We need to discuss Mercy, NOW

Well at a high level, what would that badass thing accomplish?

Healing, Shielding, Damage Boost, Damage?

How are you so sure?
That’s all I hear from my opposition.

“You can’t prove the numbers, so this argument is invalid.”

Can y’all provide any counter numbers? No??? That’s what I thought. -.-

We need to discuss Mercy, NOW

…on an existing thread plz.

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This thread exists, get over it.

Logical fallacy my friend.
A claim which you are making must have evidence for it otherwise you are talking out your backside.
Its not on others to prove you false.

You can have an opinion,but you clearly don’t see it that way, you are making claims.


Mercy’s not getting changed.

Get over it.

Edit: For some added context, this was in response to them saying


I’m not presenting my opinion as fact, though. You are. The burden of proof isn’t on me, it’s on you. I present my opinion as opinion. Try it. You might like it.


With the restrictions of keeping to Mercy’s character themes, and not doing anything that hasn’t already been done before… the options are extremely limited.

:smiley_cat: Besides, we’ve agruged often enough that you know what I’d want for Mercy’s ult. It would have to be heavily reworked (to give it proactive use and proactive counterplay), but the basic concept still enchants me.

Tell me what you think of this

Mass Rez should have been reworked, not deleted

This guy gets it. :slight_smile:

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If you look at the community, especially the support players who liked Mercy, it is blatantly obvious they have an issue wotht the state of Mercy.

I honestly do not undertsand how you do not see this happening.

And if that’s the case, you can’t say “You’re. Wrong” if ya have no proof to counter my claims yourself.

They aren’t reworking her and she shouldn’t even be as strong as she was as she is arguably one of the easiest heroes in the game, especially prerework. She is fine, and I’m sick of all the mercy threads. The general discussion is just one big mercy megathread.


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The community on what? The forum? Thats all we have data on.
I wont bother repeating lol

Boi, I’m representing that people do, in fact, have the opinion that she’s unfun.

Not that it is fact she is unfun.

Again, tbought that’d be obvious considering this type of writing is known as an “Opinion Piece”.

Then stop saying stuff like

That’s not an opinion is it…you are making baseless claims.

Omg, you clearly don’t look around then.

Guess what, pal, you’re missing a lot of people’s perspectives. And I can’t help ya if you’re not willing to look in Google rather than fighting with me.

Here’s a counter fact: People also have the opinion that she is fun and are happy with her playstyle.

Interesting that now you’re claiming it’s an opinion piece after you made several remarks making claims that you couldn’t really back up. This thread honestly could have just been posted in another larger thread.


We have some hard data to support that one.

Check out the "like" count on this bad boy

Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Okay, what do you want to discuss?

So 3.6k likes is representative of the entire playerbase?
Kinda a big leap.

So, perhaps an unnecessarily heated discussion I guess…

My take on Mercy’s (and the other healers) current state:

  • It is absolutely wonderful that the other healers are viable and can be used now. It was terrible and awful for most when Mercy was OP and a must-pick. Diversity is great.
  • Mercy may very well be in the most balanced state that she has ever been in. From a pure balance stand-point this is great.
  • Many consider Mercy bland and boring, this is not great. Any future changes to fix this need to be made very carefully so she won’t become too powerful again. It is not good for a hero to be considered boring. I also note that some also find Mercy fun now, so it may be difficult to please everyone. But perhaps there is a change that all who play Mercy find to be an improvement to her enjoyability. I think most Mercy players find Guardian Angel to be fun to use, and the introduction of the bunny-hop made it more enjoyable. So, perhaps there are other changes like that which could be made in the future after the current dust settles and the meta is established.