We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

No, because that’s a misquote. I said that it is unlikely for Ana’s pickrate to change from first in support pickrate to last in support pickrate without there being a reason for it to.

It also doesn’t seem to add up how the most popular heroes during the Dive Meta weren’t actually Dive heroes, right?

It also doesn’t add up how Mercy had a higher pickrate than Ana by a long shot during the tank meta, right?

And yet, those things happened.


So previously you were talking about high level pickrates, now you’re talking about average pickrates?

Why compare Apples and Oranges?

Because in this case, apples aren’t the only place things that don’t make sense can occur.

Why Ana had a higher pickrate than Lucio/Zenyatta in the top 3rd of MMR while Dive was in full swing is beyond me.

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God I love you. We’ve been saying this for so long!!! It either has to go or return it to ult. I dont care either way but wanting Mercy merfed has been a community pet project for so long and it needs to stop.

Seriously either remove res or revert and I am leaning more toward removal for something more practical at this point. It does not matter so long as we get her back on balanced ground.

Yes coming from the same people who released this chart
last season. I’m not sure you’re pulling from a reliable source lol. Even if those numbers are accurate this chart says the spike in play for mercy this season is more due to the meta shifts, or that’d be a safe assumption. Of course you’re always welcome to argue that mercy is an op hero with no counterplay.

In a coordinated environment if mercy starts a resurrect mid fight she’s dead. You also are saying “if the enemy team is bad then she can do it but if you’re playing in a coordinated environment then zarya guarantees rez” Zarya isn’t always going to have her cds for the rez for one. Zarya bubble doesn’t last the entire duration of rez even so but yes having a zarya certainly does help.
The problem is that if a coordinated team is willing to risk a rez mid fight the situation is already going to be dire.

I remember winston / dva being the most popular tanks and genji being up there in playrate during the dive meta. Idk about you but that seems like dive heroes for dive meta.

So the pickrate in pro-scene and the stats proving Mercy pick rate is GROSSY-HIGH prove nothing for Mercy mains. The classic opinion of a ignorant person, you show the evidences and he IGNORE that saying NO NO closing his eyes and covering his ears.

Even without the UTTERLY-BROKEN REZ ult, mercy keep insane high pick rates and this people SUGGESt give that back LOL!!!

Mercy need NERFS not BUFFS. Mercy need NERFS not a rework making her more OP. Mercy need a NERF on her guardian-angel so finally her COUNTERS will be able to force swap her.

How guardian-angel works? Mercy WALKS puting distance with her target, then she press GA going to the opposite side of her target with GA momentum. She can do this every 2 SECS. There is not a A COUNTER vs that.

So nerf GUARDIAN-ANGEL is the CANCER os this character.

I mean, it’s not like we need to go to Pro pickrate to say that Mercy pickrate is a problem.


I actually like Resurrect in its current form. Back when it was instant I was not a fan.

I think Mercy is a bit strong at the moment but I’d honestly prefer if they traded a little power from elsewhere in her kit so she could keep resurrect.

I find it satisfying to sort of hold your ground around a pick in a way that ensures that Mercy can’t swoop in and rez.

I know obviously that my opinion might not be super popular, Mercy mains want the non-resurrect parts of her kit to stay as strong as they are and a lot of other players can get quite frustrated at watching a hard earned pick be brought back to life so they often just want it removed but let me just explain why I like it.

A lot of players complain about Mercy being boring to play but I play Mercy and enjoy her enough, I actually find her a bit boring to fight.

Currently when you fight her there is very little interactions compared to other characters; you don’t really need to count her cooldowns, she does very little offensively, she will always jump away when in danger and she will hide behind cover frequently, her GA is mostly immune to knockbacks and resistant to bodyblocking, knocking her off an edge often results in her being saved after a prolonged period of falling.

The level of interaction her opponents have with her is basically ‘apply damage, predict where she will fly, hard CC if possible’ but when she wants a resurrect things get a little more interesting, knockbacks can actually do something significant to her, she has to consider the entire enemy team’s capabilities, you have to position to remove cover options around the pick, her team might have to pay attention and help her for it to be a success.

So yeah, I hope they keep resurrect, this once every 30 seconds where a secondary objective appears because it makes it a little more interesting to fight her.

Infact when they do decide to nerf her, I hope they try to consider nerfs via gameplay interactions instead of just raw numbers (I’m personally a fan of the probably unpopular having enemy shields count as a LOS block for her beam)

The way you phrased it seems like you are saying mass rez had insanely high pickrates in the pro scene


Can you give me the article and date for that chart? Because if that date happens to fall in late January/early February, that data is 100% correct:


Select “last 6 months”.

