We need the ability to customize our comms wheel

For PC, you have the ability to just bind an unused key to the different options you want and it’s all fine and dandy. Those of us on console, however, have a very limited number of buttons available to us, and with most heroes you can only fit 2 or maybe 3 of the new options without giving up a core gameplay button.

We need the ability to get rid of stuff off the comms wheel and put more useful things on it. For instance, nobody actually needs “thanks” on the wheel, or “voice line”. That’s two spots right there that could be used for actual tactical stuff.

Isn’t that exact update on the ptr right now?

Edit: wait no i think it has been released already

You can already customize the wheel on console. My issue is that I want a secondary comms wheel because we don’t have enough buttons to bind everything I want. I want “sorry” and “yes” and “no” without having to get rid of important things already on the wheel, like you said.

We need an additional 4 slots imo

I’m sure you can map any of the voice lines to different keys on your keyboard for super quick access.

If there’s a way to remap the comms wheel, I’m not seeing it. Also,

Learn to read.

How about, instead of a secondary wheel, they make the wheel into a VGS?

Feature Update: Improved Communications Wheel

Added many more communication options so you can customize your interactions in Overwatch! To help you pick your favorites, go to Options, then Controls and scroll down to the Communication Wheel section. From here, you can choose from one of 26 different options for each sector of the wheel. You can change out your choices and swap around their positions within the wheel. Now, you can still tell your team “I Need Healing,” but you can also tell them you are “On My Way” so they should “Press the Attack!”

You can already remove options from the Comms Wheel to replace them with others. I do agree it still feels like it’s not enough for console, though, because we’re limited on extra buttons while there’s 26 communication options for only 8 slots.

Thanks for that. I realize now how I missed it, I thought that section was just for keybinding and didn’t notice the arrows for expanding the menu to choose a different option.