We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

occurring continuously over a period of time.
“the pain is constant”
a situation or state of affairs that does not change.
“the condition of struggle remained a constant”

An cooldown of 30 seconds that cannot be influenced seems pretty constant to me.

Again, by .5 resurrects/game on average. That statistical drop is more than compensated by the fact that rapid-fire tempo-Resurrections are far more powerful than intermittent tempo or mass-Ressurrections.

Lucio/Zenyatta was popular because the Dive meta used the burst damage of their initial engage to break the enemy’s formation and secure a few eliminations. High healing output wasn’t very effective, so Lucio and Zenyatta, who offer a lot of utility and damage, were used instead.

Both Ana and Moira should be doing better in this meta than Mercy, or should at least be competing with her for dominance. They both have better offensive capabilities and high healing outputs, placing them in a position in which their ideal compositions would be deathball compositions: the type of meta we have now. The only reason for this not to be the case if we were to pretend that Mercy was not oppressively powerful is Moira’s latest “bug fix” that prevented her from healing through barriers… but her GM pickrate really didn’t change much when that patch went live; it was already hovering at or below 1%.

I did not record that statistic, or if I did, I don’t recall where I put it. That number is being drawn from memory; Mercy’s average Resurrects/game hung around 6.5 prior to the rework, a statistic taken from Overbuff at the time.

If you need another memory reference, 9.5 Resurrects/game (my average in season 5) was within the top 5% of the Mercy playerbase in that category.

Then that probably means they died behind your team’s frontline; within the boundaries of safety.

Considering that you have a 10 meter diameter to work with along with how few long-ranged sight lines there are that are not easy to break LoS with, a slight change in positioning (via GAing to the body stopping early or Angel-hopping past) will grant you the security you need.

If you have pre-rework statistics from a reputable source, I’m all ears.

She most certainly is.

How about Mercy?


You mean before the rework, or before the tar res? xd

Titanium saying Mercy is OP… What year it is?!

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Any date past September 19th, 2017, thus far.


But isn’t that why they reworked mercy in the first place?
Because she wasn’t very useful outside her ult?

They took one problem, and they flipped it so hard that it became the opposite problem. She now has a crappy ult and an insane base kit.


Are you joking?
No disrespect, but this is the worst idea I’ve ever heard to change mercy.
Consider that mercy is the only healer that has to physically switch weapons to defend herself.
As such, guardian angel is her only reliable source of survivability, and even then, flying to the wrong target can cost you a lost team fight.
And you want it to be on a 5 second cooldown?
If you put GA on a 5 second cooldown, then it should be an instant teleport, with no drawbacks.
Because she can’t sleep the person that attacks her, and deal 70dmg per shot, along with a burst heal, which also anti heals her opponent.
She can’t provide herself with armor, shield bash, or boop an opponent away.
She cannot increase her speed and wall ride to safety, and boop multiple enemies away on a 4 second cooldown.
She cannot apply a 30% damage taken increase on her attacker and deal dps hero levels of damage.
She cannot teleport away to safety, and heal by damaging her opponents, or summoning one out of two orbs to give her an edge.
Mercy cannot do what the other supports can do to defend herself, therefore she must run from danger (in a predictable, straight line).
If you want her mobility to be nerfed to an unnecessary degree, you better be ready to buff her ability to stand her ground.
(I wonder why mercy wasn’t a must pick from launch to season 5?)


With Valk and Rez she has 2 ults. In pro matches she was basically a Phar-Mercy bot. Even just using her ult to Rez Pharah. I can understand wanting her to be more than that but she has made Lucio useless since she has the best peel in the game.

Id prefer that mercy back over this mess


So you are talking out of your behind. Thanks.

Not if the pick happens during the time you are pushing in. If your tanks are already in the fray or so on you’re not going to get a rez off. If you do, then that’s the fault of the enemy lol.

Something you do not have.

Until you can give me objective facts and not an argument based on opinion then I reserve that mercy isn’t op and that you’re talking out of your behind.

So, give me objective facts and not an argument based on opinion that Mercy isn’t broken to hell and overpowered.

Mercy has resurrection. It undoes the ultimate mistake in this game, that provokes death. It is better than most ultimates in the game and is tied to a 30 second cooldown, which while long guarantees resurrection on every team fight and makes fighting against a team which has Mercy an effective 6v7.

Mercy has the best utility in the game. She has Damage Boost which is a budget Nano Boost, an ultimate ability, and Resurrection, see above for details on this.

Mercy has the best consistent heals in the game. Her beam is auto-lock and cannot miss, can heal from weird angles for a generous time, and her average healing amount on Overbuff is higher than Moira’s, the theoretical “best healer in the game in numbers”. The other “main healer”, Ana, has worse average heals than Lucio, an off-healer and potentially one of the worst heroes in the game right now due to mobility creep, tiny aura w/ high mobility incentives and absolutely pathetic 16hp/s heals.

Mercy’s “downside” is that she can’t defend herself. She has the best passive in the game and escape with a 1.5 second cooldown to compensate. Mercy has a sidearm as well which can be used to do surprising amounts of damage and potentially duel some characters with good enough aim.

Another “downside” is that she is single target. Yet, she can change her beam target instantaneously and her 60hp/s heals are quick enough for very fast on-demand healing on multiple targets, making her the only reliable solo healer in the game. A valid problem is that she has to choose between healing or damage boosting. Her ultimate undoes the single target problem and lasts a whopping 12 seconds, while also making her practically invulnerable.

Mercy has negligible weaknesses and is always a better pick than the others because her kit is overloaded and Resurrect exists. Now tell me your opinion on the matter.