More likely that people were recoiling from the latest Mercy nerfs. If it was just the meta shift, Moira, Ana, and Brigitte would be getting a bigger piece of the pie.

But again, they aren’t.

Mercy has plenty of counterplay. The existence of counterplay does not equate to the hero being “balanced”. Hence, she is of must-pick status.

Depends upon: A) How the Mercy executed it. A decent Mercy either won’t have a problem reviving the target, or won’t try because the safety conditions are painfully obvious. B) How coordinated Mercy’s team is. If we are taking “coordinated environment” for what it means, that would also translate to Mercy’s team being coordinated.

If your assertion were, true, Mercy’s pickrate wouldn’t increase when approaching higher ranks; it would decrease.


Haha, that’s what I would think too.

But yeah, no.

“But looking at Competitive only… here are the top 6 picked heroes: Mercy (by a long shot), 76, D.Va, Lucio, Ana and Genji. Interestingly, number 7 is Reinhardt. Next tank after that is… Wi… no Roadhog. So in the past month in Comp, that’s what you’ve been actually playing.”

- Jeff Kaplan, July 7th, 2017.

Overwatch Forums



Question: Who are you talking to?

That was so broken, she wasn’t used in pro-play outside of PharMercy.

Mercy never obtained must-pick status until her rework, might I remind you.

And locking rez to her ult would do just that.

Nerfs wouldn’t fix the other dozen problems and contradictions that currently plague Mercy’s kit.

Except her counters either compete with or outclass that mobility on their own and counter her nonetheless. There’s no need to counter GA when you can keep up with it just fine through your own mobility and range.


Also, if you can’t hit a target that is WALKING then you probably shouldn’t play an aim dependent character.

Also, any CC what so ever will counter the GA. As much as grazing Mei’s primary fire is like flying into a honey pot. Mei wall, Halt, junk mine, concussive shot, flash bang, shield bash, the whip shot… Damn even junks damn Trap will stop you from flying over it.



Why would they be getting a bigger piece of the pie? Brig is a terrible healer for the meta and she’s been nerfed to all hell. She saw play when she was released because of numerical imbalances in her kit. Brig fits better as a tank than a healer in any composition and sadly… there’s no room for different tanks. It’s Zarya / Reinhardt. I don’t hear you complaining about Zarya / Rein being OP though. In fact all the top heroes have similar pick rates. There’s no pie left, Mercy is the best healer for this meta and for many others because she simply has the best most consistent healing. Resurrect does play a part for sure and if we didn’t have it games would be entirely decided by hanzo / widow.
Zenyatta has the next runner up pick rate to Mercy for healers they both make up 80% of the healers picked and that’s because they are BETTER than Brig, Ana, Moira. Brigitte fits into team comps better as a third healer, taking up a tank slot. THERE’S NO TANK SLOT LEFT. Zarya / Rein are pretty much must picks because of Hanzo.
Widow is picked to take care of Hanzo so then widow is picked vs widow. Widow is picked because hanzo. Zarya / Reinhardt, very obviously picked because hanzo. Why? They are the only ultimates in the game that can be combo’d with his. Zenyatta, picked to deal with the combo, he is picked because of hanzo. BUT MERCY oh no MERCY is OP OP OP. She’s not picked because she’s the best bulk healer for the meta, because she has mobility and bulk heals. The most consistent heals in the game. no she’s picked because OP OP OP resurrect OP.
My point is she’d be being picked even if resurrect was not existant. Ana would be the second runner up for main heal. Zenyatta is the only off-healer that can be meta for the hanzo meta though. Moira is not as good as Ana is in this meta because Ana has anti-heal. So moira is a horrible healer for the Meta no matter what, she offers nothing other than JUST HEALING and JUST DAMAGE. Her healing isn’t as good or as consistent as mercy’s and Mercy has more to offer, even without res. She has healing, damage, damage boost.
Now if you were to make the argument that “because mercy has resurrect her kit is overloaded” that’s completely fine but she’s nowhere near overpowered. The difference is saying that her kit has more points in it than it should vs there’s nothing you can do vs Mercy.
Moreover I don’t think that people would need to recoil those horrible horrible mercy nerfs if she was overpowered. Remember when Brig was released? That was the Main complaint “we cannot do anything vs brigitte”. Right now with Hanzo. “We cannot do anything vs Hanzo”.
here’s what you’re going to say too “But surely if hanzo was the cause of the meta then hanzo would be #1 pick!!” no. He’s a dps hero, he’s a SNIPER hero. Most people don’t wanna play him but again are forced to anyways.
Anyways Resurrect is the only counter to one-hit-kills the game has, so every hero that can OHK will flourish if it’s ever removed. Unless there’s a hero that completely overtakes everything like Hanzo lol.

