We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

Yet if I’m on tank in comp, I have every combination of healer except mercy/zen 9/10 times. Let break down my frustration:

Brig’s actually the worst support when it comes to actually supporting.
Burst heals every 6 seconds. A weaker inconsistent aoe than Lucio (it has to proc by her hitting someone) and an ult that gives a paltry 100 armor. She’s a poor choice for second healer due the aforementioned and the fact that her support ult does little to nothing in keeping your team alive through ults. That’s why when she was good, she was used in triple support comps. Zen’s the best secondary healer due to grav dragon being so common now. Before, you could have gotten away with Lucio’s sound barrier but not with grav dragon. Only time you run Lucio( assuming it’s a good Lucio) is if you can afford not to run zen or if you’re getting team wiped with doomfist ult grav repeatedly (not that common).

Then there is Moira. 0 functionality. She heals and she does damage. That’s it. Sure she’s a good “main healer” but she runs out of heals which can be avoided but then there’s the irrefutable fact that she’s not mercy.

Whenever I see a brig as the second healer, me, a main tank, has to mentally prepare myslef for the frustration of begging my main healer (God please a mercy) for heals. And if it’s an Ana or a Moira, then well, GG, because it’s either gonna be:

  1. Ana has to reload
  2. Enemy has dive tanks so 9/14 of my Ana’s shots are not reaching me (why is it that when I get an an it’s when I’m up against a dva?)
  3. My Ana loses LoS due to things that happen during gameplay
  4. My Moira is dpsing (she’s such a good support that instead of healing me, she will kill the person killing me)
  5. Moira run out of heals mid fight

Play what you want but if you want to win, pick Mercy/Zen from the get go and switch off accordingly pls.

Mercy’s not OP, her heals are just interfered with the least. Zen’s not OP, his ult just shuts down the most offensive ults and is interfered with the least. Believe you mean, if burst damage ults become the meta (HA), Lucio will be the better secondary healer. As for mercy not being the best main healer. Yeah, good luck with that.

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So you are already lose in the start and in mind. Nice strategy)))
Sure mercy is not OP. “Switch to mercy PLZ”

There is a difference between something being OP (far above the rest) and something being the Only Usable Option.

No options, really?
So other supports just useless? Just go mercy… We have more then 1 support! We have options, thats why Mercy is OP, because there no reason to pick others, when you just can pick her!

That is what he is saying. That we don’t have options. It’s not that Mercy is just a better pick in every situation. It’s about there not being a situation in which it makes sense to use any of the rest. Even if Mercy wasn’t a thing at all the rest would be underperforming. That is the core of the problem. If Mercy was taken out of the game the current support rosted would just flat out suck.

-Zen, Ana, Lucio, Baguette, Moira: “Hold our beer!”. And how game will change without Mercy? 6 dps stack, people will don’t like to play supports? Until “Mercy the only one support” mindset, we will never make a step to support role.

Damage boost at the press of a button is so strong. Weirdly enough, the supports offering a damage boost are the two most picked by miles

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*Enemy Symmetra throw up her new GIANT WALL

Ana: “Welp, I’m useless.”
Moira: “Blizzard whyyyy? Why’d you do that “Bug Fix”?”
Mercy: “Meh, whatever.”

This works for Winston Bubbles and Orisa shields too. That’s all 3 main healers… so… yeah depending on what the enemy team has, they can render 2/3 of the main healers useless with the push of a button. Sounds like playing either of those two is in fact a really terrible idea.

Zen, Lucio and Brigitte without main healer are useless. They just can’t keep up with the damage thrown around. They have their utility, but if your team is dying…

Moira and Ana become useless the moment barrier enters the field.

Take out Mercy and current support roster becomes inconsequential. That is wrong.

Mercy should be the best healer, not the only one. (And others should outshine her in the utility department)

“hurr durr nerf the healing”
yes because if something comes in and makes a problem for everything you remove something that’s been there for years rather then the thing that was clearly being problematic.


This would be a fair mechanic if Mercy’s healing didn’t do very close the the amount that Ana’s and moira’s did and has no interruption.

60hps with no reload, no barrier stop, basically cannot be interrupted or blocked is alot. It should probably be only a little stronger than pre-rework levels

Edit: I would really hate if the nerf went to something else other than rez bc it would take away the core of mercy play and the fun behind it…

  1. immagine of her mobility got nerfed and you couldn’t hop around as much(it would balance her but ruin how fun she is to play I’m strongly against this)

  2. what of her health Regen got nerfed ( we would end up with the ana problem where people are constantly all over you and no-one else is worth focus) she should be much harder to kill than ana but do less( sounds harsh but she constant evasion is what makes her fun where as evading is not fun for ana) so there should be more reward for Ana’s heals

  3. rez on CD and valk is not really what I’m hearing made mercy fun. It was constant slippery slippery evasion and a huge game hanging moment ult with team rez and an echoing “heros never die” ( it was like you couldn’t kill me and this is the result…now its like let me pocket my star dps and just rez them when the lose)

I have hated Mercy’s rework since the start, and have always wanted to have mass revive as an ultimate again.


Say you couldn’t pick mercy for the game. Would you just dump having 2 heros bc she’s “the only usable option.” If not… Then really she’s just the best option by a mile.

Also why shouldn’t 2 off healers be able to bused together if you want to run a lower healing comp that requires less healing. It would make self healers better

  • if Mercy was disabled due to a bug or something I would pick the other healers and hoped the enemies are completely useless. If they are not, I would just swap them off for some self sustaining heroes or dive in case the enemies still run healers.

  • that is my point. Teams should be able to run off healers. But right now they can’t really because their healing is simply shut down by someone throwing down a barrier.

It shouldn’t be possible to completely shut down all but one hero from an entire class by a one common ability. With no response mind you.

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Ana and moira can heal more than her per second. Ana has 75hp heals per second and moira also has healing higher than mercy

In a perfect world, yes. But when you factor in Moira having to manage her healing ammo (which involves not healing to replenish said ammo), Ana having to reload, Moira’s range, Ana missing, Ana’s mobility and people not prioritizing healing with either hero (yes you can pistol whip as mercy but her kit promotes this much less than especially Moira and Ana), mercy generally heals more.

Thats true. I just think they can have an ult as an abilitie

This thread has so many good points in it. Blizzard needs to listen. Stop being unnecessarily stubborn.


Funny how people forget about that part. Anyone with a brain knew that Mercy was OPAF, but Blizzard knew better than us I guess.

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It’s not constant and mercy was resurrecting more before she was changed lol.

There were different threats and better healers for that, at one time lucio / zen was popular because without them you couldn’t survive genji ult - among other things. Mercy is in a more survivable state with the way the game is in, dead healers don’t heal at all.

Show me the .5 statistic.

It cannot always be used right before a fight, if a teammate dies to a sniper, you cannot go into the spot where they died if the team is pushing in at the time. Which happens a lot.

Going off memory lucio’s ult is he turns into a giant gorrila that shoots lasers out of his eyes.

Mercy isn’t OP, I’m hard-pressed to say any healers are op at the moment.