We need anti mobility heroes

Thanks Jeff. I have been enjoying her kit a lot! That hasn’t happened in some time. :smiley:

I would rather not have more mei-like characters in the game. She sucks the fun out of everything.

Well, Brigette is deadly at closer range. With her stun and stuff. She reduces sombra , tracer and reapers’ damage by half. Soldier and pharah are the only offense heroes that have mobility AND are effective at longer range. Meaning when there are too many sheilds they are kinda less effective.

We have Mei for this. I don’t think something like “creep” from StarCraft or color from Splatoon is the way to go, since it will affect ALL heroes that enter the area, not only the fast characters.

Also I think it’s hard to balance a hero like this, since they will take either too much or too little effort for a huge advantage in a fight over their “creep”.

If anything I think a rework of Mei would be a lot more in line of what you’re looking for. She has huge problems actually slowing Tracers and Genjis, which she should be a counter to. It’s simply too easy to escape as Tracer or Genji, but I don’t think nerfing those is the way to go. Rather change Mei to be able to slow easier.

Also I think you have to take into account that we actually need more mobility characters. If you have a “shield deathball” today like 4 tanks + Moira, Lucio. It’s really hard to break other than bringing a Junkrat.
I don’t think a barrier war is something that should be “the meta”. Dive, makes this setup less effective, which it should. You need mobility setups to distract “non-dive” setups. The only problem is that to counter dive, you need dive. Hopefully a setup with like Orisa, Roadhog, McCree, Junkrat/Reaper/Mei/Torbjörn, Ana and Brigitte will counter dive.

However, I think the game right now is very balanced. Especially with Brigitte on live.

If anything, rather than nerfing Tracer. Blizzard should take a further look at Reaper/Mei/Torbjörn/Symmetra/Hanzo, these heroes should counter dive, but really doesn’t.

I can’t think of any reasonable fix for this, but another huge problem with heros with no mobility is just getting them back to point. Ana already sucks, but if you are defending first with her and die, have fun walking all the way back.

If you are Moira not only can you survive being jumped by tanks, but you can get back to point while the fight is still going on.

If we had a hero who had long ranged snares then that would work. If mei could start freezing people with her icicles that might help.

Orisa’s Halt and Sym’s turrets provide a slow down effect on mobility but these two are countered by Mobility Abilities.

Both of these abilities are designed to slow down a target who comes within range of them, but are countered by those with a Mobility Ability of any sort.

I think what the OG was talking about, is having Abilities in the can specifically designed around countering mobility abilities. Not just mobility (Like Sym turrets and Halt) and not every ability (Like Sombra’s Hack, or the various Stuns in-game) but actively working against Mobility Abilities themselves.

Mei’s Wall is a good example of this. It doesn’t necessarily keep a character from moving as fast as they do but can be used to block movement abilities of at least some of the Cast. It has it’s counters and isn’t usable in all circumstances (nor should it be) but building on this sort of functionality would be a better solution than attempting to affect Mobility Abilities while also keeping All other abilities safe.

Example - An ability that causes damage to Targets whenever they move faster than the standard for that Hero. Something like discord orb (with a much higher cooldown and more difficult application process). A small detonation device or even a poison designed around heightened adrenaline etc. You get the idea.

Or a Life Link chain that connects two enemy heroes together. If they get too far from one another, both start taking damage until they return to within a certain range of one another or until the ability ends. Not as useful on a support and their tank but you could really hamper Flankers this way by attaching them to a long range sniper and make the use of their Movement Ability far more limited.

There are options out there, some more radical than others and I think given time and the more heroes that emerge, we’ll begin to see these options emerge more.

It’s funny how they added Brigitte to supposedly counter dive comp but in reality it’s more like a rein counter.
She has the same weaknesses reinhardt has, yet she counters his entire kit.

She is good with and against slow comps but dive comp is unaffected by Brigitte because she cannot reach those heroes for most of the duration of a game.
If she can’t hit anybody, she is not healing nor contributing to the team, so in the end we are back were we started.

Good luck shield bashing or reaching to hit a smart genji or tracer that stay at mid range as they should and only engage close combat to finish off targets or ulti. Heck they could even just ignore Brigitte completely and go for the next most vulnerable target.

Dive as a comp is dominating because mobility is king in this game and some heroes like tracer,genji and dva have it all. Both great mobility, damage output and defensive/out of jail measures that allows them to engage and focus someone whenever they feel like it, with no commitment.
There’s a reason at the highest level of play we only see the same heroes and dive being played.

TL;DR Brigitte does not counter dive. Dive counters her.

Hey papa Jeff.

Extra high mobility is a huge problem and should be your primary concern for the futur of ow. I don’t think you can solve that with a counter hero. I know it’s like asking for a different game but you and your team should do everything to slow down the gameplay. Ofc Extra high mobility is fun … it’s super fun… but it’s not healthy for the game, it denies half of the map design interest.

Well, the real problem is, how do you counter mobility without countering the things that don’t have mobility even harder? Like, the knee jerk reaction is to buff things like Torb’s turret since they obviously don’t care how quick you are, they auto-aim, but then they just dominate the people who can’t get out of its LoS even more than the people you were trying to counter.

So when you come up with an idea that counters JUST mobility without setting off all of the whiners who cried hack into a nerf, you let me know.

Roadhog was Anti-Mobility before he got gutted.

Why not a support hero who directly punishes going all in on mobility? For example one who’s speciality is controlling gravity? A large aura passive or targeted that keeps enemies on the ground/prevents climbing/dashing/moving faster combined with a targeted ability like a Zen’s orb that slightly heals an ally + increases their walking speed and jump height to be high enough to get up on top of objects or escape quickly. An ult that increases gravity in an area of effect preventing all characters from moving/pulling them to the ground? I’m sure there are tons of cool ideas that can come out of a brainstorming session.

we already have sombra and brigitte just hack them and they’re useless

we have to wait and see for Brigitte. But the thing is, since Sombra is in the meta currently, or at least was before this week’s patches, why were mobility heroes still used nonetheless? People still played Dive, genji, tracer, etc.

Brigitte is stupidly effective against Tracers and Genjis.
She’s such a pain to deal with that I’m honestly not even sure if she’s OP or not.
She definitely FEELS like she’s too powerful in 1v1 combat for a character who is suppose to be a support - especially since she deals cleave damage and her shield bash is effectively a better Mccree stun with a much lower cooldown.

How do people still act like Roadhog is somehow in a bad state?

He can still do his job and he can still 1 shot once you learn how to pull it off. He also can 1 shot many off a cliff like lucio can boop etc.

Roadhog is fine!

Brigitte is not effective vs Tracer because her stun is way too short. A good Tracer can and will (as I have already seen) stay away from a Brigitte or let you stun thin air then go in.

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I would except she is not available in comp yet.

I guess pushing a broken hero is a lot easier than fixing flashbang amirite?

i kind of have to disagree here. as a tracer who has pretty much gone up against a Brig in every QP match i have played this week. She is dangerous. Sure I could dance around most of them and still do work, but there were a couple Brig players that were very good at keeping me zoned out and made it hard for me to attack their back line.

Now I am by no means a god tier tracer, but i do okay. I’m just saying i think the potential is there once people get better at playing her.

You have to play around a brigitte like how you would versus a mccree. and tracer still is one of the most effective dps even with hook… flashbang… etc. doubt it would change anything.

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