Because they all do well in these types of compositions.

Since her release, here are the balance changes she has received:

  • Shield Bash cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds (feather nerf).
  • Shield Bash cone angle reduced from 90 degrees to 60 degrees (not even a nerf, as this allows for more precise targeting of the ability).
  • Rally’s maximum armor/player reduced from 150 to 100 (the only real nerf she has received).

So no, Brigitte hasn’t been nerfed to hell. She is quite fine as she is. She’s clearly powerful enough to keep the Dive Meta dead, or we would see its resurgence.

As for her fitting in the meta… she’s like a melee Zenyatta with more utility and CC. She absolutely should be fitting into Deathball compositions. “Terrible healer”? She’s right on par with Zenyatta in that category:

Zenyatta: 6988.
Brigitte: 6841.

Because they flow in and out of popularity with the meta, and have received no changes in… years? Mercy has been dominating her class since the rework through two very different metas (mobility/burst vs sustain/CC metas), when a generalist should be decent at best throughout these specialized compositions.

If the generalist goes from a balanced state to dominating after a rework such to the point that they are better than their specialist counterparts at their respective specialties through completely different compositions, it’s pretty clear that the rework, regardless as to how many nerfs it may have received since its initial release, has made that generalist too powerful.

In a meta that would be favoring utility, and places little value in mobility.

The two main reasons to pick Mercy should be her high healing output and her mobility.

If we were to look at the current meta lineup excluding the healers, the meta would most likely favor the following traits for their supports:

  • Decent damage output.
  • High healing output.
  • High utility.

Looking at that, Ana should be much more prominent in the meta than she is; she offers that level of damage, that level of utility, and almost that level of healing by herself. Add an off-healer to the equation, and they two of them would be able to meet those requirements and then some.

Alternatively, Moira should be doing much better too; she offers sufficient damage output and exceeds the healing requirements. An off healer with lots of utility (Brigitte or Lucio) would work great with her in this meta, meeting all of those requirements.

But… Mercy’s there instead… when her two main traits should be mobility and healing, one of which isn’t favored by the meta at all.

The problem is that those two traits aren’t the only ones she has right now; her kit is overloaded because Resurrect on an E grants a stupid amount of utility on top of what she already has.

We have a healer that is A) overpowered, B) blows away the healing and utility requirements for this meta as a result of that power. The only downside to this healer is their very low damage output, for which Zenyatta is there to compensate.

If Mercy were to be reverted to her Season 4-5 state, I can guarantee that her GM pickrate would drop to a far more reasonable statistic; that’s where it was prior to her rework.

That is false. Her kit would no longer be overloaded with the insane utility on top of her great healing output, allowing for other healers to take some of the spotlight.

That would be assuming that Mercy remains in her current state. I could totally see Ana/Brigitte compositions emerging if Mercy were balanced.

A generalist outclassing their counterparts at everything means the generalist is too powerful; see the current and previous metas.


Why does this make so much sense? I love Mercy, and I dont think Rezz should be thrown out of the game, its a mechanic that was there from the get-go of the game, so if that goes out of the window, Mercy might as well can follow since she wouldnt be a unique hero anymore, more like a walking Health Pack with Mobility and a little bit of damage boost.

Mercy aint fine as she is right now, rezz on E makes her stupidly to play and imho, Valkyrie aint the best thing. For Heal there is Trans, for DMG there is a supercharger. And for damage, there are other ults.

I think Massrezz should come back, but maybe with a limit, like only 3 players can be rezzed or something so you wouldnt invest 3 to 4 ults in a 5x only to have mercy chime in and bring them all back. Dry pushs would be the new meta, going in, get killed, rezzed and then shove a lot of damage up the enemys virgin backside.

So yeah, Rezz should be her ult like it was pre-rework, healing should be 60 and maybe leave the guardian angel thingy in (I mean where you can press Space to have another bump and fly further) since I think its a fun thing to do and to reach higher places and/or get out of danger faster.

Honestly, Titanium you’re becoming a legend in this forum, I see many many people praising you and your detailed breakdown of arguments, much more how you disarm arguments thrown at you. u r a cool bruh.

sincerely and respectfully

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B…but… It does a surprising amount of damage…

Nah, but in all seriousness this was a fantastic post that was eloquently written. As always, great job, Titanium.

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I think we should just revert Ressurection as an Ultimate.