We need anti mobility heroes

Ah ok! Well, you are mentioning scenarios that would allow no mistakes or waste of ammo. If that ever happens repeatedly, yeah, definitely, Sombra would be oppressive as hell. But trying to hack a Winston in his bubble is almost impossible, and not missing a shot is almost nigh impossible with Sombra…I mean she got a spread adjustment of about 10%, not 100%.
Yes, she is way more accurate, but claiming that you can land every shot from an SMG on a moving target is almost ludicrous.

That’s my argument about “a perfect world”. I hope that satisfies your inquiry.

I don’t have a solid state drive, so I imagine I’ll be playing Brigitte in about a month from now… at least able to pick her consistently.


Ah ,you misunderstood me ,I meant the sombra hacking while she’s inside her own winston’s bubble ,not hacking the enemy winston.

And she doesn’t really need to deal a lot of damage, other divers can do that ,she can just make the target absolutely helpless ,damaging is secondary

Ex : hacking any main healer and lucio ,they then have no chance to escape at all

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Sombra stops high mobility heroes, but hey, can’t have Genji or Tracer being NPCs for a few seconds now can we?
Especially now that Brigitte is going to drop? Sombra is never ever going to see the light of day.

A defense character is more likely to be an anti mobility character.

yep, mystery heroes all day when I’m not in comp. Why? because there’s at least a more fair match and people don’t tend to leave after 1 min.

It’s the no penalty for leaving. Which is nice but they need a more structured setup for playing that has no ranking. QP is awful, and it’s why many new players I know never join. They play all the arcade modes and ignore QP.

had 54 hacks while defending the payload they still pushed it. 20 emp, 27 elims. Unless you are playing with a coordinated group hello blizzard!!! Please add guilds/clans something. She doesn’t add enough value with the nerf she will be even worse for 99% of the player base.

I hope this is the case. Mobility has been dominating for too long.

So if dive is still 97% of all games in OWL after Brigitte is out for a while, are you going to do something to balance dive/mobility to not be so prevalent?


I think she’s also good on KOTH.

the problem is that anti mobility characters counter non mobility characters almost the same if not harder

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In higher ranks she’s very inconsistent in any game mode… even in koth really any other hero would be more effective than mei unless there’s that small niche.

Yeah, they should have a hero that can slow and even completely stop a hero in their tracks from close range, and can then kill them right after, with plenty of ammo, as well as being able to block off escape routes and protect themselves and maybe self heal? Oh, and have an ultimate that has an AOE that slows and halts enemys caught in it. That would be a really great anti mobility hero.

oh wait…

How about more, ya know… to counter nearly… half if not more than half of the team cast? Thanks tho, great reply

Good to see papa Jeff here!

btw, recently I came up with a theory that explains why dive or mobility heroes are so strong using a concept called “combat triangle”. Basically it express that combat styles can be summarized into three styles, which are mobility - control - throughput, where they counter each other and forms a dynamic cycle. In current Overwatch, the control style is close to non-existent, and is why mobility is so prevalent.

For a solution I don’t think the new hero should be labeled as “anti-mobility”, rather it should enable a control style comp. A main tank with something like projectile-based AoE slow, root, knockback, and a disengage tool could help. Also, a close-mid range ability-based DPS could also be a good option. Someone with a mage archetype, or image when Moira become a true DPS.

Also if you wanna see my original post, the link is here : /t/why-dive-is-so-strong-introducing-combat-triangle-concept/37002

Ok Jeff, take your medication.

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You guys highly understimate Mcree and roadhog they are both great for countering that even reaper for heros such as winston and dva

Im a Reaper main I don’t know what mobility is

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Don’t forget anything that counters the mobility of dive heroes will be just as oppressive if not more for less mobile heroes, especially shorter range ones like Doomfist or Reaper.

Mobility isn’t an issue, What does need to happen is a 0.5 Second cool down on the stupid space bar jump button.