We need answers now

Maybe maybe not. I’d agree that they aren’t transparent but it’s been pretty obvious what they’re doing.

The forum community mostly complains endlessly about how high skill cap characters shouldn’t have an advantage. So we get a nerfed Ana, an overbuffed Mercy, Moira, a Sombra buff, then Brigitte.

It’s obvious the devs are doing all that they can to shift the meta away from dive even if the lower tiered players aren’t playing dive. They also want to give supports easy to use options to discourage flankers. Not everyone is going to like that but many people do.

Dude i get what you’re saying but you’re wording it in a way that is easy to be like “i hate this game its trash”. Point out how characters like phara, junkrat, and moira just dont work at lower ranks and how the devs could and should acknowledge this and what you think would be best.

Then they need to get back into talking more.

They main Mercy and Junkrat… It’s hilarious that you don’t get how much you’re projecting your own views on what they’re actually trying to say.

Then you and all your friends need to stop complaining

Hint: It won’t happen because someone gets countered and suddenly it’s the end of the world.

Again, they don’t have to tell us anything. We aren’t their bosses. It’s their game. They can do what they want with it.

I like this game and thats why I am upset. I want people to have fun and enjoy it and the devs are being sluggish and unresponsive.

IDK if a role queue would actually fix anything. but i don’t know if it would hurt either. you could make the role queue hidden. Maybe you just check your preferred role before you queue and are matched based on 2/2/2. This role selection isn’t displayed to your team and there is no hero selection limitation besides the normal stuff. So you can still do other comps, but it gives you a better chance at a balanced comp.

I actually don’t main junkrat. In comp i’m a die hard mercy main but i flex with tanks.

Do you feel characters like Pharah, Junkrat and Moira just don’t work at lower ranks? Because that is what the other person feels your topic is really about.

They work fine tbh. The only heros i think need buffs are bastion,mercy,ana,sombra and maybe doomfist.

I think that can be seen as the problem the devs shouldnt be trying to control the meta they should be trying to make it so that multiple acceptable strategies are in the game not one that is seen and “meta”. I mean the only way to replace a meta is to make something litterally more annoying. In this case we’re moving towards no aim and so much cc that you may as well stand still at a certain point.

Im gettin there but still little lost explain further plz.

WOW you named 1 hero that needs a buff the rest are you asking to break the game dude.

I already made a post about that earlier. About how their meta direction is hurting the game.

Read their above post. I know that you think the easy to play high effectiveness heroes are a problem in this game but Cascadia doesn’t think that. You were telling me that their point was valid earlier when that wasn’t their point at all.

They’re talking about communication and role queue. The role queue most people do not agree with so it’s hard to be mad at Blizzard for not implementing something that only a small subset of people want or think would actually improve the game.

I do agree with Cascadia about communication, there are a lot of things I’d love for the devs to just come right out and say. Like “easy to play but effective characters have a place in this game” or “harder to play high skill ceiling characters like Genji and Tracer will not be nerfed even if the community cries about them”.

I see you’re getting it now. This is why projection is bad.

Most easy to play heros I know of still take skill. Just a different kind. You can tell the difference between a good mercy and a bad mercy or junkrat sym torb.

Better to Avoid uncooperative one tricks and force them to queue with each other. A Symmetra one trick taking up a support slot is not going to improve toxicity or attitudes.

I never asked them to break the game. You made that up. I listed heros that are weak and could use different degrees of buffing.

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I agree and I usually don’t have a problem with those characters. What other people complain about is when an easy to play characters “easiness” gives them more output and value than a character who is much harder to play.

Like Moira’s aiming + self heal in lower ranks being enough of a crutch that it beats hitscan players who can’t aim at lower tiers. Or the overpowered version of Mercy being categorically better than all of the other supports while being simpler to play. Or Moira and Mercy being better options than Ana even in the hands of a skilled player.

I somewhat agree. they shouldn’t be more powerful than other heros but they shouldn’t have any less of an impact or be any weaker than other heros.

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You realy should stop playing OW when its upsets you that mutch … and just to say it i think you are wrong.