We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

Which has not changed since season 4. Therefore, it cannot be the problem, as it has not changed since then.

Resurrect on the other hand… has changed significantly.


Titanium senpai bring the thunder. Unleash it upon these forum users! XD

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Yeah, well, they’re not going to take it away. And since power was added to one part of her kit, it must be removed from another.

I don’t believe the actual raw healing is problematic.

Mercy looks great on paper due to her reliability and consistency, but theoretically at least, the burst and AoE healing that Moira and Ana provide should make them better healers, especially in a deathball style meta.

Her problems right now are pretty much an 80/20 split between Res being horrendously overpowered and her having ridiculous synergy with Snipers who are also overpowered.

Personally I think a balanced Mercy would have Res tied purely to Valkyrie and have a completely new E ability, even if it’s just Valkyries mobility or beam chaining for a few seconds.

I don’t think I want to see them mess with Mercy again to that degree. Not with the flaming disaster Mercy 2.0 was.

It’s easy, and mostly safe, to just number-tune her. Making healing 50 hp/s. If she’s underpowered, go back to 55 hp/s. If she’s still overpowered, start adding little bits to the GA cooldown.

Well see if Mercy 3.0 gets the actual care of a proper rework it could work

Problem is that 2.0 reaks of rushed design (I mean… the first iteration of 2.0 made it past internal testing, if that’s not proof it was rushed I don’t know what is)

What makes you say that?

No, if you take a non-issue and add an issue to it causing the entire system to be problematic, the obvious and intelligent solution is to go back and remove the issue. Messing with the non-issue will only break the system more.


They are not.
Your the typical guy thinking you’r better than pro.

Balancing is a very difficult thing and it’s not something you can resolve by changing thing in 2 min.

It’s a long work of patience and test (Y live test, prt is useless, for testing, not enough player play seriously on test server, that why lot of time new change come live w/o be touched).

If we listen forum all char would be stupidly OP.
Again, I let them do their job.
They’ve a long story of good video game behind them, I know they would do good thing.
Just be patient, it’s not something you can do fast. They also have lot of other thing to do to keep ppl busy and game alive.
Char balance is not the only factor.

But it’s not resolved by months. And for some heroes - over a year.


Why say lot word when few word do trick?

All jokes aside, Titanium was very correct. The balance team is very bad. I don’t think you remember the Mercy fiasco last year? It highlighted everything that was wrong with Overwatch, with luck solo queue, extremely unbalanced gameplay and no-fun for anyone, while the developers sitted apathetically for several months. Anyone with sanity would have fixed this. Even if it was “difficult” and “long work of patience and test” disabling Mercy would be better for the absolute lowest point Overwatch has ever sunk.

I find people pretending that the devs are ok while not noticing that several characters are useless since the game’s inception, and Mercy rework happened.


No, I’m the typical guy who doesn’t care what the “best” say.

If garbage is what continuously comes out of their mouth and is constantly the result of their efforts, I will call them incompetent, because that is what they are.

Which takes way too long, especially considering how obviously rushed the results are.

The PTR has a 10,000 player limit and none of the data is transferred between live servers and the PTR.

Gee, I wonder why very few players actually use the PTR?

There are two things wrong with your statement:

  • You cannot “listen to the forums” and draw a conclusion of “what the forums want”. There are too many opposing positions to generalize, with the exception of a few specific cases. Therefore, your claim cannot be substantiated, as you don’t even know which proportions of the forum community want what.
  • It is impossible for all characters to be overpowered. Power is relative; therefore, if all heroes were overpowered, math would be broken.

And I let them do their job too; but I won’t hesitate to call BS when I see it, whether it is from other forumers or the developers themselves. Hence this thread.

They released a great game… and proceeded to ruin it.

Character balance today is worse than it was in season 2.

It is something that could and should be moving at least thrice as fast as it currently is.

They have a separate team devoted to balance. New content and lore does not drain resources from balance updates.


Srsly when I read al the answer I just feel like I’m the only one who have play other online video game…
0 game are perfectly balance, that doesn’t not exist.
In every game you gonna have ppl like you who are NEVER happy with anything.

So if you feel good to harassing dev and spamming forum like kid, have fun, like I said, at least that made me laugh.

/last com’

ah dang, i was afraid of that. oh well!

but i agree that being the best at healing doesn’t automatically make her the best healer. however, she is the best healer, because she has the best healing and, like i said, is amongst the best at everything else a healer needs to do. utility, survivability, consistency, she’s as good or better than any other healer in all those categories. the only thing she does worse is dealing damage, and that doesn’t matter. it’s like saying hanzo doesn’t heal, so he must be worse than soldier. it’s nonsensical, because a dps character’s ability to heal hardly impacts their value at all

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But is it unreasonable to expect that balance would at least improve over the course of two years, rather than getting worse?

That’s probable. The fact that our sample (the forums) show widespread discontent isn’t acceptable though.

Some players will always be upset about something just for the sake of being upset, but when this many players are upset something is wrong.

I’d rather have the courage to point out the flaws in the game than go nuts trying to fanboy/fangirl over the game. The former at least works to improve the game.

I’ll give the developers praise when they deserve it.


I disagree with that, especially considering that additional damage/fire support is half the reason Zenyatta is picked. Quite clearly, that’s enough to keep him viable.

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On the other end, Console players repeatedly begged Blizzard to NOT patch Ana’s PC’s nerfs during Season 3 as she was actually the 3rd most picked Support.

They didn’t listen and as a result, Ana became THE worst hero on Console.

It says something that at one point her average win-rate across all-ranks was 38%, not to mention pre-rework Symmetra had a higher pick-rate than her in Grandmaster.


Meanwhile, they also decided to MAJORLY buff Mercy, giving her invincibility frames during Mass Res and a faster Regeneration which quickly solidified her as the best Main-Support on Consoles despite her not needing those buffs in the first place.

With that in mind, I’m not going to be very eager to claim that the balancing team is super competent and that they make optimum changes.

How many times has a hero gotten a massive nerf/buff/rework when they only needed a small sprinkle of fixing?

There’s an analogy I made for Overwatch’s balancing:

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You do know that being a “pro” means literally nothing when it coems to actually balancing the game right? Some might have decent ideas every now and then but it’s not BECAUSE they are pro’s.

Hell maybe Titanium and definitely me have 100% more game development experience then at least half the pro’s, that is to say, any experience at all.

And if you think the Overwatch team aren’t human enough to make mistakes, especially when this is a team comprised of designers who worked on a freaking MMO before it got scrapped with a head designer who’s only experience pre-Overwatch was in the MMO scene (and not even in balance, freaking quest development)

If you think that kind of team being thrown into an FPS style game is going to lend perfect results then you’re deluding yourself, they are human and they are not beyond reproach especially with fiasco’s like this under their belt


Add “Failure to balance PC and consoles separately” to that list.

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This could be solved by making the single target resurrect earned… maybe

This is so well researched and phrased I love it. It’s sad to know that Blizzard will never listen to feed back like this but still.
If a Ultimate can potentially team wipe it should be balanced to have another ultimate potentially team save.
That being said I’d like to be able to cancel a rez like Reaper can cancel his wraith.