We need answers now

People are getting fed up with your vague PR responses and stalling Blizzard. We need honest answers and actions to fix the problems in the game because there are some really big ones and we are sick of it. Balance is a mess, Ranked is broken and all you ever say is “we dont want to force the meta” or “we are deciding on it”. Well that’s what PTR is for isn’t it? To test things out or is PTR a joke? It’s time to stop evading problems and doing sloppy band aid fix fixes and address the problems.


Tell us of these glaring problems in the game. Does one of them happen to be your dissatisfaction with Mercy?


That’s small compared with ranked being a mess.

Someone doesn’t understand the difference between need and want…they don’t NEED to give us anything you WANT


Care to explain to us the overwhelming problems with ranked mode at the Silver competitive level?


Yeah and we NEED answers.

I’m not upset about my rank. I’m upset with how matchmaking is currently unbalanced and needs things such as roll queue. Every time people ask for ranked to be reworked or fixed blizzard simply makes excuses and never addresses problems.

they have made big changes for every season man!

oh wait, wrong game, sorry


See, now you’re actually putting forth things we can talk about. I kinda imagine it would be against the spirit of the game to institute a role queue as it’s heart relies in people switching. Furthermore at the Diamond level they’ve removed individual SR gain based on stats so they want people switching.

I don’t think role queue fixes the problems some people have and it institutes even more problems for certain one trick players that the forums loves to defend. I would however like a LFG and guild system to help form teams.


I legitimately thought this was gonna be an uprising speculation thread when I opened it


The reality is people don’t switch though and blizzard has to face that its more fun to play what you want rather than switch. It’s fantasy to think people are always gonna switch so roll queue would make it better.

Try lack of community tools like clans, and role queuing. Dead silence on balance for heroes like Sombra and her dropping pick rate, Bastion being ignored for eons. And yes, even things being unfun like Mercy.

Yes they don’t and a roll queue could potentially make this situation worse. Your stated role is a healer but now the team needs some extra firepower? No, stay as Mercy it’s what your picked roll was, how dare you defy it.

They didn’t want to ban one tricks and gave us an avoid teammate option, I don’t think they’re going to “force” anymore than that.

At your level in comp or QP you should just be focusing on your own mechanics and trying to climb, role queue isn’t going to help your experiences any more than finding a set of reliable people to play with yourself.


My friends and I switch all the time to counter the enemy team. If we roll out with reaper, junk, rein and orisa and see pharmercy and you’re going to tell me we can’t swap to hit scan? The game would be entirely ruined. Not to mention that “DPS” would have to encompass defense heroes too, so that isn’t going to fix your comps where your two dps slots are Doomfist and Attack Torb.

Roll queue just can’t work with OW. If you had it for a week I guarantee you’d hate it, there’s so much you’re not considering, far too many consequences of it that you’re not seeing.


Then that’s extremely lazy of them to just let ranked become more and more toxic and unfun because of one tricks when roll queue would let one tricks have their fun without hurting anybody. One tricks are gonna be around no matter what because its fun.

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Yes and they’ll be around even with roll queue. Roll queue is not going to solve the problem of people picking who they want.

Picking whatever character you want is baked into the game.

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And so those consequences are? You cant just say that without backing up your claim. OW has a massive lack of ranked tools such as clans and roll queue as someone said earlier. Blizzard needs to take lessons from other games on how to do ranked right. OW isn’t “special” despite what the devs think.

Roll queue is not needed and is a bad idea.

Blizzard doesn’t have to tell us anything. Be grateful for the communication they do give us.

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It would stop the problems of picking what you want hurting other players.

I didn’t realize that overwatch had been out for an eon. Ya know, a billion years.

Think you meant “feels like an eon” despite that he had received some buffs then nerfs not too long ago. So, obviously not ignored just not accomplished yet.