks and supports just aren’t fun to play. DPS players play DPS because they’re easily the most fun to play, and after all we all bought this game to have fun. Not to say you can’t have a good time on a Tank or Support, I mean I do enjoy playing Moira myself, but they’re just not as consistently fun as the DPS characters. Now who is to actually blame for this? The DPS players like most of the tank and support players you see on here demanding that idiotic forced 2-2-2 idea? No, that’s on Blizzard. You want DPS players to play tank and support? Maybe instead of telling a large chunk of the player-base they don’t have the right to have fun because you can’t adapt to any comp, you put the blame on the people actually at fault, and tell Blizzard to make tanks and support fun to play for everyone, so that all three classes are on even ground.

Wouldn’t work that well if the character isn’t as eye catching as mercy, i think. Some of us like mercy not just because her kit. Baptiste, well… his appearance is a bit meh.

But you still have nice looking Mercy :slight_smile:

I know, but, the games will improve since, when you DO end up in a game, you have 2 support who WANT to support, and 2 tanks who want to Tank.

That is a whole lot better than what we have now.

And who knows, as a tank if you get supports who want to support, maybe you will like tanking more, and ditto for the supports.

Or at the VERY least, the queue times if that doesn’t happen will finally get the community to push for more fun tanks / supports, since… it is their Queue times that depend on it.

16 DPS, 14 Tank/Support

Probably doesn’t help tank rates when DPS is so high that even tanks are melting in instants if they try to get in-between the enemy and their allies, and the game has so much CC that they’ll inevitably lose defenses and suddenly having the highest HP or shields won’t matter.

Add onto that people griping out supports and tanks as soon as anything goes wrong.

It’s high risk, low reward.

Well, yeah. You’ve got a point there.

Yesterday I got Soldier in Mystery Heroes and had a blast. I was able to just kill things without worrying about who’s out of position, who’s on critical because they threw themselves into the middle of the enemy team for the 87th time this game, who refuses to pay attention to the payload, just kill things. It’s been about 8 months I think since I last picked DPS in QP, I’ve been filling all that time, and with the dreadful state of main tanks and the existence of Doomfist, healing and tanking are worse than they’ve ever been. While it might be annoying that some people refuse to pick what the team needs, playing anything but DPS is such a miserable experience that I don’t blame them at this point.

When you see how TTK in the game is getting so ridiculous, you’re already forced to swap to tanks

Like seriously, Mccree on PTR, the new Hanzo machine gun, Ashe, Widow
They all delete you faster than you can move if you have to re-position yourself

I feel like every character should have the same feeling and treatment as Pharah is right now. She is countered so hard that you have to swap, and Mercy made her barely decent against this juggernaut.

So if the game would actually reinforce the real aspect of counter without going into crazy dps buff, then people would swap more.

Their problem is that they get rid off “defense” category and wanted to make every hero viable by buffing them like crazy.

Before a hanzo was countered by a diving winston, just like Widowmaker. I mean the game would naturally give advantage to winston, but of course back then if you were a good hanzo or widow you always have a chance to challenge your counter, just like Pharah against Mcree, Soldier, Widow.
Now they just buffed hook cd and gave Hanzo storm arrows, a jump, and many other auto attack buffs, and Winston cant deal anything, he gets deleted, and he’s just one example among many others

Heroes have to be specialized when you run a logic of counterplay in a game. You cant have the firepower Hanzo, Ashe, Mccree, Widow, without drawbacks. Mobility was their drawback but they tend to made them more mobile, and for some they even buffed the damage

Complete non sense


I would argue people who run around and play Quickplay like it’s DeathMatch would be better served in the arcade, or workshop. Or honestly. Playing an entirely different game.

You can’t make everyone happy. And Overwatch should focus on it’s core audience. Not the “zero patience run and gunners”. Those players would be better served playing Fortnite or Apex.

Yeah and I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s the urge to get POTG which is almost always determined by getting kills and almost never determined by shielding critical allies or healing allies that means no one want to play tanks or heals.

Most healers and tanks rarely get a chance to blow off steam squashing enemies and only very rarely get a chance to see their name on a potg.

If the actual game would be less like having a deathmatch against doom, hanzo, widow and soldier who will each delete a person as fast as you can blink over and over with zero lag, then we could be playing some actual tanks.

But dps powercreep is too strong and tank nerfs too heavy it’s forcing people into a bunker meta with the spammiest, most damage blocking shield available but being able to get picks within 20 meter distance on squishies and characters like Mei have now become meta due to her niche of zoning people with wall and personal cooldowns of staying alive.

When it has come to a point where 3 tanks and 3 supports can no longer damage mitigate and tank this game’s dps damage, you know the damage is far too high in this game.


How would you fix said power creep?

2-2-2 does this by watching the 20 min queues for dps make people think twice


  • AccountMerging instead of RoleBasedSR.
  • 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal optional RoleQueue, matchmakered against 6Flex Queue, with the option to unlock the RoleQueue with 4 votes to unlock roles.
  • 2HealerMaximum for OWL/Contenders with no other limitations.