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Mercy isn’t op. If your opinion is that she’s op because she has resurrect then she’s always been op since forever according to you. The amount of resurrects that happen per game has went down. That’s factual. Another thing that’s factual, she can be completely eliminated by snipers, which dominate the current meta.
If a sniper can kill a person without them being able to do anything about it, because you cannot cover every angle with a shield all the time. You can do your best and if they get the shot you die. That’s the opposite of resurrect and there is counterplay to rez. As she stands still for however long. If we revert the rez to ult people will complain about her still. the 30% damage boost isn’t nearly as good as Nano, it certainly increases damage but nano reduces damage that you take as well. Ana as a whole just isn’t good right now, I don’t think that there’s enough people that can synergize with her. As a basic ability I do like damage boost but I’m not going to say it’s better than nano, damage boost definitely isn’t overpowered.
If being better than the pile of trash other healers we have to play constitutes being OP then fine. I think that the majority of our healers are just not powerful enough. Ana has arguably one of the best base kits in the game and she’s certainly not able to keep up because she is the only person in the game with blockable healing. Moira is better than mercy sometimes but overall mercy is more consistent and doesn’t have to charge up the healing she does. Consistent healing is the most desireable trait for a healer in my opinion and that’s why she is popular. The only time she wasn’t considered good or popular she couldn’t defend herself nearly enough, it was very hard to justify a picking her if she could not survive an initial dive. She cannot heal if she cannot live but because she can survive now she’s much better. Revert rez to her ult, I don’t really think it’ll change that much. You’ll just have mercy hiding for the rez again. lol. Remove rez? okay for sure she’ll still be played - because even without rez she’s still better than the other bulk healing options. She still has better more consistent healing than both moira and Ana.
Ana and moira aren’t consistent enough to beat Mercy.

Anyone with 200HP can be completely eliminated by snipers. She enables them more than they counter her.

Mass Rez was very different than Tempo Rez. Mass Rez was an ultimate ability and never guaranteed 6v7 like Tempo Rez does, and does not enable Snipers by ressing Widow after the 1v1. I would like sources about this “factual” fact that the amount of resurrects went down. Resurrect remains the most broken ability in the game.

Damage Boost is a secondary fire while Nano Boost is an expensive ultimate. Of course it isn’t as good as Nano Boost, but it’s surprisingly close. The utility of 8-second Nano Boost doesn’t compare to the perpetual on-demand Damage Boost.

Healers are extremely overpowered in this game, and are the reason Double Sniper is meta. Sustained damage is unviable since everything now is healed pretty much instantly and 1HKO are the only times someone actually gets killed at the highest level of play.

no you just had a fight and then they’d come up again, and you could still use mass rez tempo btw.
The amount of resurrects in a game did go down, they initially went up because mercy was busted after the rework and then they nerfed her and the amount of resurrects went down on average per game. Currently the average is 6 through the course of an entire game. I can find sources if you would really like lol.

whether or not mercy has more or less resurrects prerework barely matters because the context in which she gets them is much different

tempo rez will always be stronger than mass rez, and using an ability to negate a death >>>> using an ult every 3 fights to negate 3 deaths

it’s not like the amont of rezzes between both versions of mercy is dramatically different, and it’s way higher in pro games than it ever was prerework

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Thank you. Rez was an ultimate ability and is now a cooldown ability. The context is different and overall the abilities have different purposes.

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The purpose of resurrect remains the same. lol. The context isn’t different. She is in a punishable state while resurrecting, cannot resurrect during a fight and has a hard time moving in and resurrecting. So she can only resurrect before a fight.

if it took you 3 fights to charge rez idk what you were doing to be honest.

Resurrect is a single target ability. She can resurrect easily in a fight if the opposing team has no focus fire and reflex. In coordinated environment, Resurrect is guaranteed by Projected Barrier.

Let’s play devil’s advocate then.

Where is your data to back up that claim? Or is that coming out of your rear?

Do you see my point?

Although, since you really want to test the accuracy of that data, let’s go digging for it!

A post I made on January 29th (meaning the statistics would have been much fresher in my memory) is pretty consistent with what I have said thus far:
Overwatch Forums

Shall we go further?


If you scroll down, you see this chart:

Going off that chart, Mercy’s 1.x number of Resurrections throughout the ranks seem to give us these stats:

Bronze: 5.0.
Silver: 5.7.
Gold: 6.2.
Platinum: 6.9.
Diamond: 7.5.
Masters: 8.0.
GM: 8.4

Now let’s combine these numbers with the concentration of each rank throughout the playerbase:

Bronze: 8%.
Silver: 21%.
Gold: 32%.
Platinum: 25%.
Diamond: 10%.
Masters: 3%.
GM: 1%.

Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

By multiplying these percentages with their respective averages, and adding those values together, we can get an overall average number of Resurrections for the time.

Bronze: 0.4.
Silver: 1.197.
Gold: 1.984.
Platinum: 1.725.
Diamond: 0.75.
Masters: 0.24.
GM: 0.084.

Total: 6.38 Resurrections/game. That’s our universal average from before the rework. What do you know? It’s pretty close to my recollection.

There are my statistics.

Your move.

Why are you pushing in if you’re down a player?

If that player falls after you’ve already engaged, then there’s still this:

I do now. :wink:

Explain to me how the arguments I have provided thus far are invalid.

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I approve of this meme.

*15 seconds.

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So rememeber when you said “Ana pickrate can’t change in 1% of the playerbase over 6-7 weeks”.

But at the same time said “duh it’s obvious Ana isn’t that great with Dive meta”

But at the same time argued “dive meta was set in stone by June and can’t shift at all”

Something about that all doesn’t add up.